Configuration ============= xplr can be configured using [Lua][1] via a special file named `init.lua` ([example][2]), which can be placed in `~/.config/xplr/` (user specific) or `/etc/xplr/` (global) depending on the use case. When a user specific configuration is available, the global configuration file will be ignored. However, it's also possible to place the file anywhere, with any name and use the command-line argument `-c` / `--config` to specify its path explicitely. In that case, both `~/.config/xplr/init.lua` and `/etc/xplr/init.lua` will be ignored. How Config Is Loaded -------------------- When xplr loads, it first executes the built-in [init.lua][2] to set the default values, which is then overwritten by another config file, if found using the following lookup order: **--config /path/to/init.lua** > **~/.config/xplr/init.lua** > **/etc/xplr/init.lua** config ------ The xplr configuration, exposed as `xplr.config` Lua API contains the following fields: - [general][3] - [modes][4] - [layouts][5] - [node_types][6] [1]: [2]: [3] [4] [5] [6]