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# Format is required
1$ zk graph
2>zk: error: missing flags: --format=STRING
# Test the JSON format.
$ zk graph -qn5 --format json
> "notes": [
> {"filename":"uxjt.md","filenameStem":"uxjt","path":"uxjt.md","absPath":"{{working-dir}}/uxjt.md","title":"Buy low, sell high","link":"[Buy low, sell high](uxjt)","lead":"It's better to invest when the prices are low, because it will usually go up on the long term, despite the fact that [financial markets are random](fa2k).","body":"It's better to invest when the prices are low, because it will usually go up on the long term, despite the fact that [financial markets are random](fa2k).\n\nDon't wait until you think the stocks are at their lowest ([speculation](pywo)), instead buy some when the prices are dropping, and buy more every month if the prices continue to drop.\n\nInvesting a constant amount of money regularly (e.g. monthly) is a simple way to make sure you buy less stocks when the prices are high, and more when they are low. [Compound interests will work for you over time](smdc).\n\n:finance:","snippets":["It's better to invest when the prices are low, because it will usually go up on the long term, despite the fact that [financial markets are random](fa2k)."],"rawContent":"# Buy low, sell high\n\nIt's better to invest when the prices are low, because it will usually go up on the long term, despite the fact that [financial markets are random](fa2k).\n\nDon't wait until you think the stocks are at their lowest ([speculation](pywo)), instead buy some when the prices are dropping, and buy more every month if the prices continue to drop.\n\nInvesting a constant amount of money regularly (e.g. monthly) is a simple way to make sure you buy less stocks when the prices are high, and more when they are low. [Compound interests will work for you over time](smdc).\n\n:finance:\n","wordCount":103,"tags":["finance"],"metadata":{},"created":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","modified":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","checksum":"cc0e1a9cad8b526254ac1d87f1534c010c2ffe5d399a7c1af1da636a734b60c2"},
> {"filename":"fwsj.md","filenameStem":"fwsj","path":"fwsj.md","absPath":"{{working-dir}}/fwsj.md","title":"Channel","link":"[Channel](fwsj)","lead":"* Channels are a great approach for safe concurrency.\n* It's an implementation of the [message passing](4oma) pattern.","body":"* Channels are a great approach for safe concurrency.\n* It's an implementation of the [message passing](4oma) pattern.\n\n:programming:","snippets":["* Channels are a great approach for safe concurrency.\n* It's an implementation of the [message passing](4oma) pattern."],"rawContent":"# Channel\n\n* Channels are a great approach for safe concurrency.\n* It's an implementation of the [message passing](4oma) pattern.\n\n:programming:\n","wordCount":21,"tags":["programming"],"metadata":{},"created":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","modified":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","checksum":"cafbb0c69c39729a2e7da6800c97fc5a1f1caa5667ab04c11e06a749610ca4e4"},
> {"filename":"smdc.md","filenameStem":"smdc","path":"smdc.md","absPath":"{{working-dir}}/smdc.md","title":"Compound interests make you rich","link":"[Compound interests make you rich](smdc)","lead":"Since the growth is exponential, time is more important than the amount of money you invest with compound interests. Start investing right now!","body":"Since the growth is exponential, time is more important than the amount of money you invest with compound interests. Start investing right now!\n\nThis also means that small interest percentages add up to big amount. So [beware of financial products](4yib) eating your interests.\n\nBuy new shares with the interests to benefit from the compound interests, e.g. after a unique investment of $1,000 with a 10% interest rate:\n\n- without reinvesting the dividends:\n\t- 40 yrs = $5,000\n\t- 50 yrs = $6,000\n\t\n- with compound interest:\n\t- 40 yrs = $45,000\n\t- 50 yrs = $117,000\n\t\n## References\n\n- [These 3 Charts Show The Amazing Power Of Compound Interest](https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/amazing-power-of-compound-interest-2014-7?r=DE\u0026IR=T)\n\n:finance:","snippets":["Since the growth is exponential, time is more important than the amount of money you invest with compound interests. Start investing right now!"],"rawContent":"# Compound interests make you rich\n\nSince the growth is exponential, time is more important than the amount of money you invest with compound interests. Start investing right now!\n\nThis also means that small interest percentages add up to big amount. So [beware of financial products](4yib) eating your interests.\n\nBuy new shares with the interests to benefit from the compound interests, e.g. after a unique investment of $1,000 with a 10% interest rate:\n\n- without reinvesting the dividends:\n\t- 40 yrs = $5,000\n\t- 50 yrs = $6,000\n\t\n- with compound interest:\n\t- 40 yrs = $45,000\n\t- 50 yrs = $117,000\n\t\n## References\n\n- [These 3 Charts Show The Amazing Power Of Compound Interest](https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/amazing-power-of-compound-interest-2014-7?r=DE\u0026IR=T)\n\n:finance:\n","wordCount":116,"tags":["finance"],"metadata":{},"created":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","modified":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","checksum":"c14982f5c20b58fdbbdcf6430308ee732ebd04b4c4814ded011698d12d0aff6b"},
> {"filename":"g7qa.md","filenameStem":"g7qa","path":"g7qa.md","absPath":"{{working-dir}}/g7qa.md","title":"Concurrency in Rust","link":"[Concurrency in Rust](g7qa)","lead":"* Thanks to the [Ownership pattern](88el), Rust has a model of [Fearless concurrency](2cl7).\n* Rust aims to have a small runtime, so it doesn't support [green threads](inbox/my59).\n * Crates exist to add support for green threads if needed.\n * Instead, Rust relies on the OS threads, a model called 1-1.","body":"* Thanks to the [Ownership pattern](88el), Rust has a model of [Fearless concurrency](2cl7).\n* Rust aims to have a small runtime, so it doesn't support [green threads](inbox/my59).\n * Crates exist to add support for green threads if needed.\n * Instead, Rust relies on the OS threads, a model called 1-1.\n\n* Rust offers a number of constructs for sharing data between threads:\n * [Channel](fwsj) for a safe [message passing](4oma) approach.\n * [Mutex](inbox/er4k) for managing shared state.\n\n:rust:programming:","snippets":["* Thanks to the [Ownership pattern](88el), Rust has a model of [Fearless concurrency](2cl7).\n* Rust aims to have a small runtime, so it doesn't support [green threads](inbox/my59).\n * Crates exist to add support for green threads if needed.\n * Instead, Rust relies on the OS threads, a model called 1-1."],"rawContent":"# Concurrency in Rust\n\n* Thanks to the [Ownership pattern](88el), Rust has a model of [Fearless concurrency](2cl7).\n* Rust aims to have a small runtime, so it doesn't support [green threads](inbox/my59).\n * Crates exist to add support for green threads if needed.\n * Instead, Rust relies on the OS threads, a model called 1-1.\n\n* Rust offers a number of constructs for sharing data between threads:\n * [Channel](fwsj) for a safe [message passing](4oma) approach.\n * [Mutex](inbox/er4k) for managing shared state.\n\n:rust:programming:\n","wordCount":81,"tags":["programming","rust"],"metadata":{},"created":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","modified":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","checksum":"03be1317b6917839ca3a6d1f8c60eab97086cfc2f4637f95f122522476ed0155"},
> {"filename":"3cut.md","filenameStem":"3cut","path":"3cut.md","absPath":"{{working-dir}}/3cut.md","title":"Dangling pointers","link":"[Dangling pointers](3cut)","lead":"A *dangling pointer* is a reference that is kept to freed data. With C, reading it causes a *segmentation fault*.","body":"A *dangling pointer* is a reference that is kept to freed data. With C, reading it causes a *segmentation fault*.\n\nRust protects against *dangling pointers* by making sure data is not freed until it goes out of scope ([Ownership in Rust](88el)).\n\n:programming:","snippets":["A *dangling pointer* is a reference that is kept to freed data. With C, reading it causes a *segmentation fault*."],"rawContent":"---\naliases: [dangling reference]\n---\n\n# Dangling pointers\n\nA *dangling pointer* is a reference that is kept to freed data. With C, reading it causes a *segmentation fault*.\n\nRust protects against *dangling pointers* by making sure data is not freed until it goes out of scope ([Ownership in Rust](88el)).\n\n:programming:\n","wordCount":50,"tags":["programming"],"metadata":{"aliases":["dangling reference"]},"created":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","modified":"{{match '[\-T\.\:0-9]+'}}Z","checksum":"7f4a61afdbc077e286c5e0ac91a71bfdec45b6b0cf3a5e14408aba45bd4d58a8"}
> ],
> "links": [
> {"title":"Channel","href":"fwsj","type":"markdown","isExternal":false,"rels":[],"snippet":"[Channel](fwsj) for a safe [message passing](4oma) approach.","snippetStart":423,"snippetEnd":483,"sourceId":11,"sourcePath":"g7qa.md","targetId":10,"targetPath":"fwsj.md"},
> {"title":"Compound interests will work for you over time","href":"smdc","type":"markdown","isExternal":false,"rels":[],"snippet":"Investing a constant amount of money regularly (e.g. monthly) is a simple way to make sure you buy less stocks when the prices are high, and more when they are low. [Compound interests will work for you over time](smdc).","snippetStart":364,"snippetEnd":584,"sourceId":25,"sourcePath":"uxjt.md","targetId":22,"targetPath":"smdc.md"}