You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

297 lines
10 KiB

package cli
import (
dateutil ""
// Filtering holds filtering options to select notes.
type Filtering struct {
Path []string `kong:"group='filter',arg,optional,placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes matching the given path, including its descendants.'" json:"hrefs"`
Interactive bool `kong:"group='filter',short='i',help='Select notes interactively with fzf.'" json:"-"`
Limit int `kong:"group='filter',short='n',placeholder='COUNT',help='Limit the number of notes found.'" json:"limit"`
Match []string `kong:"group='filter',short='m',placeholder='QUERY',help='Terms to search for in the notes.'" json:"match"`
MatchStrategy string `kong:"group='filter',short='M',default='fts',placeholder='STRATEGY',help='Text matching strategy among: fts, re, exact.'" json:"matchStrategy"`
Exclude []string `kong:"group='filter',short='x',placeholder='PATH',help='Ignore notes matching the given path, including its descendants.'" json:"excludeHrefs"`
Tag []string `kong:"group='filter',short='t',help='Find notes tagged with the given tags.'" json:"tags"`
Mention []string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes mentioning the title of the given ones.'" json:"mention"`
MentionedBy []string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes whose title is mentioned in the given ones.'" json:"mentionedBy"`
LinkTo []string `kong:"group='filter',short='l',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes which are linking to the given ones.'" json:"linkTo"`
NoLinkTo []string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes which are not linking to the given notes.'" json:"-"`
LinkedBy []string `kong:"group='filter',short='L',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes which are linked by the given ones.'" json:"linkedBy"`
NoLinkedBy []string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes which are not linked by the given ones.'" json:"-"`
Orphan bool `kong:"group='filter',help='Find notes which are not linked by any other note.'" json:"orphan"`
Tagless bool `kong:"group='filter',help='Find notes which have no tags.'" json:"tagless"`
Related []string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='PATH',help='Find notes which might be related to the given ones.'" json:"related"`
MaxDistance int `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='COUNT',help='Maximum distance between two linked notes.'" json:"maxDistance"`
Recursive bool `kong:"group='filter',short='r',help='Follow links recursively.'" json:"recursive"`
Created string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='DATE',help:'Find notes created on the given date.'" json:"created"`
CreatedBefore string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='DATE',help='Find notes created before the given date.'" json:"createdBefore"`
CreatedAfter string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='DATE',help='Find notes created after the given date.'" json:"createdAfter"`
Modified string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='DATE',help='Find notes modified on the given date.'" json:"modified"`
ModifiedBefore string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='DATE',help='Find notes modified before the given date.'" json:"modifiedBefore"`
ModifiedAfter string `kong:"group='filter',placeholder='DATE',help='Find notes modified after the given date.'" json:"modifiedAfter"`
Sort []string `kong:"group='sort',short='s',placeholder='TERM',help='Order the notes by the given criterion.'" json:"sort"`
// Deprecated
ExactMatch bool `kong:"hidden,short='e'" json:"exactMatch"`
// ExpandNamedFilters expands recursively any named filter found in the Path field.
func (f Filtering) ExpandNamedFilters(filters map[string]string, expandedFilters []string) (Filtering, error) {
actualPaths := []string{}
for _, path := range f.Path {
if filter, ok := filters[path]; ok && !strings.Contains(expandedFilters, path) {
wrap := errors.Wrapperf("failed to expand named filter `%v`", path)
var parsedFilter Filtering
parser, err := kong.New(&parsedFilter)
if err != nil {
return f, wrap(err)
args, err := shellquote.Split(filter)
if err != nil {
return f, wrap(err)
_, err = parser.Parse(args)
if err != nil {
return f, wrap(err)
// Expand recursively, but prevent infinite loops by registering
// the current filter in the list of expanded filters.
parsedFilter, err = parsedFilter.ExpandNamedFilters(filters, append(expandedFilters, path))
if err != nil {
return f, err
actualPaths = append(actualPaths, parsedFilter.Path...)
f.Exclude = append(f.Exclude, parsedFilter.Exclude...)
f.Tag = append(f.Tag, parsedFilter.Tag...)
f.Mention = append(f.Mention, parsedFilter.Mention...)
f.MentionedBy = append(f.MentionedBy, parsedFilter.MentionedBy...)
f.LinkTo = append(f.LinkTo, parsedFilter.LinkTo...)
f.NoLinkTo = append(f.NoLinkTo, parsedFilter.NoLinkTo...)
f.LinkedBy = append(f.LinkedBy, parsedFilter.LinkedBy...)
f.NoLinkedBy = append(f.NoLinkedBy, parsedFilter.NoLinkedBy...)
f.Related = append(f.Related, parsedFilter.Related...)
f.Sort = append(f.Sort, parsedFilter.Sort...)
f.ExactMatch = f.ExactMatch || parsedFilter.ExactMatch
f.Interactive = f.Interactive || parsedFilter.Interactive
f.Orphan = f.Orphan || parsedFilter.Orphan
f.Tagless = f.Tagless || parsedFilter.Tagless
f.Recursive = f.Recursive || parsedFilter.Recursive
if f.Limit == 0 {
f.Limit = parsedFilter.Limit
if f.MaxDistance == 0 {
f.MaxDistance = parsedFilter.MaxDistance
if f.Created == "" {
f.Created = parsedFilter.Created
if f.CreatedBefore == "" {
f.CreatedBefore = parsedFilter.CreatedBefore
if f.CreatedAfter == "" {
f.CreatedAfter = parsedFilter.CreatedAfter
if f.Modified == "" {
f.Modified = parsedFilter.Modified
if f.ModifiedBefore == "" {
f.ModifiedBefore = parsedFilter.ModifiedBefore
if f.ModifiedAfter == "" {
f.ModifiedAfter = parsedFilter.ModifiedAfter
f.Match = append(f.Match, parsedFilter.Match...)
if f.MatchStrategy == "" {
f.MatchStrategy = parsedFilter.MatchStrategy
} else {
actualPaths = append(actualPaths, path)
f.Path = actualPaths
return f, nil
// NewNoteFindOpts creates an instance of core.NoteFindOpts from a set of user flags.
func (f Filtering) NewNoteFindOpts(notebook *core.Notebook) (core.NoteFindOpts, error) {
opts := core.NoteFindOpts{}
f, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(notebook.Config.Filters, []string{})
if err != nil {
return opts, err
if f.ExactMatch {
return opts, fmt.Errorf("the --exact-match (-e) option is deprecated, use --match-strategy=exact (-Me) instead")
opts.Match = make([]string, len(f.Match))
copy(opts.Match, f.Match)
opts.MatchStrategy, err = core.MatchStrategyFromString(f.MatchStrategy)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.Path); ok {
opts.IncludeHrefs = paths
if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.Exclude); ok {
opts.ExcludeHrefs = paths
if len(f.Tag) > 0 {
opts.Tags = f.Tag
if len(f.Mention) > 0 {
opts.Mention = f.Mention
if len(f.MentionedBy) > 0 {
opts.MentionedBy = f.MentionedBy
if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.LinkedBy); ok {
opts.LinkedBy = &core.LinkFilter{
Hrefs: paths,
Negate: false,
Recursive: f.Recursive,
MaxDistance: f.MaxDistance,
} else if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.NoLinkedBy); ok {
opts.LinkedBy = &core.LinkFilter{
Hrefs: paths,
Negate: true,
if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.LinkTo); ok {
opts.LinkTo = &core.LinkFilter{
Hrefs: paths,
Negate: false,
Recursive: f.Recursive,
MaxDistance: f.MaxDistance,
} else if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.NoLinkTo); ok {
opts.LinkTo = &core.LinkFilter{
Hrefs: paths,
Negate: true,
if paths, ok := relPaths(notebook, f.Related); ok {
opts.Related = paths
opts.Orphan = f.Orphan
opts.Tagless = f.Tagless
if f.Created != "" {
start, end, err := parseDayRange(f.Created)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.CreatedStart = &start
opts.CreatedEnd = &end
} else {
if f.CreatedBefore != "" {
date, err := dateutil.TimeFromNatural(f.CreatedBefore)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.CreatedEnd = &date
if f.CreatedAfter != "" {
date, err := dateutil.TimeFromNatural(f.CreatedAfter)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.CreatedStart = &date
if f.Modified != "" {
start, end, err := parseDayRange(f.Modified)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.ModifiedStart = &start
opts.ModifiedEnd = &end
} else {
if f.ModifiedBefore != "" {
date, err := dateutil.TimeFromNatural(f.ModifiedBefore)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.ModifiedEnd = &date
if f.ModifiedAfter != "" {
date, err := dateutil.TimeFromNatural(f.ModifiedAfter)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.ModifiedStart = &date
sorters, err := core.NoteSortersFromStrings(f.Sort)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts.Sorters = sorters
opts.Limit = f.Limit
return opts, nil
func relPaths(notebook *core.Notebook, paths []string) ([]string, bool) {
relPaths := make([]string, 0)
for _, p := range paths {
path, err := notebook.RelPath(p)
if err == nil {
relPaths = append(relPaths, path)
return relPaths, len(relPaths) > 0
func parseDayRange(date string) (start time.Time, end time.Time, err error) {
day, err := dateutil.TimeFromNatural(date)
if err != nil {
// we add -1 second so that the day range ends at 23:59:59
// i.e, the 'new day' begins at 00:00:00
start = startOfDay(day).Add(time.Second * -1)
end = start.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
return start, end, nil
func startOfDay(t time.Time) time.Time {
year, month, day := t.Date()
return time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location())