-- You need to define the script version for compatibility check. -- See https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Upgrade-Guide. -- -- version = "1.0.0" -- Config ---- General ------ Show hidden xplr.config.general.show_hidden = false ------ Read only xplr.config.general.read_only = false ------ Prompt xplr.config.general.prompt.format = "❯ " xplr.config.general.prompt.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.prompt.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.prompt.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.prompt.style.fg = nil ------ Cursor xplr.config.general.cursor.format = "█" xplr.config.general.cursor.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.cursor.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.cursor.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.cursor.style.sub_modifiers = nil ------ Initial layout xplr.config.general.initial_layout = "default" ------ Initial mode xplr.config.general.initial_mode = "default" ------ Initial sorting xplr.config.general.initial_sorting = { { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir", reverse = true }, { sorter = "ByIRelativePath", reverse = false }, } ------ Logs -------- Error xplr.config.general.logs.error.format = "ERROR" xplr.config.general.logs.error.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.logs.error.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.logs.error.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.logs.error.style.fg = "Red" -------- Info xplr.config.general.logs.info.format = "INFO" xplr.config.general.logs.info.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.logs.info.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.logs.info.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.logs.info.style.fg = "LightBlue" -------- Success xplr.config.general.logs.success.format = "SUCCESS" xplr.config.general.logs.success.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.logs.success.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.logs.success.style.fg = "Green" xplr.config.general.logs.success.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Warning xplr.config.general.logs.warning.format = "WARNING" xplr.config.general.logs.warning.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.logs.warning.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.logs.warning.style.fg = "Yellow" xplr.config.general.logs.warning.style.sub_modifiers = nil ------ Default UI xplr.config.general.default_ui.prefix = " " xplr.config.general.default_ui.suffix = "" xplr.config.general.default_ui.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.default_ui.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.default_ui.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.default_ui.style.fg = nil ------ Focus UI xplr.config.general.focus_ui.prefix = "▸[" xplr.config.general.focus_ui.suffix = "]" xplr.config.general.focus_ui.style.add_modifiers = { "Bold" } xplr.config.general.focus_ui.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.focus_ui.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.focus_ui.style.fg = "Blue" ------ Selection UI xplr.config.general.selection_ui.prefix = " {" xplr.config.general.selection_ui.suffix = "}" xplr.config.general.selection_ui.style.add_modifiers = { "Bold" } xplr.config.general.selection_ui.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.selection_ui.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.selection_ui.style.fg = "LightGreen" ------ Sort & filter UI -------- Separator xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.separator.format = " › " xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.separator.style.add_modifiers = { "Dim" } xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.separator.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.separator.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.separator.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Default identidier xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.default_identifier.format = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.default_identifier.style.add_modifiers = { "Bold" } xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.default_identifier.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.default_identifier.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.default_identifier.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Filter identifiers xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.filter_identifiers = { AbsolutePathDoesContain = { format = "abs=~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathDoesEndWith = { format = "abs=$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathDoesNotContain = { format = "abs!~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "abs!$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "abs!^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathDoesStartWith = { format = "abs=^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathIs = { format = "abs==", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, AbsolutePathIsNot = { format = "abs!=", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathDoesContain = { format = "[i]abs=~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathDoesEndWith = { format = "[i]abs=$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathDoesNotContain = { format = "[i]abs!~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "[i]abs!$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "[i]abs!^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathDoesStartWith = { format = "[i]abs=^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathIs = { format = "[i]abs==", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IAbsolutePathIsNot = { format = "[i]abs!=", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathDoesContain = { format = "[i]rel=~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathDoesEndWith = { format = "[i]rel=$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathDoesNotContain = { format = "[i]rel!~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "[i]rel!$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "[i]rel!^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathDoesStartWith = { format = "[i]rel=^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathIs = { format = "[i]rel==", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, IRelativePathIsNot = { format = "[i]rel!=", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathDoesContain = { format = "rel=~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathDoesEndWith = { format = "rel=$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathDoesNotContain = { format = "rel!~", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "rel!$", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "rel!^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathDoesStartWith = { format = "rel=^", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathIs = { format = "rel==", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, RelativePathIsNot = { format = "rel!=", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, } -------- Sort direction identifiers xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.forward.format = "↓" xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.forward.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.forward.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.forward.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.forward.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.reverse.format = "↑" xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.reverse.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.reverse.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.reverse.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.reverse.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Sorter identifiers xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sorter_identifiers = { ByCanonicalAbsolutePath = { format = "[c]abs", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByCanonicalExtension = { format = "[c]ext", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByCanonicalIsDir = { format = "[c]dir", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByCanonicalIsFile = { format = "[c]file", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByCanonicalIsReadonly = { format = "[c]ro", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByCanonicalMimeEssence = { format = "[c]mime", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByCanonicalSize = { format = "[c]size", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByExtension = { format = "ext", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByICanonicalAbsolutePath = { format = "[ci]abs", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByIRelativePath = { format = "[i]rel", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByISymlinkAbsolutePath = { format = "[si]abs", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByIsBroken = { format = "⨯", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByIsDir = { format = "dir", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByIsFile = { format = "file", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByIsReadonly = { format = "ro", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByIsSymlink = { format = "sym", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByMimeEssence = { format = "mime", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, ByRelativePath = { format = "rel", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySize = { format = "size", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkAbsolutePath = { format = "[s]abs", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkExtension = { format = "[s]ext", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkIsDir = { format = "[s]dir", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkIsFile = { format = "[s]file", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkIsReadonly = { format = "[s]ro", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkMimeEssence = { format = "[s]mime", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, BySymlinkSize = { format = "[s]size", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, } ------ Panel UI -------- Default xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.borders = { "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" } xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.title.format = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.title.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.title.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.title.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.title.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Help menu xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.borders = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.title.format = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.title.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.title.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.title.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.title.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Input & log xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.borders = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.title.format = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.title.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.title.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.title.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.title.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Selection xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.borders = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.title.format = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.title.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.title.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.title.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.title.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Sort and filter xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.borders = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.title.format = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.title.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.title.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.title.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.title.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Table xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.borders = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.title.format = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.title.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.title.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.title.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.title.style.sub_modifiers = nil ------ Table xplr.config.general.table.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.table.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.table.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.table.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Col spacing xplr.config.general.table.col_spacing = 1 -------- Col widths xplr.config.general.table.col_widths = { { Percentage = 10 }, { Percentage = 50 }, { Percentage = 10 }, { Percentage = 10 }, { Percentage = 20 }, } -------- Header xplr.config.general.table.header.cols = { { format = " index", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "╭──── path", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "permissions", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "size", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "type", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, } xplr.config.general.table.header.height = 1 xplr.config.general.table.header.style.add_modifiers = { "Bold" } xplr.config.general.table.header.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.table.header.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.table.header.style.fg = nil -------- Row xplr.config.general.table.row.cols = { { format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_0", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_1", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_2", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_3", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_4", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, } xplr.config.general.table.row.height = 0 xplr.config.general.table.row.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.general.table.row.style.bg = nil xplr.config.general.table.row.style.fg = nil xplr.config.general.table.row.style.sub_modifiers = nil -------- Tree xplr.config.general.table.tree = { { format = "├─", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "├─", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, { format = "╰─", style = { add_modifiers = nil, bg = nil, fg = nil, sub_modifiers = nil } }, } ---- Node types ------ Directory xplr.config.node_types.directory.meta.icon = "ð" xplr.config.node_types.directory.style.add_modifiers = { "Bold" } xplr.config.node_types.directory.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.node_types.directory.style.bg = nil xplr.config.node_types.directory.style.fg = "Cyan" ------ File xplr.config.node_types.file.meta.icon = "ƒ" xplr.config.node_types.file.style.add_modifiers = nil xplr.config.node_types.file.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.node_types.file.style.bg = nil xplr.config.node_types.file.style.fg = nil ------ Symlink xplr.config.node_types.symlink.meta.icon = "§" xplr.config.node_types.symlink.style.add_modifiers = { "Italic" } xplr.config.node_types.symlink.style.sub_modifiers = nil xplr.config.node_types.symlink.style.bg = nil xplr.config.node_types.symlink.style.fg = "Magenta" ------ Mime essence xplr.config.node_types.mime_essence = {} ------ Extension xplr.config.node_types.extension = {} ------ Special xplr.config.node_types.special = {} -- Layouts ---- Builtin ------ Default xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = { Horizontal = { config = { margin = nil, horizontal_margin = 0, vertical_margin = 0, constraints = { { Percentage = 70 }, { Percentage = 30 } } }, splits = { { Vertical = { config = { margin = 0, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Length = 3 }, { Min = 1 }, { Length = 3 } } }, splits = { "SortAndFilter", "Table", "InputAndLogs", } } }, { Vertical = { config = { margin = 0, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Percentage = 50 }, { Percentage = 50 }, } }, splits = { "Selection", "HelpMenu", } } } } } } ------ No help xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_help = { Horizontal = { config = { margin = nil, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Percentage = 70 }, { Percentage = 30 } } }, splits = { { Vertical = { config = { margin = nil, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Length = 3 }, { Min = 1 }, { Length = 3 } } }, splits = { "SortAndFilter", "Table", "InputAndLogs" } } }, "Selection" } } } ------ No selection xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_selection = { Horizontal = { config = { margin = nil, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Percentage = 70 }, { Percentage = 30 } } }, splits = { { Vertical = { config = { margin = nil, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Length = 3 }, { Min = 1 }, { Length = 3 } } }, splits = { "SortAndFilter", "Table", "InputAndLogs", } } }, "HelpMenu" } } } ------ No help, no selection xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_help_no_selection = { Vertical = { config = { margin = nil, horizontal_margin = nil, vertical_margin = nil, constraints = { { Length = 3 }, { Min = 1 }, { Length = 3 } } }, splits = { "SortAndFilter", "Table", "InputAndLogs", } } } ---- Custom xplr.config.layouts.custom = {} -- Modes ---- Builtin ------ Default xplr.config.modes.builtin.default = { name = "default", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["#"] = { help = nil, messages = {"PrintAppStateAndQuit"} }, ["."] = { help = "show hidden", messages = { { ToggleNodeFilter = { filter = "RelativePathDoesNotStartWith", input = "." } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, [":"] = { help = "action", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "action" }, "Refresh" } }, ["?"] = { help = "global help menu", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ [ -z "$PAGER" ] && PAGER="less -+F" cat -- "${XPLR_PIPE_GLOBAL_HELP_MENU_OUT}" | ${PAGER:?} ]===] } } }, ["G"] = { help = "go to bottom", messages = {"PopMode", "FocusLast", "Refresh"} }, ["ctrl-a"] = { help = "select/unselect all", messages = {"ToggleSelectAll"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-f"] = { help = "search", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "search" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-i"] = { help = "next visited path", messages = {"NextVisitedPath"} }, ["ctrl-o"] = { help = "last visited path", messages = {"LastVisitedPath"} }, ["ctrl-r"] = { help = "refresh screen", messages = {"ClearScreen", "Refresh"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "clear selection", messages = {"ClearSelection"} }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "switch layout", messages = { { SwitchModeBuiltin = "switch_layout" }, "Refresh" } }, ["d"] = { help = "delete", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "delete" }, "Refresh" } }, down = { help = "down", messages = {"FocusNext"} }, enter = { help = "quit with result", messages = { "PrintResultAndQuit" } }, esc = { help = nil, messages = {} }, ["f"] = { help = "filter", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "filter" }, "Refresh" } }, ["g"] = { help = "go to", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "go_to" }, "Refresh" } }, left = { help = "back", messages = {"Back"} }, ["q"] = { help = "quit", messages = {"Quit"} }, ["r"] = { help = "rename", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "rename" }, { BashExecSilently = [===[ echo SetInputBuffer: "'"$(basename "${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH}")"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" ]===] }, "Refresh" } }, right = { help = "enter", messages = { "Enter" } }, ["s"] = { help = "sort", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "sort" }, "Refresh" } }, space = { help = "toggle selection", messages = {"ToggleSelection", "FocusNext"} }, up = { help = "up", messages = {"FocusPrevious"} }, ["~"] = { help = "go home", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ echo ChangeDirectory: "'"${HOME:?}"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" ]===] } } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = { help = "input", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "number" }, "BufferInputFromKey" } }, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["v"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.space xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["V"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["ctrl-a"] xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["/"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["ctrl-f"] xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["h"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.left xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["j"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.down xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["k"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.up xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["l"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.right ------ Recover xplr.config.modes.builtin.recover = { name = "recover", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, esc = { help = "escape", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = {} } } } ------ Selection ops xplr.config.modes.builtin.selection_ops = { name = "selection ops", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["c"] = { help = "copy here", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ (while IFS= read -r line; do if cp -vr -- "${line:?}" ./; then echo LogSuccess: $line copied to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo LogError: Failed to copy $line to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi done < "${XPLR_PIPE_SELECTION_OUT:?}") echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" echo ClearSelection >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" read -p "[enter to continue]" ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["m"] = { help = "move here", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ (while IFS= read -r line; do if mv -v -- "${line:?}" ./; then echo LogSuccess: $line moved to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo LogError: Failed to move $line to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi done < "${XPLR_PIPE_SELECTION_OUT:?}") echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" read -p "[enter to continue]" ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["x"] = { help = "open in gui", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ if [ -z "$OPENER" ]; then if command -v xdg-open; then OPENER=xdg-open elif command -v open; then OPENER=open else echo 'LogError: $OPENER not found' >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" exit 1 fi fi (while IFS= read -r line; do $OPENER "${line:?}" > /dev/null 2>&1 done < "${XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT:?}") ]===] }, "ClearScreen", "PopMode", "Refresh" } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } ------ Create xplr.config.modes.builtin.create = { name = "create", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["d"] = { help = "create directory", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "create directory" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" } } }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["f"] = { help = "create file", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "create file" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" } } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } ------ Create directory xplr.config.modes.builtin.create_directory = { name = "create directory", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { SetInputBuffer = "" } } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastWord"} }, enter = { help = "create directory", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ PTH="$XPLR_INPUT_BUFFER" if [ "${PTH}" ]; then mkdir -p -- "${PTH:?}" \ && echo "SetInputBuffer: ''" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo LogSuccess: $PTH created >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo FocusByFileName: "'"$PTH"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo PopMode >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" echo Refresh >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===] } } }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = {"BufferInputFromKey"} } } } ------ Create file xplr.config.modes.builtin.create_file = { name = "create file", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { SetInputBuffer = "" } } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastWord"} }, enter = { help = "create file", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ PTH="$XPLR_INPUT_BUFFER" if [ "${PTH}" ]; then touch -- "${PTH:?}" \ && echo "SetInputBuffer: ''" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo LogSuccess: $PTH created >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo FocusByFileName: "'"$PTH"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo PopMode >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" echo Refresh >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===] } } }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = {"BufferInputFromKey"} } } } ------ Number xplr.config.modes.builtin.number = { name = "number", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { SetInputBuffer = "" } } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastWord"} }, down = { help = "to down", messages = {"FocusNextByRelativeIndexFromInput", "PopMode", "Refresh"} }, enter = { help = "to index", messages = {"FocusByIndexFromInput", "PopMode", "Refresh"} }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, up = { help = "to up", messages = {"FocusPreviousByRelativeIndexFromInput", "PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = { help = "input", messages = {"BufferInputFromKey"} }, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } xplr.config.modes.builtin.number.key_bindings.on_key["j"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.number.key_bindings.on_key.down xplr.config.modes.builtin.number.key_bindings.on_key["k"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.number.key_bindings.on_key.up ------ Go to xplr.config.modes.builtin.go_to = { name = "go to", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["f"] = { help = "follow symlink", messages = {"FollowSymlink", "PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["g"] = { help = "top", messages = {"FocusFirst", "PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["x"] = { help = "open in gui", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ if [ -z "$OPENER" ]; then if command -v xdg-open; then OPENER=xdg-open elif command -v open; then OPENER=open else echo 'LogError: $OPENER not found' >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" exit 1 fi fi $OPENER "${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH:?}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ]===] }, "ClearScreen", "PopMode", "Refresh" } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } ------ Rename xplr.config.modes.builtin.rename = { name = "rename", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { SetInputBuffer = "" } } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = {"RemoveInputBufferLastWord"} }, enter = { help = "rename", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ SRC="${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH:?}" TARGET="${XPLR_INPUT_BUFFER:?}" mv -- "${SRC:?}" "${TARGET:?}" \ && echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo FocusByFileName: "'"$TARGET"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \ && echo LogSuccess: $SRC renamed to $TARGET >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = {"BufferInputFromKey"} } } } ------ Delete xplr.config.modes.builtin.delete = { name = "delete", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["D"] = { help = "force delete", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ (while IFS= read -r line; do if rm -rfv -- "${line:?}"; then echo LogSuccess: $line deleted >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo LogError: Failed to delete $line >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi done < "${XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT:?}") echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" read -p "[enter to continue]" ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["d"] = { help = "delete", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ (while IFS= read -r line; do if [ -d "$line" ] && [ ! -L "$line" ]; then if rmdir -v -- "${line:?}"; then echo LogSuccess: $line deleted >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo LogError: Failed to delete $line >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi else if rm -v -- "${line:?}"; then echo LogSuccess: $line deleted >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo LogError: Failed to delete $line >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi fi done < "${XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT:?}") echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" read -p "[enter to continue]" ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } ------ Action xplr.config.modes.builtin.action = { name = "action to", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["!"] = { help = "shell", messages = { { Call = { command = "bash", args = {"-i"} } }, "ExplorePwdAsync", "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["c"] = { help = "create", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "create" }, "Refresh" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["e"] = { help = "open in editor", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ ${EDITOR:-vi} "${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH:?}" ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["l"] = { help = "logs", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ [ -z "$PAGER" ] && PAGER="less -+F" cat -- "${XPLR_PIPE_LOGS_OUT}" | ${PAGER:?} ]===] }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["s"] = { help = "selection operations", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "selection_ops" }, "Refresh" } }, ["q"] = { help = "quit", messages = { "Quit", } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = { help = "go to index", messages = { "PopMode", { SwitchModeBuiltin = "number" }, "BufferInputFromKey" } }, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } ------ Search xplr.config.modes.builtin.search = { name = "search", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" }, { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "RemoveInputBufferLastWord", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, down = { help = "down", messages = {"FocusNext"} }, enter = { help = "focus", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "PopMode", "ExplorePwdAsync", "Refresh" } }, left = { help = "back", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "Back", { SetInputBuffer = "" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, right = { help = "enter", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "Enter", { SetInputBuffer = "" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, tab = { help = "toggle selection", messages = {"ToggleSelection", "FocusNext"} }, up = { help = "up", messages = {"FocusPrevious"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "BufferInputFromKey", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } } } } xplr.config.modes.builtin.search.key_bindings.on_key["esc"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.search.key_bindings.on_key.enter xplr.config.modes.builtin.search.key_bindings.on_key["ctrl-n"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.search.key_bindings.on_key.down xplr.config.modes.builtin.search.key_bindings.on_key["ctrl-p"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.search.key_bindings.on_key.up ------ Filter xplr.config.modes.builtin.filter = { name = "filter", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["R"] = { help = "relative does not contain", messages = { { SwitchModeBuiltin = "relative_path_does_not_contain" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" }, { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, backspace = { help = "remove last filter", messages = {"RemoveLastNodeFilter", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-r"] = { help = "reset filters", messages = {"ResetNodeFilters", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "clear filters", messages = {"ClearNodeFilters", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, enter = { help = "done", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["r"] = { help = "relative does contain", messages = { { SwitchModeBuiltin = "relative_path_does_contain" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" }, { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } xplr.config.modes.builtin.filter.key_bindings.on_key["esc"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.filter.key_bindings.on_key.enter ------ Relative path does contain xplr.config.modes.builtin.relative_path_does_contain = { name = "relative path does contain", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" }, { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "RemoveInputBufferLastWord", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, enter = { help = "apply filter", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "PopMode", "ExplorePwdAsync", "Refresh" } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "BufferInputFromKey", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } } } } ------ Relative path does not contain xplr.config.modes.builtin.relative_path_does_not_contain = { name = "relative path does not contain", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { backspace = { help = "remove last character", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "remove line", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, { SetInputBuffer = "" }, { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["ctrl-w"] = { help = "remove last word", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "RemoveInputBufferLastWord", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, enter = { help = "apply filter", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "PopMode", "ExplorePwdAsync" } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = { help = nil, messages = { { RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "BufferInputFromKey", { AddNodeFilterFromInput = "IRelativePathDoesNotContain" }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } } } } ------ Sort xplr.config.modes.builtin.sort = { name = "sort", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["!"] = { help = "reverse sorters", messages = {"ReverseNodeSorters", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, ["E"] = { help = "by canonical extension reverse", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalExtension", reverse = true } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["M"] = { help = "by canonical mime essence reverse", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalMimeEssence", reverse = true } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["N"] = { help = "by node type reverse", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir", reverse = true } }, { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsFile", reverse = true } }, { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByIsSymlink", reverse = true } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["R"] = { help = "by relative path reverse", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByIRelativePath", reverse = true } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["S"] = { help = "by size reverse", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "BySize", reverse = true } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, backspace = { help = "remove last sorter", messages = {"RemoveLastNodeSorter", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, ["ctrl-r"] = { help = "reset sorters", messages = {"ResetNodeSorters", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, ["ctrl-u"] = { help = "clear sorters", messages = {"ClearNodeSorters", "ExplorePwdAsync"} }, ["e"] = { help = "by canonical extension", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalExtension", reverse = false } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, enter = { help = "done", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} }, ["m"] = { help = "by canonical mime essence", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalMimeEssence", reverse = false } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["n"] = { help = "by node type", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir", reverse = false } }, { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsFile", reverse = false } }, { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByIsSymlink", reverse = false } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["r"] = { help = "by relative path", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByIRelativePath", reverse = false } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } }, ["s"] = { help = "by size", messages = { { AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "BySize", reverse = false } }, "ExplorePwdAsync" } } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } xplr.config.modes.builtin.sort.key_bindings.on_key["esc"] = xplr.config.modes.builtin.sort.key_bindings.on_key.enter ------ Switch layout xplr.config.modes.builtin.switch_layout = { name = "switch layout", help = nil, extra_help = nil, key_bindings = { on_key = { ["1"] = { help = "default", messages = { { SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "default" }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["2"] = { help = "no help menu", messages = { { SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "no_help" }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["3"] = { help = "no selection panel", messages = { { SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "no_selection" }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["4"] = { help = "no help or selection", messages = { { SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "no_help_no_selection" }, "PopMode", "Refresh" } }, ["ctrl-c"] = { help = "terminate", messages = {"Terminate"} }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = {"PopMode", "Refresh"} } }, on_alphabet = nil, on_number = nil, on_special_character = nil, default = nil } } ---- Custom xplr.config.modes.custom = {} -- Function ---- Formaters ------ Index xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_0 = function(m) local r = "" if m.is_before_focus then r = r .. " -" else r = r .. " " end r = r .. m.relative_index .. "│" .. m.index return r end ------ Path xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_1 = function(m) local r = m.tree .. m.prefix if m.meta.icon == nil then r = r .. "" else r = r .. m.meta.icon .. " " end r = r .. m.relative_path if m.is_dir then r = r .. "/" end r = r .. m.suffix .. " " if m.is_symlink then r = r .. "-> " if m.is_broken then r = r .. "×" else r = r .. m.symlink.absolute_path if m.symlink.is_dir then r = r .. "/" end end end return r end ------ Permissions xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_2 = function(m) local no_color = os.getenv("NO_COLOR") local function green(x) if no_color == nil then return "\x1b[32m" .. x .. "\x1b[0m" else return x end end local function yellow(x) if no_color == nil then return "\x1b[33m" .. x .. "\x1b[0m" else return x end end local function red(x) if no_color == nil then return "\x1b[31m" .. x .. "\x1b[0m" else return x end end local function bit(x, color, cond) if cond then return color(x) else return color("-") end end local r = "" -- User r = r .. bit("r", green, m.permissions.user_read) r = r .. bit("w", yellow, m.permissions.user_write) r = r .. bit("x", red, m.permissions.user_execute) -- Group r = r .. bit("r", green, m.permissions.group_read) r = r .. bit("w", yellow, m.permissions.group_write) r = r .. bit("x", red, m.permissions.group_execute) -- Other r = r .. bit("r", green, m.permissions.other_read) r = r .. bit("w", yellow, m.permissions.other_write) r = r .. bit("x", red, m.permissions.other_execute) return r end ------ Size xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_3 = function(m) if not m.is_dir then return m.human_size else return "" end end ------ Mime xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_4 = function(m) if m.is_symlink and not m.is_broken then return m.symlink.mime_essence else return m.mime_essence end end