# Awesome Hacks Here's a list of cool xplr hacks, i.e. snippets of code that you can just copy and paste into your [configuration][1] or the appropriate file, that are too small or too niche for a full fledge [plugin][2]. Do you have something cool to share? [Edit this file][3] or [share them here][4] or [let us know][5]. You can try these hacks by writing them to a file, say `hack.lua` and passsing it to xplr with `--extra-config` or `-C`. ```bash xplr -C hack.lua ``` ### cd on quit Change directory using xplr.
Expand for details - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Tested on: Linux With this alias set, you can navigate directories using xplr by entering xcd command, and when you quit by pressing enter, you will enter the directory. You can of course, quit with plain Quit (i.e. by pressing q) to gracefully cancel "cd on quit". ```bash alias xcd='cd "$(xplr --print-pwd-as-result)"' ```
### Spawn multiple sessions in different tabs (iTerm2) Creating a new session that starts with iTerm2.
Expand for details - Author: [@lmburns][9] - Requires: iTerm2 - Tested on: MacOS ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["ctrl-n"] = { help = "new session", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [[ osascript < ### Bookmark Bookmark files using `m` and fuzzy search bookmarks using backtick.
Expand for details [![xplr-bookmark.gif][7]][6] - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: fzf - Tested on: Linux ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.m = { help = "bookmark", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ PTH="${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH:?}" if echo "${PTH:?}" >> "${XPLR_SESSION_PATH:?}/bookmarks"; then echo "LogSuccess: ${PTH:?} added to bookmarks" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo "LogError: Failed to bookmark ${PTH:?}" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===], }, }, } xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["`"] = { help = "go to bookmark", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ PTH=$(cat "${XPLR_SESSION_PATH:?}/bookmarks" | fzf --no-sort) if [ "$PTH" ]; then echo FocusPath: "'"${PTH:?}"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===], }, }, } ```
### Persistent, multi-session bookmark A bookmark mode that allows for a bookmark file to be used throughout multiples sessions. It is set to the environment variable `$XPLR_BOOKMARK_FILE`. A bookmark can be added, deleted, or jumped to.
Expand for details - Author: [@lmburns][9] - Requires: fzf, sd - Tested on: MacOS ```lua -- Bookmark: mode binding xplr.config.modes.custom.bookmark = { name = "bookmark", key_bindings = { on_key = { m = { help = "bookmark dir", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [[ PTH="${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH:?}" if [ -d "${PTH}" ]; then PTH="${PTH}" elif [ -f "${PTH}" ]; then PTH="$(dirname "${PTH}")" fi if echo "${PTH:?}" >> "${XPLR_BOOKMARK_FILE:?}"; then echo "LogSuccess: ${PTH:?} added to bookmarks" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" else echo "LogError: Failed to bookmark ${PTH:?}" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]] }, }, }, g = { help = "go to bookmark", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ PTH=$(cat "${XPLR_BOOKMARK_FILE:?}" | fzf --no-sort) if [ "$PTH" ]; then echo FocusPath: "'"${PTH:?}"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===] }, }, }, d = { help = "delete bookmark", messages = { { BashExec = [[ PTH=$(cat "${XPLR_BOOKMARK_FILE:?}" | fzf --no-sort) sd "$PTH\n" "" "${XPLR_BOOKMARK_FILE:?}" ]] }, }, }, esc = { help = "cancel", messages = { "PopMode", }, }, }, }, } ```
### Another bookmark manager type thing, taken from [wfxr's zsh plugin][13]. Another bookmark manager type thing, taken from [wfxr's zsh plugin][13] which has colored output with fzf.
Expand for details - Author: [@lmburns][9] - Requires: fzf, exa - Tested on: MacOS ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.go_to.key_bindings.on_key.b = { help = "bookmark jump", messages = { "PopMode", { BashExec = [===[ field='\(\S\+\s*\)' esc=$(printf '\033') N="${esc}[0m" R="${esc}[31m" G="${esc}[32m" Y="${esc}[33m" B="${esc}[34m" pattern="s#^${field}${field}${field}${field}#$Y\1$R\2$N\3$B\4$N#" PTH=$(sed 's#: # -> #' "$PATHMARKS_FILE"| nl| column -t \ | gsed "${pattern}" \ | fzf --ansi \ --height '40%' \ --preview="echo {}|sed 's#.*-> ##'| xargs exa --color=always" \ --preview-window="right:50%" \ | sed 's#.*-> ##') if [ "$PTH" ]; then echo ChangeDirectory: "'"${PTH:?}"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===] }, } } ```
### Fuzzy search history Fuzzy search the last visited directories.
Expand for details - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: fzf - Tested on: Linux ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.go_to.key_bindings.on_key.h = { help = "history", messages = { "PopMode", { BashExec = [===[ PTH=$(cat "${XPLR_PIPE_HISTORY_OUT:?}" | sort -u | fzf --no-sort) if [ "$PTH" ]; then echo ChangeDirectory: "'"${PTH:?}"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===], }, }, } ```
### Batch rename Batch rename the selected or visible files and directories in $PWD.
Expand for details [![xplr-rename.gif][11]][10] - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: [pipe-rename][12] - Tested on: Linux ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.R = { help = "batch rename", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ SELECTION=$(cat "${XPLR_PIPE_SELECTION_OUT:?}") NODES=${SELECTION:-$(cat "${XPLR_PIPE_DIRECTORY_NODES_OUT:?}")} if [ "$NODES" ]; then echo -e "$NODES" | renamer echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" fi ]===], }, }, } ```
### Serve $PWD Serve $PWD using a static web server via LAN.
Expand for details - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: [sfz][14], fzf - Tested on: Linux ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.S = { help = "serve $PWD", messages = { { BashExec = [===[ IP=$(ip addr | grep -w inet | cut -d/ -f1 | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{ 1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | fzf --prompt 'Select IP > ') echo "IP: ${IP:?}" read -p "Port (default 5000): " PORT echo sfz --all --cors --no-ignore --bind ${IP:?} --port ${PORT:-5000} . & sleep 1 && read -p '[press enter to exit]' kill -9 %1 ]===], }, }, } ```
### Image viewer (imv) Preview images using [imv][17].
Expand for details - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: [imv][17], [xdotool][18] - Tested on: Linux, FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.P = { help = "preview", messages = { { BashExecSilently = [===[ FIFO_PATH="/tmp/xplr.fifo" if [ -e "$FIFO_PATH" ]; then echo StopFifo >> "$XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN" rm -f -- "$FIFO_PATH" else mkfifo "$FIFO_PATH" "$HOME/.local/bin/imv-open.sh" "$FIFO_PATH" "$XPLR_FOCUS_PATH" & echo "StartFifo: '$FIFO_PATH'" >> "$XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN" fi ]===], }, }, } ``` $HOME/.local/bin/imv-open.sh ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash FIFO_PATH="$1" IMAGE="$2" MAINWINDOW="$(xdotool getactivewindow)" IMV_PID="$(pgrep imv)" if [ ! "$IMV_PID" ]; then imv "$IMAGE" & IMV_PID=$! fi sleep 0.5 xdotool windowactivate "$MAINWINDOW" while read -r path; do imv-msg "$IMV_PID" close all imv-msg "$IMV_PID" open "$path" done < "$FIFO_PATH" imv-msg "$IMV_PID" quit [ -e "$FIFO_PATH" ] && rm -f -- "$FIFO_PATH" ```
### Text preview pane Preview text files in a native xplr pane (should be fast enough).
Expand for details - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: none - Tested on: Linux, FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE ```lua local function stat(node) return node.mime_essence end local function read(path, lines) local out = "" local p = io.open(path) if p == nil then return stat(path) end local i = 0 for line in p:lines() do out = out .. line .. "\n" if i == lines then break end i = i + 1 end p:close() return out end xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = { Horizontal = { config = { constraints = { { Percentage = 60 }, { Percentage = 40 }, }, }, splits = { "Table", { CustomContent = { title = "preview", body = { DynamicParagraph = { render = "custom.preview_pane.render" } }, }, }, }, }, } xplr.fn.custom.preview_pane = {} xplr.fn.custom.preview_pane.render = function(ctx) local n = ctx.app.focused_node if n and n.canonical then n = n.canonical end if n then if n.is_file then return read(n.absolute_path, ctx.layout_size.height) else return stat(n) end else return "" end end ```
### Tere Navigation Navigate using the [tere][19] file explorer (defaults to type-to-nav system).
Expand for details - Author: [@sayanarijit][8] - Requires: [tere][19] - Tested on: Linux ```lua xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.T = { help = "tere nav", messages = { { BashExec = [[echo ChangeDirectory: "'"$(tere)"'" >> "$XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN"]] }, }, } ```
## Also See: - [Awesome Plugins][15] - [Awesome Integrations][16] [1]: configuration.md [2]: plugin.md [3]: https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/edit/main/docs/en/src/awesome-hacks.md [4]: https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/discussions/categories/show-and-tell [5]: community.md [6]: https://gifyu.com/image/rGSR [7]: https://s4.gifyu.com/images/xplr-bookmark.gif [8]: https://github.com/sayanarijit [9]: https://github.com/lmburns [10]: https://gifyu.com/image/rGbo [11]: https://s4.gifyu.com/images/xplr-rename.gif [12]: https://github.com/marcusbuffett/pipe-rename [13]: https://github.com/wfxr/formarks [14]: https://github.com/weihanglo/sfz [15]: awesome-plugins.md [16]: awesome-integrations.md [17]: https://sr.ht/~exec64/imv [18]: https://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool [19]: https://github.com/mgunyho/tere