# Lua Function Calls xplr allows you to define lua functions using the `xplr.fn.custom` Lua API. These functions can be called using messages like `CallLua`, `CallLuaSilently`. When called the function receives a [special argument][14] that contains some useful information. The function can optionally return a list of messages which will be handled by xplr. ## Example: Using Lua Function Calls ```lua -- Define the function xplr.fn.custom.ask_name_and_greet = function(app) print("What's your name?") local name = io.read() local greeting = "Hello " .. name .. "!" local message = greeting .. " You are inside " .. app.pwd return { { LogSuccess = message }, } end -- Map the function to a key (space) xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.space = { help = "ask name and greet", messages = { { CallLua = "custom.ask_name_and_greet" } } } -- Now, when you press "space" in default mode, you will be prompted for your -- name. Enter your name to receive a nice greeting and to know your location. ``` Visit the [xplr.util][85] API docs for some useful utility / helper functions that you can use in your Lua function calls. ## Lua Context This is a special argument passed to the lua functions when called using the `CallLua`, `CallLuaSilently` messages. It contains the following information: - [version][29] - [pwd][31] - [initial_pwd][76] - [vroot][75] - [focused_node][32] - [directory_buffer][33] - [selection][34] - [mode][35] - [layout][36] - [input_buffer][37] - [pid][38] - [session_path][39] - [explorer_config][40] - [history][41] - [last_modes][42] ### version Type: string xplr version. Can be used to test compatibility. ### pwd Type: string The present working directory. ### initial_pwd Type: string The initial working directory when xplr started. ### vroot Type: nullable string The current virtual root. ### focused_node Type: nullable [Node][44] The node under focus. ### directory_buffer Type: nullable [Directory Buffer][62] The directory buffer being rendered. ### selection Type: list of selected [Node][44]s The selected nodes. ### mode Type: [Mode][8] Current mode. ### layout Type: [Layout][11] Current layout. ### input_buffer Type: nullable string The input buffer. ### pid Type: integer The xplr session PID. ### session_path Type: string The session path. ### explorer_config Type: [Explorer Config][66] The configuration for exploring paths. ### history Type: [History][70] ### last_modes Type: list of [Mode][8] Last modes, not popped yet. ## Node A node contains the following fields: - [parent][45] - [relative_path][46] - [absolute_path][47] - [extension][48] - [is_symlink][49] - [is_broken][50] - [is_dir][51] - [is_file][52] - [is_readonly][53] - [mime_essence][54] - [size][55] - [human_size][56] - [permissions][57] - [created][71] - [last_modified][72] - [uid][73] - [gid][74] - [canonical][58] - [symlink][59] ### parent Type: string The parent path of the node. ### relative_path Type: string The path relative to the parent, i.e. the file/directory name with extension. ### absolute_path Type: string The absolute path (without resolving symlinks) of the node. ### extension Type: string The extension of the node. ### is_symlink Type: boolean `true` if the node is a symlink. ### is_broken Type: boolean `true` if the node is a broken symlink. ### is_dir Type: boolean `true` if the node is a directory. ### is_file Type: boolean `true` if the node is a file. ### is_readonly Type: boolean `true` if the node is real-only. ### mime_essence Type: string The mime type of the node. For e.g. `text/csv`, `image/jpeg` etc. ### size Type: integer The size of the exact node. The size of a directory won't be calculated recursively. ### human_size Type: string Like size but in human readable format. ### permissions Type: [Permission][60] The [permissions][60] applied to the node. ### created Type: nullable integer Creation time in nanosecond since UNIX epoch. ### last_modified Type: nullable integer Last modification time in nanosecond since UNIX epoch. ### uid Type: integer User ID of the file owner. ### gid Type: integer Group ID of the file owner. ### canonical Type: nullable [Resolved Node Metadata][61] If the node is a symlink, it will hold information about the symlink resolved node. Else, it will hold information the actual node. It the symlink is broken, it will be null. ### symlink Type: nullable [Resolved Node Metadata][61] If the node is a symlink and is not broken, it will hold information about the symlink resolved node. However, it will never hold information about the actual node. It will instead be null. ## Directory Buffer Directory buffer contains the following fields: - [parent][45] - [nodes][63] - [total][64] - [focus][65] ### parent Type: string The parent path of the node. ### nodes Type: list of [Node][44]s A list of visible nodes. ### total Type: int The count of nodes being rendered. ### focus Type: int The index of the node under focus. It can be `0` even when there's no node to focus on. ## History History contains the following fields: - [loc][68] - [paths][69] ### loc Type: int Location of the current path in history. ### paths Type: list of string Visited paths. ## Explorer Config Explorer config contains the following fields: - [filters][77] - [sorters][78] - [searcher][79] ### filters List of filters to apply. Type: list of [Node Filter Applicable][80] ### sorters Add list or sorters to the pipeline. Type: list of [Node Sorter Applicable][81] ### searcher The searcher to use (if any). Type: nullable [Node Searcher Applicable][82] ## Also See: - [xplr.util][85] [7]: https://www.json.org [8]: modes.md#mode [9]: modes.md#builtin [10]: modes.md#custom [11]: layouts.md [12]: layouts.md#builtin [13]: layouts.md#custom [14]: #lua-context [15]: filtering.md#filter [16]: filtering.md [17]: sorting.md#sorter [29]: #version [30]: #config [31]: #pwd [32]: #focused_node [33]: #directory_buffer [34]: #selection [35]: #mode [36]: #layout [37]: #input_buffer [38]: #pid [39]: #session_path [40]: #explorer_config [41]: #history [42]: #last_modes [43]: configuration.md#config [44]: #node [45]: #parent [46]: #relative_path [47]: #absolute_path [48]: #extension [49]: #is_symlink [50]: #is_broken [51]: #is_dir [52]: #is_file [53]: #is_readonly [54]: #mime_essence [55]: #size [56]: #human_size [57]: #permissions [58]: #canonical [59]: #symlink [60]: column-renderer.md#permission [61]: column-renderer.md#resolved-node-metadata [62]: #directory-buffer [63]: #nodes [64]: #total [65]: #focus [66]: #explorer-config [67]: #history [68]: #loc [69]: #paths [70]: #history-1 [71]: #created [72]: #last_modified [73]: #uid [74]: #gid [75]: #vroot [76]: #initial_pwd [77]: #filters [78]: #sorters [79]: #searcher [80]: filtering.md#node-filter-applicable [81]: sorting.md#node-sorter-applicable [82]: searching.md#node-searcher-applicable [85]: xplr.util.md