$ cd full-sample # Filter by a tag. $ zk list -qf\{{title}} --tag programming >Channel >Concurrency in Rust >Dangling pointers >Data race error >Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating >Errors should be handled differently in an application versus a library >Fearless concurrency >Green threads >Message passing >Mutex >Null references: the billion dollar mistake >Ownership in Rust >Strings are a complicated data structure >The Stack and the Heap >The borrow checker >Use small Hashable items with diffable data sources >When to prefer PUT over POST HTTP method? >Zero-cost abstractions in Rust # Filter with multiple tags. $ zk list -qf\{{title}} --tag programming,rust >Concurrency in Rust >Ownership in Rust >The borrow checker >Zero-cost abstractions in Rust # Filter with any of the given tags. $ zk list -qf\{{title}} --tag "swift OR http" >Use small Hashable items with diffable data sources >When to prefer PUT over POST HTTP method? # Exclude notes with the given tags. $ zk list -qf\{{title}} --tag "NOT programming" >Buy low, sell high >Compound interests make you rich >Diversify your portfolio >Don't speculate >Financial markets are random >How to choose a broker? >Investment business is a scam >Stick to your portfolio strategy >§How to invest in the stock markets? # Filter by a tag prefix. $ zk list -qf\{{title}} --tag "sw*" >Use small Hashable items with diffable data sources