You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

191 lines
6.8 KiB

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
def extract_from_xml_url(ie, video_id, xml_url):
doc = ie._download_xml(
xml_url, video_id,
note='Downloading video info',
errnote='Failed to download video info')
title = doc.find('.//information/title').text
description = doc.find('.//information/detail').text
duration = int(doc.find('.//details/lengthSec').text)
uploader_node = doc.find('.//details/originChannelTitle')
uploader = None if uploader_node is None else uploader_node.text
uploader_id_node = doc.find('.//details/originChannelId')
uploader_id = None if uploader_id_node is None else uploader_id_node.text
upload_date = unified_strdate(doc.find('.//details/airtime').text)
def xml_to_format(fnode):
video_url = fnode.find('url').text
is_available = 'http://www.metafilegenerator' not in video_url
format_id = fnode.attrib['basetype']
format_m = re.match(r'''(?x)
''', format_id)
ext ='container')
proto ='proto').lower()
quality = fnode.find('./quality').text
abr = int(fnode.find('./audioBitrate').text) // 1000
vbr_node = fnode.find('./videoBitrate')
vbr = None if vbr_node is None else int(vbr_node.text) // 1000
width_node = fnode.find('./width')
width = None if width_node is None else int_or_none(width_node.text)
height_node = fnode.find('./height')
height = None if height_node is None else int_or_none(height_node.text)
format_note = ''
if not format_note:
format_note = None
return {
'format_id': format_id + '-' + quality,
'url': video_url,
'ext': ext,
'abr': abr,
'vbr': vbr,
'width': width,
'height': height,
'filesize': int_or_none(fnode.find('./filesize').text),
'format_note': format_note,
'protocol': proto,
'_available': is_available,
format_nodes = doc.findall('.//formitaeten/formitaet')
formats = list(filter(
lambda f: f['_available'],
map(xml_to_format, format_nodes)))
return {
'id': video_id,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'duration': duration,
'uploader': uploader,
'uploader_id': uploader_id,
'upload_date': upload_date,
'formats': formats,
def extract_channel_from_xml_url(ie, channel_id, xml_url):
doc = ie._download_xml(
xml_url, channel_id,
note='Downloading channel info',
errnote='Failed to download channel info')
title = doc.find('.//information/title').text
description = doc.find('.//information/detail').text
assets = [{'id': asset.find('./details/assetId').text,
'type': asset.find('./type').text,
} for asset in doc.findall('.//teasers/teaser')]
return {
'id': channel_id,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'assets': assets,
class ZDFIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'^https?://www\.zdf\.de/ZDFmediathek(?P<hash>#)?/(.*beitrag/(?:video/)?)(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?:/[^/?]+)?(?:\?.*)?'
_TEST = {
'url': ';stt',
'info_dict': {
'id': '2037704',
'ext': 'webm',
'title': 'ZDFspezial - Ende des Machtpokers',
'description': 'Union und SPD haben sich auf einen Koalitionsvertrag geeinigt. Aber was bedeutet das für die Bürger? Sehen Sie hierzu das ZDFspezial "Ende des Machtpokers - Große Koalition für Deutschland".',
'duration': 1022,
'uploader': 'spezial',
'uploader_id': '225948',
'upload_date': '20131127',
'skip': 'Videos on are depublicised in short order',
def _extract_video(self, video_id):
xml_url = '' % video_id
return extract_from_xml_url(self, video_id, xml_url)
def _real_extract(self, url):
return self._extract_video(self._match_id(url))
class ZDFChannelIE(ZDFIE):
_VALID_URL = r'^https?://www\.zdf\.de/ZDFmediathek(?P<hash>#)?/(.*kanaluebersicht/)(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
_TEST = {
'url': '',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1586442',
'title': 'Titanic',
'description': 'md5:444c048cfe3fdc2561be7de4bcbf1d04',
'playlist_count': 3,
def _extract_channel(self, channel_id):
def load_chunks(channel_id, chunk_length):
offset = 0
while True:
url = (''
% (offset, chunk_length, channel_id))
result = extract_channel_from_xml_url(self, channel_id, url)
yield result
if len(result['assets']) < chunk_length:
offset += chunk_length
def load_channel(channel_id):
chunks = list(load_chunks(channel_id, 50)) # The server rejects higher values
assets = [asset for chunk in chunks for asset in chunk['assets']]
video_ids = [asset['id'] for asset in
filter(lambda asset: asset['type'] == 'video',
topic_ids = [asset['id'] for asset in
filter(lambda asset: asset['type'] == 'thema',
if topic_ids:
video_ids = reduce(list.__add__,
for topic_id in topic_ids],
result = chunks[0]
result['video_ids'] = video_ids
return result
channel = load_channel(channel_id)
return {
'_type': 'playlist',
'id': channel['id'],
'title': channel['title'],
'description': channel['description'],
'entries': [self._extract_video(video_id)
for video_id in channel['video_ids']],
def _real_extract(self, url):
return self._extract_channel(self._match_id(url))