# `zk` – a plain text note-taking assistant Looking for a quick usage example? [Let's get started](getting-started.md). `zk` is a command-line tool helping you to maintain a plain text [Zettelkasten](https://zettelkasten.de/introduction/) or [personal wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_wiki). ## Highlights * [Creating notes from templates](note-creation.md) * [Advanced search and filtering capabilities](note-filtering.md) including [tags](tags.md), links and mentions * [Interactive browser](tool-fzf), powered by `fzf` * [Git-style command aliases](config-alias.md) * [Made with automation in mind](automation.md) * [Notebook housekeeping](notebook-housekeeping.md) * [Future-proof, thanks to Markdown](future-proof.md) ## What `zk` is not * A note editor. * A tool to serve your notes on the web – for this, you may be interested in [Neuron](neuron.md) or [Gollum](https://github.com/gollum/gollum).