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package main
import (
2 years ago
Z ""
var golang = &Z.Cmd{
Name: `go`,
Summary: `go related helper actions`,
MinArgs: 1,
Commands: []*Z.Cmd{help.Cmd, gowork, genisrune, sh2slice, godist},
var gowork = &Z.Cmd{
Name: `work`,
Summary: `turn on or off file`,
Usage: `(on|off)`,
MinArgs: 1,
Params: []string{"on", "off"},
Commands: []*Z.Cmd{help.Cmd},
Call: func(x *Z.Cmd, args ...string) error {
switch args[0] {
case "on":
if file.Exists("") {
log.Print(" ->")
return os.Rename("", "")
case "off":
if file.Exists("") {
log.Print(" ->")
return os.Rename("", "")
return x.UsageError()
return nil
var genisrune = &Z.Cmd{
Name: `genisrune`,
Summary: `generate a performant rune check condition`,
Commands: []*Z.Cmd{help.Cmd},
MinArgs: 1,
Call: func(x *Z.Cmd, args ...string) error {
var conds []string
for _, r := range args[0] {
conds = append(conds, fmt.Sprintf("r==%q", r))
fmt.Println(strings.Join(conds, "||"))
return nil
var sh2slice = &Z.Cmd{
Name: `sh2slice`,
Summary: `splits a shell command into arguments`,
Commands: []*Z.Cmd{help.Cmd},
Call: func(_ *Z.Cmd, args ...string) error {
list := []string{}
if len(args) == 0 {
args = append(args, term.Read())
for _, a := range args {
// FIXME add awareness or globs and quoted segments
for _, aa := range strings.Fields(a) {
list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("%q", aa))
fmt.Println(strings.Join(list, ","))
return nil
func _build(args ...string) error {
a := []string{`go`, `build`}
a = append(a, args...)
return Z.Exec(a...)
var godist = &Z.Cmd{
Name: `dist`,
Summary: `go distribution related commands`,
Commands: []*Z.Cmd{godistbuild},
type GoBuildParams struct {
Targets []GoBuildTarget
O map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`
type GoBuildTarget struct {
OS string
Arch []string
var godistbuild = &Z.Cmd{
Name: `build`,
Summary: `build for for multiple architectures into dist dir`,
Commands: []*Z.Cmd{help.Cmd},
Description: `
This build looks for a build.yaml file in the current directory
and runs the build command on each building them all concurrently
into the *dist* directory where they are ready for upload to
GitHub as a release. Just add a and run release.
Call: func(_ *Z.Cmd, args ...string) error {
if !file.Exists(`build.yaml`) {
return _build(args...)
buf, err := os.ReadFile(`build.yaml`)
if err != nil {
return err
p := new(GoBuildParams)
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf, p); err != nil {
return err
for _, target := range p.Targets {
for _, arch := range target.Arch {
log.Printf("Building for %v/%v", target.OS, arch)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v_%v", dir.Name(), target.OS, arch)
os.Setenv(`GOOS`, target.OS)
os.Setenv(`GOARCH`, arch)
_build(`-o`, `dist/`+name)
return nil