"""Generate docs from comments.""" import os from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List # Messages -------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGES_DOC_TEMPLATE = """ # Full List of Messages xplr messages categorized based on their purpose. ## Categories {categories} {msgs} ## Also See: - [Message](message.md) """.strip() CONFIGURATION_DOC_TEMPLATE = """ # Configuration {doc} """.strip() @dataclass class MsgSection: title: str body: List[str] @dataclass class MsgCategory: title: str sections: List[MsgSection] @dataclass class MsgResult: categories: List[MsgCategory] msgs: List[str] def gen_messages(): """Generate messages.md""" path = "./src/msg/in_/external.rs" res = [] reading = False with open(path) as f: lines = iter(f.read().splitlines()) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("pub enum ExternalMsg {"): reading = True continue if not reading: continue if line == "}": break if line.startswith("/// ### "): line = line.lstrip("/// ### ").rstrip("-").strip() sec = MsgSection(title=None, body=[]) cat = MsgCategory(title=line, sections=[sec]) res.append(cat) continue if line.startswith("/// "): line = line.lstrip("/// ").strip() res[-1].sections[-1].body.append(line) continue if not line or line == "///": res[-1].sections[-1].body.append("") continue if line.endswith(","): line = line.split(",")[0].split("(")[0] res[-1].sections[-1].title = line sec = MsgSection(title=None, body=[]) res[-1].sections.append(sec) continue result = MsgResult(categories=[], msgs=[]) for cat in res: slug = cat.title.lower().replace(" ", "-") result.categories.append(f"- [{cat.title}](#{slug})") result.msgs.append(f"### {cat.title}") result.msgs.append("") for sec in cat.sections: if not sec.title: continue result.msgs.append(f"#### {sec.title}") result.msgs.append("") for line in sec.body: result.msgs.append(f"{line}") result.msgs.append("") messages = MESSAGES_DOC_TEMPLATE.format( categories="\n".join(result.categories), msgs="\n".join(result.msgs) ) print(messages) with open("./docs/en/src/messages.md", "w") as f: print(messages, file=f) # Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_configuration(): """Generate the following docs. - configuration.md - general-config.md - node_types.md - layouts.md - modes.md """ path = "./src/init.lua" configuration = [[]] general = [[]] node_types = [[]] layouts = [[]] modes = [[]] with open(path) as f: lines = iter(f.read().splitlines()) reading = None for line in lines: if line.startswith("---"): continue if ( line.startswith("-- # Configuration ") or line.startswith("-- ## Config ") or line.startswith("-- ## Function ") ): reading = configuration if line.startswith("-- ### General Configuration "): reading = general if line.startswith("-- ### Node Types "): reading = node_types if line.startswith("-- ### Layouts "): reading = layouts if line.startswith("-- ### Modes "): reading = modes if not reading: continue if line.startswith("-- ") or line == "--": if line.startswith("-- #") and line.endswith("--"): line = "\n{0}\n".format(line.rstrip("-")) reading[-1].append(line[3:]) continue if line.startswith("xplr.") and reading[-1]: reading[-1].insert(0, "\n#### {0}\n".format(line.split()[0])) continue if not line.strip() and reading[-1]: reading.append([]) continue with open("./docs/en/src/configuration.md", "w") as f: doc = "\n".join(["\n".join(c) for c in configuration]) print(doc) print(doc, file=f) with open("./docs/en/src/general-config.md", "w") as f: doc = "\n".join(["\n".join(c) for c in general]) print(doc) print(doc, file=f) with open("./docs/en/src/node_types.md", "w") as f: doc = "\n".join(["\n".join(c) for c in node_types]) print(doc) print(doc, file=f) with open("./docs/en/src/layouts.md", "w") as f: doc = "\n".join(["\n".join(c) for c in layouts]) print(doc) print(doc, file=f) with open("./docs/en/src/modes.md", "w") as f: doc = "\n".join(["\n".join(c) for c in modes]) print(doc) print(doc, file=f) def format_docs(): os.system("prettier --write docs/en/src") def main(): gen_messages() gen_configuration() format_docs() if __name__ == "__main__": main()