# 𝑋𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑝 :keyboard: [![cargo](https://github.com/k0kubun/xremap/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/k0kubun/xremap/actions/workflows/build.yml) `xremap` is a key remapper for Linux. Unlike `xmodmap`, it supports app-specific remapping and Wayland. ## Concept * **Fast** - Xremap is written in Rust, which is faster than JIT-less interpreters like Python. * **Cross-platform** - Xremap uses `evdev` and `uinput`, which works whether you use X11 or Wayland. * **Language-agnostic** - The config is JSON-compatible. Generate it from any language, e.g. [Ruby](https://github.com/xremap/xremap-ruby), [Python](https://github.com/xremap/xremap-python). ## Features * Remap any keys, e.g. Ctrl or CapsLock. * Remap any key combination to another, even to a key sequence. * Remap a key sequence as well. You could do something like Emacs's `C-x C-c`. * Remap a key to two different keys depending on whether it's pressed alone or held. * Application-specific remapping. Even if it's not supported by your application, xremap can. * Automatically remap newly connected devices by starting xremap with `--watch`. * Support [Emacs-like key remapping](example/emacs.yml), including the mark mode. ## Installation Download a binary from [Releases](https://github.com/k0kubun/xremap/releases). If it doesn't work, please [install Rust](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html) and run one of the following commands: ```bash cargo install xremap --features x11 # X11 cargo install xremap --features gnome # GNOME Wayland cargo install xremap --features sway # Sway cargo install xremap # Others ``` You may also need to install `libx11-dev` to run the `xremap` binary for X11. ### Arch Linux If you are on Arch Linux and X11, you can install [xremap-x11-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xremap-x11-bin/) from AUR. ## Usage Write [a config file](#Configuration) directly, or generate it with [xremap-ruby](https://github.com/xremap/xremap-ruby) or [xremap-python](https://github.com/xremap/xremap-python). Then run: ``` sudo xremap config.yml ```
If you want to run xremap without sudo, click here. ### Running xremap without sudo To do so, your normal user should be able to use `evdev` and `uinput` without sudo. In Ubuntu, this can be configured by running the following commands and rebooting your machine. ```bash sudo gpasswd -a YOUR_USER input echo 'KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="input"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/input.rules ``` #### Arch Linux The following can be used on Arch. ```bash lsmod | grep uinput ``` If this module is not loaded, add to `/etc/modules-load.d/uinput.conf`: ```bash uinput ``` Then add udev rule. ```bash echo 'KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules ``` #### Other platforms In other platforms, you might need to create an `input` group first and run `echo 'KERNEL=="event*", NAME="input/%k", MODE="660", GROUP="input"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/input.rules` as well. If you do this, in some environments, `--watch` may fail to recognize new devices due to temporary permission issues. Using `sudo` might be more useful in such cases. ---
See the following instructions for your environment to make `application`-specific remapping work. ### X11 If you use `sudo` to run `xremap`, you may need to run `xhost +SI:localuser:root` if you see `No protocol specified`. ### GNOME Wayland Install xremap's GNOME Shell extension from [this link](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5060/xremap/), switching OFF to ON.
If you use sudo to run xremap, also click here. Update `/usr/share/dbus-1/session.conf` as follows, and reboot your machine. ```diff + ```
## Configuration Your `config.yml` should look like this: ```yml modmap: - name: Except Chrome application: not: Google-chrome remap: CapsLock: Esc keymap: - name: Emacs binding application: only: Slack remap: C-b: left C-f: right C-p: up C-n: down ``` See also: [example/config.yml](example/config.yml) and [example/emacs.yml](example/emacs.yml) ### modmap `modmap` is for key-to-key remapping like xmodmap. Note that remapping a key to a modifier key, e.g. CapsLock to Control\_L, is supported only in `modmap` since `keymap` handles modifier keys differently. ```yml modmap: - name: Name # Optional remap: # Required KEY_XXX: KEY_YYY # Required # or KEY_XXX: held: KEY_YYY # Required alone: KEY_ZZZ # Required alone_timeout_millis: 1000 # Optional application: # Optional not: [Application, ...] # or only: [Application, ...] ``` For `KEY_XXX` and `KEY_YYY`, use [these names](https://github.com/emberian/evdev/blob/1d020f11b283b0648427a2844b6b980f1a268221/src/scancodes.rs#L26-L572). You can skip `KEY_` and the name is case-insensitive. So `KEY_CAPSLOCK`, `CAPSLOCK`, and `CapsLock` are the same thing. Some [custom aliases](src/config/key.rs) like `SHIFT_R`, `CONTROL_L`, etc. are provided. If you specify a map containing `held` and `alone`, you can use the key for two purposes. The key is considered `alone` if it's pressed and released within `alone_timeout_millis` (default: 1000) before any other key is pressed. Otherwise it's considered `held`. ### keymap `keymap` is for remapping a sequence of key combinations to another sequence of key combinations or other actions. ```yml keymap: - name: Name # Optional remap: # Required # key press -> key press MOD1-KEY_XXX: MOD2-KEY_YYY # sequence (MOD1-KEY_XXX, MOD2-KEY_YYY) -> key press (MOD3-KEY_ZZZ) MOD1-KEY_XXX: remap: MOD2-KEY_YYY: MOD3-KEY_ZZZ timeout_millis: 200 # Optional. No timeout by default. # key press (MOD1-KEY_XXX) -> sequence (MOD2-KEY_YYY, MOD3-KEY_ZZZ) MOD1-KEY_XXX: [MOD2-KEY_YYY, MOD3-KEY_ZZZ] # execute a command MOD1-KEY_XXX: launch: ["bash", "-c", "echo hello > /tmp/test"] # let `with_mark` also press a Shift key (useful for Emacs emulation) MOD1-KEY_XXX: { set_mark: true } # use { set_mark: false } to disable it # also press Shift only when { set_mark: true } is used before MOD1-KEY_XXX: { with_mark: MOD2-KEY_YYY } # the next key press will ignore keymap MOD1-KEY_XXX: { escape_next_key: true } application: # Optional not: [Application, ...] # or only: [Application, ...] ``` For `KEY_XXX`, use [these names](https://github.com/emberian/evdev/blob/1d020f11b283b0648427a2844b6b980f1a268221/src/scancodes.rs#L26-L572). You can skip `KEY_` and the name is case-insensitive. So `KEY_CAPSLOCK`, `CAPSLOCK`, and `CapsLock` are the same thing. For the `MOD1-` part, the following prefixes can be used (also case-insensitive): * Shift: `SHIFT-` * Control: `C-`, `CTRL-`, `CONTROL-` * Alt: `M-`, `ALT-` * Windows: `SUPER-`, `WIN-`, `WINDOWS-` You can use multiple prefixes like `C-M-Shift-a`. You may also suffix them with `_L` or `_R` (case-insensitive) so that remapping is triggered only on a left or right modifier, e.g. `Ctrl_L-a`. ### application `application` can be used for both `modmap` and `keymap`, which allows you to specify application-specific remapping. ```yml application: not: Application # or not: [Application, ...] # or only: Application # or only: [Application, ...] ``` To check the application names, you can use the following commands: #### X11 ``` $ wmctrl -x -l 0x0280000a 0 gnome-terminal-server.Gnome-terminal ubuntu-focal Terminal 0x02600001 0 nocturn.Nocturn ubuntu-focal Nocturn ``` Use the name after `.` in the third column (`WM_CLASS`), i.e. `Gnome-terminal` or `Nocturn` in the above output. #### GNOME Wayland ``` busctl --user call org.gnome.Shell /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell Eval s 'global.get_window_actors().map(a => a.get_meta_window().get_wm_class());' ``` #### Sway ``` swaymsg -t get_tree ``` Locate `app_id` in the output. ## License `xremap` is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).