### Layouts xplr layouts define the structure of the UI, i.e. how many panel we see, placement and size of the panels, how they look etc. This is configuration exposed via the `xplr.config.layouts` API. `xplr.config.layouts.builtin` contain some built-in panels which can be overridden, but you can't add or remove panels in it. You can add new panels in `xplr.config.layouts.custom`. ##### Example: Defining Custom Layout ![demo](https://s6.gifyu.com/images/layout.png) ```lua xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = { Horizontal = { config = { margin = 1, horizontal_margin = 2, vertical_margin = 3, constraints = { { Percentage = 50 }, { Percentage = 50 }, } }, splits = { "Table", "HelpMenu", } } } ``` #### xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default The default layout Type: [Layout](https://xplr.dev/en/layout) #### xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_help The layout without help menu Type: [Layout](https://xplr.dev/en/layout) #### xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_selection The layout without selection panel Type: [Layout](https://xplr.dev/en/layout) #### xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_help_no_selection The layout without help menu and selection panel Type: [Layout](https://xplr.dev/en/layout) #### xplr.config.layouts.custom This is where you can define custom layouts Type: mapping of the following key-value pairs: - key: string - value: [Layout](https://xplr.dev/en/layout) Example: ```lua xplr.config.layouts.custom.example = "Nothing" -- Show a blank screen xplr.config.general.initial_layout = "example" -- Load the example layout ```