# Style A style object contains the following information: - [fg][1] - [bg][2] - [add_modifiers][3] - [sub_modifiers][4] ### fg Type: nullable [Color][5] The foreground color. ### bg Type: nullable [Color][5] The background color. ### add_modifiers Type: nullable list of [Modifier][6] Modifiers to add. ### sub_modifiers Type: nullable list of [Modifier][6] Modifiers to remove. ## Color Color can be one of the following: - "Reset" - "Black" - "Red" - "Green" - "Yellow" - "Blue" - "Magenta" - "Cyan" - "Gray" - "DarkGray" - "LightRed" - "LightGreen" - "LightYellow" - "LightBlue" - "LightMagenta" - "LightCyan" - "White" - { Rgb = { int, int, int } } - { Indexed = int } ## Modifier Modifier can be one of the following: - "Bold" - "Dim" - "Italic" - "Underlined" - "SlowBlink" - "RapidBlink" - "Reversed" - "Hidden" - "CrossedOut" ## Example ```lua xplr.config.general.prompt.style.fg = "Red" xplr.config.general.prompt.style.bg = { Rgb = { 100, 150, 200 } } xplr.config.general.prompt.style.add_modifiers = { "Bold", "Italic" } xplr.config.general.prompt.style.sub_modifiers = { "Hidden" } ``` [1]: #fg [2]: #bg [3]: #add_modifiers [4]: #sub_modifiers [5]: #color [6]: #modifier