# Mode A mode contains the following information: - [name][5] - [help][6] - [extra_help][7] - [key_bindings][9] - [layout][10] - [prompt][13] ### name Type: string This is the name of the mode visible in the help menu. ### help Type: nullable string If specified, the help menu will display this instead of the auto generated mappings. ### extra_help Type: nullable string If specified, the help menu will display this along-side the auto generated help menu. ### key_bindings Type: [Key Bindings][8] The key bindings available in that mode. ### layout Type: nullable [Layout][11] If specified, this layout will be used to render the UI. ### prompt Type: nullable string If set, this prompt will be displayed in the input buffer when in this mode. ## Also See: - [xplr.config.modes][12] [1]: #builtin [2]: #custom [3]: #mode [4]: default-key-bindings.md [5]: #name [6]: #help [7]: #extra_help [8]: configure-key-bindings.md#key-bindings [9]: #key_bindings [10]: #layout [11]: layout.md#layout [12]: modes.md [13]: #prompt