$ cd index # Print help for `zk index` $ zk index --help >Usage: zk index > >Index the notes to be searchable. > >You usually do not need to run `zk index` manually, as notes are indexed >automatically when needed. > >Flags: > -h, --help Show context-sensitive help. > --notebook-dir=PATH Turn off notebook auto-discovery and set manually > the notebook where commands are run. > -W, --working-dir=PATH Run as if zk was started in instead of the > current working directory. > --no-input Never prompt or ask for confirmation. > > -f, --force Force indexing all the notes. > -v, --verbose Print detailed information about the indexing > process. > -q, --quiet Do not print statistics nor progress. # Index initial notes. $ zk index >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 3 added > ~ 0 modified > - 0 removed # No changes. $ zk index >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 0 modified > - 0 removed # Add a new note. $ touch eggplant/apple.md && zk index >Indexed 4 notes in 0s > + 1 added > ~ 0 modified > - 0 removed # Modify an existing note. $ echo "More" >> banana.md && zk index >Indexed 4 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 1 modified > - 0 removed # Delete a note. $ rm banana.md $ zk index >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 0 modified > - 1 removed # Ignore path patterns. $ touch carrot-ignored/ananas.md && zk index >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 0 modified > - 0 removed # Ignore unknown extensions. $ touch orange.markdown && zk index >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 0 modified > - 0 removed # Force re-indexing all notes. $ zk index --force >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 3 modified > - 0 removed # Force re-indexing all notes (short flag). $ zk index -f >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 3 modified > - 0 removed # Quiet mode. $ zk index --quiet # Quiet mode (short flag). $ zk index -q # Verbose mode. $ touch banana.md && echo "More" >> litchee.md && rm eggplant/apple.md && zk index --verbose >- added banana.md >- removed eggplant/apple.md >- unchanged eggplant/clementine.md >- modified litchee.md >- ignored carrot-ignored/ananas.md: matched ignore glob "carrot-ignored/*" >- ignored carrot-ignored/tomato.md: matched ignore glob "carrot-ignored/*" >- ignored orange.markdown: expected extension "md" > >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 1 added > ~ 1 modified > - 1 removed # Verbose mode (short flag). $ zk index -v >- unchanged banana.md >- unchanged eggplant/clementine.md >- unchanged litchee.md >- ignored carrot-ignored/ananas.md: matched ignore glob "carrot-ignored/*" >- ignored carrot-ignored/tomato.md: matched ignore glob "carrot-ignored/*" >- ignored orange.markdown: expected extension "md" > >Indexed 3 notes in 0s > + 0 added > ~ 0 modified > - 0 removed # Verbose and quiet can't be used together. 1$ zk index --verbose --quiet 2>zk: error: --verbose and --quiet can't be used together