You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

211 lines
6.1 KiB

$ zk init --no-input 2> /dev/null
>Initialized a notebook in {{working-dir}}
# Test default config.
$ cat .zk/config.toml
># zk configuration file
># Uncomment the properties you want to customize.
># Defines the default options used when generating new notes.
># Language used when writing notes.
># This is used to generate slugs or with date formats.
>#language = "en"
># The default title used for new note, if no `--title` flag is provided.
>#default-title = "Untitled"
># Template used to generate a note's filename, without extension.
>#filename = "\{{id}}"
># The file extension used for the notes.
>#extension = "md"
># Template used to generate a note's content.
># If not an absolute path, it is relative to .zk/templates/
>template = ""
># Path globs ignored while indexing existing notes.
>#ignore = [
># "drafts/*",
># ""
># Configure random ID generation.
># The charset used for random IDs. You can use:
># * letters: only letters from a to z.
># * numbers: 0 to 9
># * alphanum: letters + numbers
># * hex: hexadecimal, from a to f and 0 to 9
># * custom string: will use any character from the provided value
>#id-charset = "alphanum"
># Length of the generated IDs.
>#id-length = 4
># Letter case for the random IDs, among lower, upper or mixed.
>#id-case = "lower"
># A dictionary of variables you can use for any custom values when generating
># new notes. They are accessible in templates with \{{extra.<key>}}
>#key = "value"
># You can override global settings from [note] and [extra] for a particular
># group of notes by declaring a [group."<name>"] section.
># Specify the list of directories which will automatically belong to the group
># with the optional `paths` property.
># Omitting `paths` is equivalent to providing a single path equal to the name of
># the group. This can be useful to quickly declare a group by the name of the
># directory it applies to.
>#paths = ["<DIR1>", "<DIR2>"]
>#filename = "\{{format-date now}}"
>#key = "value"
># Format used to generate links between notes.
># Either "wiki", "markdown" or a custom template. Default is "markdown".
>link-format = "wiki"
># Indicates whether a link's path will be percent-encoded.
># Defaults to true for "markdown" format and false for "wiki" format.
>#link-encode-path = true
># Indicates whether a link's path file extension will be removed.
># Defaults to true.
>#link-drop-extension = true
># Enable support for #hashtags.
>hashtags = true
># Enable support for :colon:separated:tags:.
>colon-tags = false
># Enable support for Bear's #multi-word tags#
># Hashtags must be enabled for multi-word tags to work.
>multiword-tags = false
># Default editor used to open notes. When not set, the EDITOR or VISUAL
># environment variables are used.
>#editor = "vim"
># Pager used to scroll through long output. If you want to disable paging
># altogether, set it to an empty string "".
>#pager = "less -FIRX"
># Command used to preview a note during interactive fzf mode.
># Set it to an empty string "" to disable preview.
># bat is a great tool to render Markdown document with syntax highlighting.
>#fzf-preview = "bat -p --color always {-1}"
># LSP
># Configure basic editor integration for LSP-compatible editors.
># See
># Each diagnostic can have for value: none, hint, info, warning, error
># Report titles of wiki-links as hints.
>#wiki-title = "hint"
># Warn for dead links between notes.
>dead-link = "error"
># Customize the completion pop-up of your LSP client.
># Show the note title in the completion pop-up, or fallback on its path if empty.
>#note-label = ""
># Filter out the completion pop-up using the note title or its path.
>#note-filter-text = " "
># Show the note filename without extension as detail.
>#note-detail = ""
># A named filter is a set of note filtering options used frequently together.
># Matches the notes created the last two weeks. For example:
># $ zk list recents --limit 15
># $ zk edit recents --interactive
>#recents = "--sort created- --created-after 'last two weeks'"
># Aliases are user commands called with `zk <alias> [<flags>] [<args>]`.
># The alias will be executed with `$SHELL -c`, please refer to your shell's
># man page to see the available syntax. In most shells:
># * $@ can be used to expand all the provided flags and arguments
># * you can pipe commands together with the usual | character
># Here are a few aliases to get you started.
># Shortcut to a command.
>#ls = "zk list $@"
># Default flags for an existing command.
>#list = "zk list --quiet $@"
># Edit the last modified note.
>#editlast = "zk edit --limit 1 --sort modified- $@"
># Edit the notes selected interactively among the notes created the last two weeks.
># This alias doesn't take any argument, so we don't use $@.
>#recent = "zk edit --sort created- --created-after 'last two weeks' --interactive"
># Print paths separated with colons for the notes found with the given
># arguments. This can be useful to expand a complex search query into a flag
># taking only paths. For example:
># zk list --link-to "`zk path -m potatoe`"
>#path = "zk list --quiet --format \{{path}} --delimiter , $@"
># Show a random note.
>#lucky = "zk list --quiet --format full --sort random --limit 1"
># Returns the Git history for the notes found with the given arguments.
># Note the use of a pipe and the location of $@.
>#hist = "zk list --format path --delimiter0 --quiet $@ | xargs -t -0 git log --patch --"
># Edit this configuration file.
>#conf = '$EDITOR "$ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR/.zk/config.toml"'
# Test default template.
$ cat .zk/templates/
># \{{title}}