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angular.scenario.dsl 'contenteditable', ->
(name) ->
@name = name
enter: (value) ->
@addFutureAction "contenteditable '#{@name}' enter '#{value}'"
, ($window, $document, done) ->
elmt = $document.elements @name
elmt.text value
elmt.trigger 'input'
html: (args...) ->
futureName =
if args.length == 0
"contenteditable '#{@name}' html"
"contenteditable '#{@name}' set html to '#{args[0]}'"
@addFutureAction futureName
, ($window, $document, done) ->
elmt = $document.elements @name
elmt.html args
elmt.trigger 'input'
done(null, elmt.html(args))
angular.scenario.dsl 'scope', ->
(ctrl, arg = null) ->
futureName =
if !arg?
"scope in Controller '#{ctrl}'"
else if typeof arg == 'function'
"executing 'scope.$apply(#{arg})' in Controller '#{ctrl}'"
"scope variable '#{arg}' in Controller '#{ctrl}'"
@addFutureAction futureName
, ($window, $document, done) ->
elmt = $window.$ "[ng-controller='#{ctrl}']"
return done("No Controller #{ctrl}") unless elmt?
sc = elmt.scope()
return done(null, sc) unless arg?
if typeof arg == 'string'
parts = arg.split '.'
for p in parts
sc = sc[p]
done(null, sc)
else if typeof arg == 'function'
sc.$apply -> arg(sc)
done "don't understand argument #{arg}"
describe 'radians', ->
describe 'contenteditable', ->
describe 'simple application', ->
beforeEach ->
browser().navigateTo 'base/test/fixtures/simple.html'
it 'should update the model from the view (simple text)', ->
expect(element('#input').html()).toBe 'abc'
expect(scope('Ctrl', 'model')).toBe 'abc'
expect(element('#output').html()).toBe 'abc'
it 'should update the model from the view (text with spans)', ->
contenteditable('#input').html('abc <span style="color:red">red</span>')
expect(scope('Ctrl', 'model')).toBe 'abc <span style="color:red">red</span>'
expect(element('#input span').html()).toBe 'red'
expect(element('#output').html()).toBe 'abc &lt;span style="color:red"&gt;red&lt;/span&gt;'
it 'should update the view from the model', ->
expect(scope('Ctrl', 'model')).toBe 'Initial stuff <b>with bold</b> <em>and italic</em> yay'
scope('Ctrl', ($scope) -> $scope.model = 'oops')
expect(scope('Ctrl', 'model')).toBe 'oops'
expect(element('#input').html()).toBe 'oops'
scope('Ctrl', ($scope) -> $scope.model = 'a <span style="color:red">red</span> b')
expect(element('#input').html()).toBe 'a <span style="color:red">red</span> b'
expect(element('#input span').html()).toBe 'red'
## Why doesn't it work on this one??!!
# expect(element('#output').html()).toBe 'oops'