package markdown import ( "bufio" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "" "" "" strutil "" "" "" meta "" "" "" "" "" ) // Parser parses the content of Markdown notes. type Parser struct { md goldmark.Markdown } type ParserOpts struct { // Indicates whether #hashtags are parsed. HashtagEnabled bool // Indicates whether Bear's multi-word tags are parsed. Hashtags must be enabled as well. MultiWordTagEnabled bool // Indicates whether :colon:tags: are parsed. ColontagEnabled bool } // NewParser creates a new Markdown Parser. func NewParser(options ParserOpts) *Parser { return &Parser{ md: goldmark.New( goldmark.WithExtensions( meta.Meta, extension.NewLinkify( extension.WithLinkifyAllowedProtocols([][]byte{ []byte("http:"), []byte("https:"), }), extension.WithLinkifyURLRegexp( xurls.Strict, ), ), extensions.WikiLinkExt, &extensions.TagExt{ HashtagEnabled: options.HashtagEnabled, MultiWordTagEnabled: options.MultiWordTagEnabled, ColontagEnabled: options.ColontagEnabled, }, ), ), } } // Parse implements note.Parse. func (p *Parser) Parse(source string) (*note.Content, error) { bytes := []byte(source) context := parser.NewContext() root := text.NewReader(bytes), parser.WithContext(context), ) links, err := parseLinks(root, bytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } frontmatter, err := parseFrontmatter(context, bytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } title, bodyStart, err := parseTitle(frontmatter, root, bytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } body := parseBody(bodyStart, bytes) tags, err := parseTags(frontmatter, root, bytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ¬e.Content{ Title: title, Body: body, Lead: parseLead(body), Links: links, Tags: tags, }, nil } // parseTitle extracts the note title with its node. func parseTitle(frontmatter frontmatter, root ast.Node, source []byte) (title opt.String, bodyStart int, err error) { if title = frontmatter.getString("title", "Title"); !title.IsNull() { bodyStart = frontmatter.end return } var titleNode *ast.Heading err = ast.Walk(root, func(n ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error) { if heading, ok := n.(*ast.Heading); ok && entering && (titleNode == nil || heading.Level < titleNode.Level) { titleNode = heading if heading.Level == 1 { return ast.WalkStop, nil } } return ast.WalkContinue, nil }) if err != nil { return } if titleNode != nil { title = opt.NewNotEmptyString(string(titleNode.Text(source))) if lines := titleNode.Lines(); lines.Len() > 0 { bodyStart = lines.At(lines.Len() - 1).Stop } } return } // parseBody extracts the whole content after the title. func parseBody(startIndex int, source []byte) opt.String { return opt.NewNotEmptyString( strings.TrimSpace( string(source[startIndex:]), ), ) } // parseLead extracts the body content until the first blank line. func parseLead(body opt.String) opt.String { lead := "" scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(body.String())) for scanner.Scan() { if strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()) == "" { break } lead += scanner.Text() + "\n" } return opt.NewNotEmptyString(strings.TrimSpace(lead)) } // parseTags extracts tags as #hashtags, :colon:tags: or from the YAML frontmatter. func parseTags(frontmatter frontmatter, root ast.Node, source []byte) ([]string, error) { tags := make([]string, 0) // Parse from YAML frontmatter, either: // * a list of strings // * a single space-separated string findFMTags := func(key string) []string { if tags, ok := frontmatter.getStrings(key); ok { return tags } else if tags := frontmatter.getString(key); !tags.IsNull() { // Parse a space-separated string list res := []string{} for _, s := range strings.Fields(tags.Unwrap()) { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) if len(s) > 0 { res = append(res, s) } } return res } else { return []string{} } } for _, key := range []string{"tag", "tags", "keyword", "keywords"} { for _, t := range findFMTags(key) { // Trims any # prefix to support hashtags embedded in YAML // frontmatter, as in Simple Markdown Zettelkasten: // tags = append(tags, strings.TrimPrefix(t, "#")) } } // Parse #hashtags and :colon:tags: err := ast.Walk(root, func(n ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error) { if tagsNode, ok := n.(*extensions.Tags); ok && entering { for _, tag := range tagsNode.Tags { tags = append(tags, tag) } } return ast.WalkContinue, nil }) return strutil.RemoveDuplicates(tags), err } // parseLinks extracts outbound links from the note. func parseLinks(root ast.Node, source []byte) ([]note.Link, error) { links := make([]note.Link, 0) err := ast.Walk(root, func(n ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error) { if entering { switch link := n.(type) { case *ast.Link: href := string(link.Destination) if href != "" { links = append(links, note.Link{ Title: string(link.Text(source)), Href: href, Rels: strings.Fields(string(link.Title)), External: strutil.IsURL(href), Snippet: extractLines(n.Parent(), source), }) } case *ast.AutoLink: if href := string(link.URL(source)); href != "" && link.AutoLinkType == ast.AutoLinkURL { links = append(links, note.Link{ Title: string(link.Label(source)), Href: href, Rels: []string{}, External: true, Snippet: extractLines(n.Parent(), source), }) } } } return ast.WalkContinue, nil }) return links, err } func extractLines(n ast.Node, source []byte) string { if n == nil { return "" } segs := n.Lines() if segs.Len() == 0 { return "" } start := segs.At(0).Start end := segs.At(segs.Len() - 1).Stop return string(source[start:end]) } // frontmatter contains metadata parsed from a YAML frontmatter. type frontmatter struct { values map[string]interface{} start int end int } var frontmatterRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?ms)^\s*-+\s*$.*?^\s*-+\s*$`) func parseFrontmatter(context parser.Context, source []byte) (frontmatter, error) { var front frontmatter index := frontmatterRegex.FindIndex(source) if index == nil { return front, nil } front.start = index[0] front.end = index[1] front.values = map[string]interface{}{} values, err := meta.TryGet(context) if err != nil { return front, err } // Convert keys to lowercase, because we don't want to be case sensitive. for k, v := range values { front.values[strings.ToLower(k)] = v } return front, nil } // getString returns the first string value found for any of the given keys. func (m frontmatter) getString(keys ...string) opt.String { if m.values == nil { return opt.NullString } for _, key := range keys { key = strings.ToLower(key) if val, ok := m.values[key]; ok { if val, ok := val.(string); ok { return opt.NewNotEmptyString(val) } } } return opt.NullString } // getStrings returns the first string list found for any of the given keys. func (m frontmatter) getStrings(keys ...string) ([]string, bool) { if m.values == nil { return nil, false } for _, key := range keys { key = strings.ToLower(key) if val, ok := m.values[key]; ok { if val, ok := val.([]interface{}); ok { strs := []string{} for _, v := range val { s := strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprint(v)) if len(s) > 0 { strs = append(strs, s) } } return strs, true } } } return nil, false }