You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

344 lines
8.8 KiB

package sqlite
import (
strutil ""
// NoteIndex persists note indexing results in the SQLite database.
// It implements the port core.NoteIndex and acts as a facade to the DAOs.
type NoteIndex struct {
notebookPath string
db *DB
dao *dao
logger util.Logger
type dao struct {
notes *NoteDAO
links *LinkDAO
collections *CollectionDAO
metadata *MetadataDAO
func NewNoteIndex(notebookPath string, db *DB, logger util.Logger) *NoteIndex {
return &NoteIndex{
notebookPath: notebookPath,
db: db,
logger: logger,
// Find implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) Find(opts core.NoteFindOpts) (notes []core.ContextualNote, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
notes, err = dao.notes.Find(opts)
return err
// FindMinimal implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) FindMinimal(opts core.NoteFindOpts) (notes []core.MinimalNote, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
notes, err = dao.notes.FindMinimal(opts)
return err
// FindLinkMatch implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) FindLinkMatch(baseDir string, href string, linkType core.LinkType) (id core.NoteID, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
id, err = ni.findLinkMatch(dao, baseDir, href, linkType)
return err
func (ni *NoteIndex) findLinkMatch(dao *dao, baseDir string, href string, linkType core.LinkType) (core.NoteID, error) {
if strutil.IsURL(href) {
return 0, nil
id, _ := ni.findPathMatch(dao, baseDir, href)
if id.IsValid() {
return id, nil
allowPartialMatch := (linkType == core.LinkTypeWikiLink)
return dao.notes.FindIdByHref(href, allowPartialMatch)
func (ni *NoteIndex) findPathMatch(dao *dao, baseDir string, href string) (core.NoteID, error) {
href, err := ni.relNotebookPath(baseDir, href)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return dao.notes.FindIdByHref(href, false)
// FindLinksBetweenNotes implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) FindLinksBetweenNotes(ids []core.NoteID) (links []core.ResolvedLink, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
links, err = dao.links.FindBetweenNotes(ids)
return err
// FindCollections implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) FindCollections(kind core.CollectionKind, sorters []core.CollectionSorter) (collections []core.Collection, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
collections, err = dao.collections.FindAll(kind, sorters)
return err
// IndexedPaths implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) IndexedPaths() (metadata <-chan paths.Metadata, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
metadata, err = dao.notes.Indexed()
return err
err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get indexed notes")
// Add implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) Add(note core.Note) (id core.NoteID, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
id, err = dao.notes.Add(note)
if err != nil {
return err
note.ID = id
err = ni.addLinks(dao, id, note.Links)
if err != nil {
return err
err = ni.fixExistingLinks(dao, note.ID, note.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
return ni.associateTags(dao.collections, id, note.Tags)
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "%v: failed to index the note", note.Path)
// fixExistingLinks will go over all indexed links and update their target to
// the given id if they match the given path better than their current
// targetPath.
func (ni *NoteIndex) fixExistingLinks(dao *dao, id core.NoteID, path string) error {
links, err := dao.links.FindInternal()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, link := range links {
// To find the best match possible, shortest paths take precedence.
// See
if link.TargetPath != "" && len(link.TargetPath) < len(path) {
if matches, err := ni.linkMatchesPath(link, path); matches && err == nil {
err = dao.links.SetTargetID(link.ID, id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// linkMatchesPath returns whether the given link can be used to reach the
// given note path.
func (ni *NoteIndex) linkMatchesPath(link core.ResolvedLink, path string) (bool, error) {
// Remove any anchor at the end of the HREF, since it's most likely
// matching a sub-section in the note.
href := strings.SplitN(link.Href, "#", 2)[0]
matchString := func(pattern string, s string) bool {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
return reg.MatchString(s)
matches := func(href string, allowPartialHref bool) bool {
href = regexp.QuoteMeta(href)
if allowPartialHref {
if matchString("^(.*/)?[^/]*"+href+"[^/]*$", path) {
return true
if matchString(".*"+href+".*", path) {
return true
return matchString("^(?:"+href+"[^/]*|"+href+"/.+)$", path)
baseDir := filepath.Dir(link.SourcePath)
if relHref, err := ni.relNotebookPath(baseDir, href); err != nil {
if matches(relHref, false) {
return true, nil
allowPartialMatch := (link.Type == core.LinkTypeWikiLink)
return matches(href, allowPartialMatch), nil
// relNotebookHref makes the given href (which is relative to baseDir) relative
// to the notebook root instead.
func (ni *NoteIndex) relNotebookPath(baseDir string, href string) (string, error) {
path := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(baseDir, href))
path, err := filepath.Rel(ni.notebookPath, path)
return path,
errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to make href relative to the notebook: %s", href)
// Update implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) Update(note core.Note) error {
err := ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
id, err := dao.notes.Update(note)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reset links
err = dao.links.RemoveAll(id)
if err != nil {
return err
err = ni.addLinks(dao, id, note.Links)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reset tags
err = dao.collections.RemoveAssociations(id)
if err != nil {
return err
return ni.associateTags(dao.collections, id, note.Tags)
return errors.Wrapf(err, "%v: failed to update note index", note.Path)
func (ni *NoteIndex) associateTags(collections *CollectionDAO, noteId core.NoteID, tags []string) error {
for _, tag := range tags {
tagId, err := collections.FindOrCreate(core.CollectionKindTag, tag)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = collections.Associate(noteId, tagId)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ni *NoteIndex) addLinks(dao *dao, id core.NoteID, links []core.Link) error {
resolvedLinks, err := ni.resolveLinkNoteIDs(dao, id, links)
if err != nil {
return err
return dao.links.Add(resolvedLinks)
func (ni *NoteIndex) resolveLinkNoteIDs(dao *dao, sourceID core.NoteID, links []core.Link) ([]core.ResolvedLink, error) {
resolvedLinks := []core.ResolvedLink{}
for _, link := range links {
targetID, err := ni.findLinkMatch(dao, "" /* base dir */, link.Href, link.Type)
if err != nil {
return resolvedLinks, err
resolvedLinks = append(resolvedLinks, core.ResolvedLink{
Link: link,
SourceID: sourceID,
TargetID: targetID,
return resolvedLinks, nil
// Remove implements core.NoteIndex
func (ni *NoteIndex) Remove(path string) error {
err := ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
return dao.notes.Remove(path)
return errors.Wrapf(err, "%v: failed to remove note from index", path)
// Commit implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) Commit(transaction func(idx core.NoteIndex) error) error {
return ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
return transaction(&NoteIndex{
db: ni.db,
dao: dao,
logger: ni.logger,
// NeedsReindexing implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) NeedsReindexing() (needsReindexing bool, err error) {
err = ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
res, err := dao.metadata.Get(reindexingRequiredKey)
needsReindexing = (res == "true")
return err
// SetNeedsReindexing implements core.NoteIndex.
func (ni *NoteIndex) SetNeedsReindexing(needsReindexing bool) error {
return ni.commit(func(dao *dao) error {
value := "false"
if needsReindexing {
value = "true"
return dao.metadata.Set(reindexingRequiredKey, value)
func (ni *NoteIndex) commit(transaction func(dao *dao) error) error {
if ni.dao != nil {
return transaction(ni.dao)
} else {
return ni.db.WithTransaction(func(tx Transaction) error {
dao := dao{
notes: NewNoteDAO(tx, ni.logger),
links: NewLinkDAO(tx, ni.logger),
collections: NewCollectionDAO(tx, ni.logger),
metadata: NewMetadataDAO(tx),
return transaction(&dao)