▸[▓▓ xplr]

A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer


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xplr is a terminal UI based file explorer that aims to increase our terminal productivity by being a flexible, interactive orchestrator for the ever growing awesome command-line utilities that work with the file-system. To achieve its goal, xplr strives to be a fast, minimal and more importantly, hackable file explorer. xplr is not meant to be a replacement for the standard shell commands or the GUI file managers. Rather, it aims to [integrate them all][14] and expose an intuitive, scriptable, [keyboard controlled][2], [real-time visual interface][1], also being an ideal candidate for [further integration][15], enabling you to achieve insane terminal productivity. ## Introductions & Reviews - [[VIDEO] XPLR: Insanely Hackable Lua File Manager ~ Brodie Robertson](https://youtu.be/MaVRtYh1IRU) ## Packaging ## Backers [1]: https://xplr.dev/en/layouts [2]: https://xplr.dev/en/configure-key-bindings [14]: https://xplr.dev/en/awesome-plugins#integration [15]: https://xplr.dev/en/awesome-integrations