# Configuration file Each [notebook](notebook.md) contains a configuration file used to customize your experience with `zk`. This file is located at `.zk/config.toml` and uses the [TOML format](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml). It is composed of several optional sections: * `[note]` sets the [note creation rules](config-note.md) * `[extra]` contains free [user variables](config-extra.md) which can be expanded in templates * `[group]` defines [note groups](config-group.md) with custom rules * `[tool]` customizes interaction with external programs such as: * [your default editor](tool-editor.md) * [your default pager](tool-pager.md) * [`fzf`](tool-fzf.md) * `[alias]` holds your [command aliases](config-alias.md) ## Complete example Here's an example of a complete configuration file: ```toml # NOTE SETTINGS [note] # Language used when writing notes. # This is used to generate slugs or with date formats. language = "en" # The default title used for new note, if no `--title` flag is provided. default-title = "Untitled" # Template used to generate a note's filename, without extension. filename = "{{id}}-{{slug title}}" # The file extension used for the notes. extension = "md" # Template used to generate a note's content. # If not an absolute path, it is relative to .zk/templates/ template = "default.md" # Configure random ID generation. # The charset used for random IDs. id-charset = "alphanum" # Length of the generated IDs. id-length = 4 # Letter case for the random IDs. id-case = "lower" # EXTRA VARIABLES [extra] author = "Mickaƫl" # GROUP OVERRIDES [dir.journal] paths = ["journal/weekly", "journal/daily"] [dir.journal.note] filename = "{{date now}}" # EXTERNAL TOOLS [tool] # Default editor used to open notes. editor = "nvim" # Pager used to scroll through long output. pager = "less -FIRX" # Command used to preview a note during interactive fzf mode. fzf-preview = "bat -p --color always {-1}" # COMMAND ALIASES [alias] # Edit the last modified note. edlast = "zk edit --limit 1 --sort modified- $@" # Edit the notes selected interactively among the notes created the last two weeks. recent = "zk edit --sort created- --created-after 'last two weeks' --interactive" # Show a random note. lucky = "zk list --quiet --format full --sort random --limit 1" ```