You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
1.6 KiB

package note
import (
func TestSorterFromString(t *testing.T) {
test := func(str string, expectedField SortField, expectedAscending bool) {
actual, err := SorterFromString(str)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, actual, Sorter{Field: expectedField, Ascending: expectedAscending})
test("c", SortCreated, false)
test("c+", SortCreated, true)
test("created", SortCreated, false)
test("created-", SortCreated, false)
test("created+", SortCreated, true)
test("m", SortModified, false)
test("modified", SortModified, false)
test("modified+", SortModified, true)
test("p", SortPath, true)
test("path", SortPath, true)
test("path-", SortPath, false)
test("t", SortTitle, true)
test("title", SortTitle, true)
test("title-", SortTitle, false)
test("r", SortRandom, true)
test("random", SortRandom, true)
test("random-", SortRandom, false)
test("wc", SortWordCount, true)
test("word-count", SortWordCount, true)
test("word-count-", SortWordCount, false)
_, err := SorterFromString("foobar")
assert.Err(t, err, "foobar: unknown sorting term")
func TestSortersFromStrings(t *testing.T) {
test := func(strs []string, expected []Sorter) {
actual, err := SortersFromStrings(strs)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, actual, expected)
test([]string{}, []Sorter{})
test([]string{"created"}, []Sorter{
{Field: SortCreated, Ascending: false},
test([]string{"c+", "title"}, []Sorter{
{Field: SortCreated, Ascending: true},
{Field: SortTitle, Ascending: true},
_, err := SortersFromStrings([]string{"c", "foobar"})
assert.Err(t, err, "foobar: unknown sorting term")