### xplr.util.version Get the current xplr version details. Type: function() -> { major: number, minor: number, patch: number } Example: ```lua xplr.util.version() -- { major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0 } ``` ### xplr.util.dirname Get the directory name of a given path. Type: function( path:string ) -> path:string|nil Example: ```lua xplr.util.dirname("/foo/bar") -- "/foo" ``` ### xplr.util.basename Get the base name of a given path. Type: function( path:string ) -> path:string|nil Example: ```lua xplr.util.basename("/foo/bar") -- "bar" ``` ### xplr.util.absolute Get the absolute path of the given path by prepending $PWD. It doesn't check if the path exists. Type: function( path:string ) -> path:string Example: ```lua xplr.util.absolute("foo/bar") -- "/tmp/foo/bar" ``` ### xplr.util.explore Explore directories with the given explorer config. Type: function( path:string, config:[Explorer Config][1]|nil ) -> { node:[Node][2]... } Example: ```lua xplr.util.explore("/tmp") xplr.util.explore("/tmp", app.explorer_config) -- { { absolute_path = "/tmp/a", ... }, ... } ``` [1]: https://xplr.dev/en/lua-function-calls#explorer-config [2]: https://xplr.dev/en/lua-function-calls#node ### xplr.util.shell_execute Execute shell commands safely. Type: function( program:string, args:{ arg:string... }|nil ) -> { stdout = string, stderr = string, returncode = number|nil } Example: ```lua xplr.util.shell_execute("pwd"}) xplr.util.shell_execute("bash", {"-c", "xplr --help"}) -- { stdout = "xplr...", stderr = "", returncode = 0 } ``` ### xplr.util.shell_quote Quote commands and paths safely. Type: function( string ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.shell_quote("a'b\"c") -- 'a'"'"'b"c' ``` ### xplr.util.from_json Load JSON string into Lua value. Type: function( string ) -> value Example: ```lua xplr.util.from_json([[{"foo": "bar"}]]) -- { foo = "bar" } ``` ### xplr.util.to_json Dump Lua value into JSON (i.e. also YAML) string. Type: function( string ) -> value Example: ```lua xplr.util.to_json({ foo = "bar" }) -- [[{ "foos": "bar" }]] xplr.util.to_json({ foo = "bar" }, { pretty = true }) -- [[{ -- "foos": "bar" -- }]] ``` ### xplr.util.from_yaml Load YAML (i.e. also JSON) string into Lua value. Type: function( string ) -> value Example: ```lua xplr.util.from_yaml([[{foo: bar}]]) -- { foo = "bar" } ``` ### xplr.util.to_yaml Dump Lua value into YAML string. Type: function( string ) -> value Example: ```lua xplr.util.to_yaml({ foo = "bar" }) -- "foo: bar" ```