# Post Install Once [installed][1], use the following steps to setup and run xplr. ## Create the customizable config file ```bash mkdir -p ~/.config/xplr version="$(xplr --version | awk '{print $2}')" echo "version = '${version:?}'" > ~/.config/xplr/init.lua ``` Then **[copy from here][2]** and remove / comment out what you don't want to customize. > **Note:** You don't generally need to create the config file. You can use the > default configuration for basic operations. However, creating the config file > is recommended because the project is in its early stage and the defaults > might change. Creating the config file will save you from unexpected behavior > when you [upgrade][3]. > Also, the default configuration is meant to be overwritten to suit your > workflow. ## Run ``` xplr ``` [1]: install.md [2]: https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/blob/main/src/init.lua [3]: upgrade-guide.md