$ cd full-sample # Print help for `zk list` $ zk list --help >Usage: zk list [ ...] > >List notes matching the given criteria. > >Arguments: > [ ...] Find notes matching the given path, including its descendants. > >Flags: > -h, --help Show context-sensitive help. > --notebook-dir=PATH Turn off notebook auto-discovery and set manually > the notebook where commands are run. > -W, --working-dir=PATH Run as if zk was started in instead of the > current working directory. > --no-input Never prompt or ask for confirmation. > >Formatting > -f, --format=TEMPLATE Pretty print the list using a custom template or one > of the predefined formats: oneline, short, medium, > long, full, json, jsonl. > --header=STRING Arbitrary text printed at the start of the list. > --footer="\\n" Arbitrary text printed at the end of the list. > -d, --delimiter="\n" Print notes delimited by the given separator. > -0, --delimiter0 Print notes delimited by ASCII NUL characters. This > is useful when used in conjunction with `xargs -0`. > -P, --no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager. > -q, --quiet Do not print the total number of notes found. > >Filtering > -i, --interactive Select notes interactively with fzf. > -n, --limit=COUNT Limit the number of notes found. > -m, --match=QUERY,... Terms to search for in the notes. > -M, --match-strategy=STRATEGY Text matching strategy among: fts, re, exact. > -x, --exclude=PATH,... Ignore notes matching the given path, > including its descendants. > -t, --tag=TAG,... Find notes tagged with the given tags. > --mention=PATH,... Find notes mentioning the title of the given > ones. > --mentioned-by=PATH,... Find notes whose title is mentioned in the > given ones. > -l, --link-to=PATH,... Find notes which are linking to the given > ones. > --no-link-to=PATH,... Find notes which are not linking to the given > notes. > -L, --linked-by=PATH,... Find notes which are linked by the given > ones. > --no-linked-by=PATH,... Find notes which are not linked by the given > ones. > --orphan Find notes which are not linked by any other > note. > --related=PATH,... Find notes which might be related to the > given ones. > --max-distance=COUNT Maximum distance between two linked notes. > -r, --recursive Follow links recursively. > --created=DATE > --created-before=DATE Find notes created before the given date. > --created-after=DATE Find notes created after the given date. > --modified=DATE Find notes modified on the given date. > --modified-before=DATE Find notes modified before the given date. > --modified-after=DATE Find notes modified after the given date. > >Sorting > -s, --sort=TERM,... Order the notes by the given criterion. # List all notes. $ zk list -qf"\{{path}} \{{title}}" >uxjt.md Buy low, sell high >fwsj.md Channel >smdc.md Compound interests make you rich >g7qa.md Concurrency in Rust >3cut.md Dangling pointers >3403.md Data race error >aqfd.md Diversify your portfolio >ref/7fto.md Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating >pywo.md Don't speculate >inbox/akwm.md Errors should be handled differently in an application versus a library >2cl7.md Fearless concurrency >fa2k.md Financial markets are random >inbox/my59.md Green threads >k9bm.md How to choose a broker? >4yib.md Investment business is a scam >4oma.md Message passing >inbox/er4k.md Mutex >ref/eg7k.md Null references: the billion dollar mistake >88el.md Ownership in Rust >uok6.md Stick to your portfolio strategy >oumc.md Strings are a complicated data structure >tdrj.md The Stack and the Heap >hkvy.md The borrow checker >wtz9.md Use small Hashable items with diffable data sources >inbox/dld4.md When to prefer PUT over POST HTTP method? >zbon.md Zero-cost abstractions in Rust >18is.md §How to invest in the stock markets?