package handlebars import ( "fmt" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { Init("en", &util.NullLogger, &styler{}) } // styler is a test double for core.Styler // "hello", "red" -> "red(hello)" type styler struct{} func (s *styler) Style(text string, rules (string, error) { return s.MustStyle(text, rules...), nil } func (s *styler) MustStyle(text string, rules string { for _, rule := range rules { text = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", rule, text) } return text } func testString(t *testing.T, template string, context interface{}, expected string) { sut := NewLoader() templ, err := sut.Load(template) assert.Nil(t, err) actual, err := templ.Render(context) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, actual, expected) } func testFile(t *testing.T, name string, context interface{}, expected string) { sut := NewLoader() templ, err := sut.LoadFile(fixtures.Path(name)) assert.Nil(t, err) actual, err := templ.Render(context) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, actual, expected) } func TestRenderString(t *testing.T) { testString(t, "Goodbye, {{name}}", map[string]string{"name": "Ed"}, "Goodbye, Ed", ) } func TestRenderFile(t *testing.T) { testFile(t, "template.txt", map[string]string{"name": "Thom"}, "Hello, Thom\n", ) } func TestUnknownVariable(t *testing.T) { testString(t, "Hi, {{unknown}}!", nil, "Hi, !", ) } func TestDoesntEscapeHTML(t *testing.T) { testString(t, "Salut, {{name}}!", map[string]string{"name": "l'ami"}, "Salut, l'ami!", ) testFile(t, "unescape.txt", map[string]string{"name": "l'ami"}, "Salut, l'ami!\n", ) } func TestConcatHelper(t *testing.T) { testString(t, "{{concat '> ' 'A quote'}}", nil, "> A quote") } func TestPrependHelper(t *testing.T) { // inline testString(t, "{{prepend '> ' 'A quote'}}", nil, "> A quote") // block testString(t, "{{#prepend '> '}}A quote{{/prepend}}", nil, "> A quote") testString(t, "{{#prepend '> '}}A quote on\nseveral lines{{/prepend}}", nil, "> A quote on\n> several lines") } func TestListHelper(t *testing.T) { test := func(items []string, expected string) { context := map[string]interface{}{"items": items} testString(t, "{{list items}}", context, expected) } test([]string{}, "") test([]string{"Item 1"}, " ‣ Item 1\n") test([]string{"Item 1", "Item 2"}, " ‣ Item 1\n ‣ Item 2\n") test([]string{"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"}, " ‣ Item 1\n ‣ Item 2\n ‣ Item 3\n") test([]string{"An item\non several\nlines\n"}, " ‣ An item\n on several\n lines\n") } func TestSlugHelper(t *testing.T) { // inline testString(t, `{{slug "This will be slugified!"}}`, nil, "this-will-be-slugified", ) // block testString(t, "{{#slug}}This will be slugified!{{/slug}}", nil, "this-will-be-slugified", ) } func TestDateHelper(t *testing.T) { context := map[string]interface{}{"now": time.Date(2009, 11, 17, 20, 34, 58, 651387237, time.UTC)} testString(t, "{{date now}}", context, "2009-11-17") testString(t, "{{date now 'short'}}", context, "11/17/2009") testString(t, "{{date now 'medium'}}", context, "Nov 17, 2009") testString(t, "{{date now 'long'}}", context, "November 17, 2009") testString(t, "{{date now 'full'}}", context, "Tuesday, November 17, 2009") testString(t, "{{date now 'year'}}", context, "2009") testString(t, "{{date now 'time'}}", context, "20:34") testString(t, "{{date now 'timestamp'}}", context, "200911172034") testString(t, "{{date now 'timestamp-unix'}}", context, "1258490098") testString(t, "{{date now 'cust: %Y-%m'}}", context, "cust: 2009-11") testString(t, "{{date now 'elapsed'}}", context, "12 years ago") } func TestShellHelper(t *testing.T) { // block is passed as piped input testString(t, `{{#sh "tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'"}}Hello, world!{{/sh}}`, nil, "HELLO, WORLD!", ) // inline testString(t, `{{sh "echo 'Hello, world!'"}}`, nil, "Hello, world!", ) // using pipes testString(t, `{{sh "echo hello | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'"}}`, nil, "HELLO") } func TestStyleHelper(t *testing.T) { // inline testString(t, "{{style 'single' 'Some text'}}", nil, "single(Some text)") testString(t, "{{style 'red bold' 'Another text'}}", nil, "bold(red(Another text))") // block testString(t, "{{#style 'single'}}A multiline\ntext{{/style}}", nil, "single(A multiline\ntext)") }