You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
3.3 KiB

package core
import (
strutil ""
// NoteParser parses a note on the file system into a Note model.
type NoteParser interface {
ParseNoteAt(absPath string) (*Note, error)
// NoteContentParser parses a note's raw content into its components.
type NoteContentParser interface {
ParseNoteContent(content string) (*NoteContent, error)
// NoteContent holds the data parsed from the note content.
type NoteContent struct {
// Title is the heading of the note.
Title opt.String
// Lead is the opening paragraph or section of the note.
Lead opt.String
// Body is the content of the note, including the Lead but without the Title.
Body opt.String
// Tags is the list of tags found in the note content.
Tags []string
// Links is the list of outbound links found in the note.
Links []Link
// Additional metadata. For example, extracted from a YAML frontmatter.
Metadata map[string]interface{}
// ParseNoteAt implements NoteParser.
func (n *Notebook) ParseNoteAt(absPath string) (*Note, error) {
wrap := errors.Wrapper(absPath)
content, err := n.fs.Read(absPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err)
return n.ParseNoteWithContent(absPath, content)
func (n *Notebook) ParseNoteWithContent(absPath string, content []byte) (*Note, error) {
wrap := errors.Wrapper(absPath)
relPath, err := n.RelPath(absPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err)
contentStr := string(content)
contentParts, err := n.parser.ParseNoteContent(contentStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err)
note := Note{
Path: relPath,
Title: contentParts.Title.String(),
Lead: contentParts.Lead.String(),
Body: contentParts.Body.String(),
RawContent: contentStr,
WordCount: len(strings.Fields(contentStr)),
Links: make([]Link, 0),
Tags: contentParts.Tags,
Metadata: contentParts.Metadata,
Checksum: fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256(content)),
for _, link := range contentParts.Links {
if !strutil.IsURL(link.Href) {
// Make the href relative to the notebook root.
href := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(absPath), link.Href)
link.Href, err = n.RelPath(href)
if err != nil {
note.Links = append(note.Links, link)
times, err := times.Stat(absPath)
if err == nil {
note.Modified = times.ModTime().UTC()
note.Created = creationDateFrom(note.Metadata, times)
return &note, nil
func creationDateFrom(metadata map[string]interface{}, times times.Timespec) time.Time {
// Read the creation date from the YAML frontmatter `date` key.
if dateVal, ok := metadata["date"]; ok {
if dateStr, ok := dateVal.(string); ok {
if time, err := iso8601.ParseString(dateStr); err == nil {
return time
// Omitting the `T` is common
if time, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", dateStr); err == nil {
return time
if time, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04", dateStr); err == nil {
return time
if times.HasBirthTime() {
return times.BirthTime().UTC()
return time.Now().UTC()