You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
4.7 KiB

package cmd
import (
// List displays notes matching a set of criteria.
type List struct {
Format string `group:format short:f placeholder:TEMPLATE help:"Pretty print the list using a custom template or one of the predefined formats: oneline, short, medium, long, full, json, jsonl."`
Header string `group:format help:"Arbitrary text printed at the start of the list."`
Footer string `group:format default:\n help:"Arbitrary text printed at the end of the list."`
Delimiter string "group:format short:d default:\n help:\"Print notes delimited by the given separator.\""
Delimiter0 bool "group:format short:0 name:delimiter0 help:\"Print notes delimited by ASCII NUL characters. This is useful when used in conjunction with `xargs -0`.\""
NoPager bool `group:format short:P help:"Do not pipe output into a pager."`
Quiet bool `group:format short:q help:"Do not print the total number of notes found."`
func (cmd *List) Run(container *cli.Container) error {
cmd.Header = strings.ExpandWhitespaceLiterals(cmd.Header)
cmd.Footer = strings.ExpandWhitespaceLiterals(cmd.Footer)
cmd.Delimiter = strings.ExpandWhitespaceLiterals(cmd.Delimiter)
if cmd.Delimiter0 {
if cmd.Delimiter != "\n" {
return errors.New("--delimiter and --delimiter0 can't be used together")
if cmd.Header != "" {
return errors.New("--footer and --delimiter0 can't be used together")
if cmd.Footer != "\n" {
return errors.New("--footer and --delimiter0 can't be used together")
cmd.Delimiter = "\x00"
cmd.Footer = "\x00"
if cmd.Format == "json" || cmd.Format == "jsonl" {
if cmd.Header != "" {
return errors.New("--header can't be used with JSON format")
if cmd.Footer != "\n" {
return errors.New("--footer can't be used with JSON format")
if cmd.Delimiter != "\n" {
return errors.New("--delimiter can't be used with JSON format")
switch cmd.Format {
case "json":
cmd.Delimiter = ","
cmd.Header = "["
cmd.Footer = "]\n"
case "jsonl":
// > The last character in the file may be a line separator, and it
// > will be treated the same as if there was no line separator
// > present.
// >
cmd.Footer = "\n"
notebook, err := container.CurrentNotebook()
if err != nil {
return err
format, err := notebook.NewNoteFormatter(cmd.noteTemplate())
if err != nil {
return err
findOpts, err := cmd.Filtering.NewNoteFindOpts(notebook)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "incorrect criteria")
notes, err := notebook.FindNotes(findOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
filter := container.NewNoteFilter(fzf.NoteFilterOpts{
Interactive: cmd.Interactive,
AlwaysFilter: false,
NotebookDir: notebook.Path,
notes, err = filter.Apply(notes)
if err != nil {
if err == fzf.ErrCancelled {
return nil
return err
count := len(notes)
if count > 0 {
err = container.Paginate(cmd.NoPager, func(out io.Writer) error {
if cmd.Header != "" {
fmt.Fprint(out, cmd.Header)
for i, note := range notes {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(out, cmd.Delimiter)
ft, err := format(note)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprint(out, ft)
if cmd.Footer != "" {
fmt.Fprint(out, cmd.Footer)
return nil
if err == nil && !cmd.Quiet {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nFound %d %s\n", count, strings.Pluralize("note", count))
return err
func (cmd *List) noteTemplate() string {
format := cmd.Format
if format == "" {
format = "short"
templ, ok := defaultNoteFormats[format]
if !ok {
templ = strings.ExpandWhitespaceLiterals(format)
return templ
var defaultNoteFormats = map[string]string{
"json": `{{json .}}`,
"jsonl": `{{json .}}`,
"path": `{{path}}`,
"link": `{{link}}`,
"oneline": `{{style "title" title}} {{style "path" path}} ({{format-date created "elapsed"}})`,
"short": `{{style "title" title}} {{style "path" path}} ({{format-date created "elapsed"}})
{{list snippets}}`,
"medium": `{{style "title" title}} {{style "path" path}}
Created: {{format-date created "short"}}
{{list snippets}}`,
"long": `{{style "title" title}} {{style "path" path}}
Created: {{format-date created "short"}}
Modified: {{format-date modified "short"}}
{{list snippets}}`,
"full": `{{style "title" title}} {{style "path" path}}
Created: {{format-date created "short"}}
Modified: {{format-date modified "short"}}
Tags: {{join tags ", "}}
{{prepend " " body}}