You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

179 lines
4.7 KiB

package strings
import (
func TestPrepend(t *testing.T) {
test := func(text string, prefix string, expected string) {
assert.Equal(t, Prepend(text, prefix), expected)
test("", "> ", "")
test("One line", "> ", "> One line")
test("One line\nTwo lines", "> ", "> One line\n> Two lines")
test("One line\nTwo lines\nThree lines", "> ", "> One line\n> Two lines\n> Three lines")
test("Newline\n", "> ", "> Newline\n")
func TestPluralize(t *testing.T) {
test := func(word string, count int, expected string) {
assert.Equal(t, Pluralize(word, count), expected)
test("", 1, "")
test("", 2, "")
test("word", -2, "words")
test("word", -1, "word")
test("word", 0, "word")
test("word", 1, "word")
test("word", 2, "words")
test("word", 1000, "words")
func TestSplitLines(t *testing.T) {
test := func(text string, expected ...string) {
assert.Equal(t, SplitLines(text), expected)
test("One line", "One line")
test("One line\nTwo lines", "One line", "Two lines")
test("One line\nTwo lines\n\nThree lines", "One line", "Two lines", "", "Three lines")
func TestJoinLines(t *testing.T) {
test := func(text string, expected string) {
assert.Equal(t, JoinLines(text), expected)
test("", "")
test("One line", "One line")
test("One line\nTwo lines", "One line Two lines")
test("One line\nTwo lines\n\nThree lines", "One line Two lines Three lines")
test("One line\nTwo lines\n Three lines", "One line Two lines Three lines")
func TestJoinInt64(t *testing.T) {
test := func(ints []int64, expected string) {
assert.Equal(t, JoinInt64(ints, ","), expected)
test([]int64{}, "")
test([]int64{1}, "1")
test([]int64{1, 2}, "1,2")
test([]int64{1, 2, 3}, "1,2,3")
func TestIsURL(t *testing.T) {
test := func(text string, expected bool) {
assert.Equal(t, IsURL(text), expected)
test("", false)
test("", false)
test("path", false)
test("", true)
test("", true)
test("", true)
test("", true)
func TestRemoveDuplicates(t *testing.T) {
test := func(items []string, expected []string) {
assert.Equal(t, RemoveDuplicates(items), expected)
test([]string{}, []string{})
test([]string{"One"}, []string{"One"})
test([]string{"One", "Two"}, []string{"One", "Two"})
test([]string{"One", "Two", "One"}, []string{"One", "Two"})
test([]string{"Two", "One", "Two", "One"}, []string{"Two", "One"})
test([]string{"One", "Two", "OneTwo"}, []string{"One", "Two", "OneTwo"})
func TestRemoveBlank(t *testing.T) {
test := func(items []string, expected []string) {
assert.Equal(t, RemoveBlank(items), expected)
test([]string{}, []string{})
test([]string{"One"}, []string{"One"})
test([]string{"One", "Two"}, []string{"One", "Two"})
test([]string{"One", "Two", ""}, []string{"One", "Two"})
test([]string{"Two", "One", " "}, []string{"Two", "One"})
test([]string{"One", "Two", " "}, []string{"One", "Two"})
func TestExpandWhitespaceLiterals(t *testing.T) {
test := func(s string, expected string) {
assert.Equal(t, ExpandWhitespaceLiterals(s), expected)
test(`nothing`, "nothing")
test(`newline\ntab\t`, "newline\ntab\t")
func TestContains(t *testing.T) {
test := func(items []string, s string, expected bool) {
assert.Equal(t, Contains(items, s), expected)
test([]string{}, "", false)
test([]string{}, "none", false)
test([]string{"one"}, "none", false)
test([]string{"one"}, "one", true)
test([]string{"one", "two"}, "one", true)
test([]string{"one", "two"}, "three", false)
func TestWordAt(t *testing.T) {
test := func(s string, pos int, expected string) {
assert.Equal(t, WordAt(s, pos), expected)
test("", 0, "")
test(" ", 2, "")
test("word", 2, "word")
test(" word ", 4, "word")
test("one two three", 4, "two")
test("one two three", 5, "two")
test("one two three", 7, "two")
test("one two-third three", 5, "two-third")
test("one two,three", 5, "two")
test("one two;three", 5, "two")
test("one [two] three", 5, "two")
test("one \"two\" three", 5, "two")
test("one 'two' three", 5, "two")
test("one\ntwo\nthree", 5, "two")
test("one\ttwo\tthree", 5, "two")
test("one @:~two three", 5, "@:~two")
func TestByteIndexToRuneIndex(t *testing.T) {
test := func(s string, index int, expected int) {
assert.Equal(t, ByteIndexToRuneIndex(s, index), expected)
test("", 0, 0)
source := "une étoile bleuâtre"
test(source, -2, 0)
test(source, -1, 0)
test(source, 0, 0)
test(source, 1, 1)
test(source, 4, 4)
test(source, 5, 5)
test(source, 6, 5)
test(source, 7, 6)
test(source, 16, 15)
test(source, 17, 16)
test(source, 18, 16)
test(source, 19, 17)
test(source, 20, 18)
test(source, 21, 19)
test(source, 22, 19)