use crate::config::Config; use crate::config::Mode; use crate::error::Error; use crate::input::Key; use mime_guess; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::BinaryHeap; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; pub const VERSION: &str = "v0.2.8"; // Update Cargo.toml pub const TEMPLATE_TABLE_ROW: &str = "TEMPLATE_TABLE_ROW"; pub const UNSUPPORTED_STR: &str = "???"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PipesConfig { pub msg_in: String, pub focus_out: String, pub selection_out: String, pub mode_out: String, } impl PipesConfig { fn from_runtime_path(path: &String) -> Self { let pipesdir = PathBuf::from(path).join("pipe"); fs::create_dir_all(&pipesdir).unwrap(); let msg_in = pipesdir.join("msg_in").to_string_lossy().to_string(); let focus_out = pipesdir.join("focus_out").to_string_lossy().to_string(); let selection_out = pipesdir.join("selection_out").to_string_lossy().to_string(); let mode_out = pipesdir.join("mode_out").to_string_lossy().to_string(); fs::write(&msg_in, "").unwrap(); fs::write(&focus_out, "").unwrap(); fs::write(&selection_out, "").unwrap(); fs::write(&mode_out, "").unwrap(); Self { msg_in, focus_out, selection_out, mode_out, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Node { pub parent: String, pub relative_path: String, pub absolute_path: String, pub extension: String, pub is_symlink: bool, pub is_dir: bool, pub is_file: bool, pub is_readonly: bool, pub mime_essence: String, } impl Node { pub fn new(parent: String, relative_path: String) -> Self { let absolute_path = PathBuf::from(&parent) .join(&relative_path) .canonicalize() .unwrap_or_default() .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); let path = PathBuf::from(&absolute_path); let extension = path .extension() .map(|e| e.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or_default(); let maybe_metadata = path.metadata().ok(); let is_symlink = maybe_metadata .clone() .map(|m| m.file_type().is_symlink()) .unwrap_or(false); let is_dir = maybe_metadata.clone().map(|m| m.is_dir()).unwrap_or(false); let is_file = maybe_metadata.clone().map(|m| m.is_file()).unwrap_or(false); let is_readonly = maybe_metadata .map(|m| m.permissions().readonly()) .unwrap_or(false); let mime_essence = mime_guess::from_path(&path) .first() .map(|m| m.essence_str().to_string()) .unwrap_or_default(); Self { parent, relative_path, absolute_path, extension, is_symlink, is_dir, is_file, is_readonly, mime_essence, } } } impl Ord for Node { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { // Notice that the we flip the ordering on costs. // In case of a tie we compare positions - this step is necessary // to make implementations of `PartialEq` and `Ord` consistent. other.relative_path.cmp(&self.relative_path) } } impl PartialOrd for Node { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DirectoryBuffer { pub parent: String, pub nodes: Vec, pub total: usize, pub focus: usize, } impl DirectoryBuffer { pub fn new(parent: String, nodes: Vec, focus: usize) -> Self { let total = nodes.len(); Self { parent, nodes, total, focus, } } pub fn focused_node(&self) -> Option<&Node> { self.nodes.get(self.focus) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum InternalMsg { AddDirectory(String, DirectoryBuffer), HandleKey(Key), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ExternalMsg { Refresh, ClearScreen, FocusNext, FocusNextByRelativeIndex(usize), FocusNextByRelativeIndexFromInput, FocusPrevious, FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex(usize), FocusPreviousByRelativeIndexFromInput, FocusFirst, FocusLast, FocusPath(String), FocusByIndex(usize), FocusByIndexFromInput, FocusByFileName(String), ChangeDirectory(String), Enter, Back, BufferString(String), BufferStringFromKey, ResetInputBuffer, SwitchMode(String), Call(Command), ToggleSelection, PrintResultAndQuit, PrintAppStateAndQuit, Debug(String), Terminate, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum MsgIn { Internal(InternalMsg), External(ExternalMsg), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Command { pub command: String, #[serde(default)] pub args: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum MsgOut { Refresh, ClearScreen, PrintResultAndQuit, PrintAppStateAndQuit, Debug(String), Call(Command), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Task { priority: usize, msg: MsgIn, key: Option, } impl Task { pub fn new(priority: usize, msg: MsgIn, key: Option) -> Self { Self { priority, msg, key } } } impl Ord for Task { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { // Notice that the we flip the ordering on costs. // In case of a tie we compare positions - this step is necessary // to make implementations of `PartialEq` and `Ord` consistent. other.priority.cmp(&self.priority) } } impl PartialOrd for Task { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct App { config: Config, pwd: String, directory_buffers: HashMap, tasks: BinaryHeap, selection: Vec, msg_out: VecDeque, mode: Mode, input_buffer: Option, pid: u32, runtime_path: String, pipes: PipesConfig, } impl App { pub fn create(config: Config, pwd: String) -> Result { if config.version != VERSION { Err(Error::IncompatibleVersion( "incompatible config version".into(), )) } else { let mode = config .modes .get(&"default".to_string()) .map(|k| k.to_owned()) .unwrap_or_default(); let pid = std::process::id(); let runtime_path = dirs::runtime_dir() .unwrap_or("/tmp".into()) .join("xplr") .join("session") .join(&pid.to_string()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); Ok(Self { config, pwd, directory_buffers: Default::default(), tasks: Default::default(), selection: Default::default(), msg_out: Default::default(), mode, input_buffer: Default::default(), pid, runtime_path: runtime_path.clone(), pipes: PipesConfig::from_runtime_path(&runtime_path), }) } } pub fn focused_node(&self) -> Option<&Node> { self.directory_buffer().and_then(|d| d.focused_node()) } pub fn enqueue(mut self, task: Task) -> Self { self.tasks.push(task); self } pub fn possibly_mutate(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(task) = self.tasks.pop() { match task.msg { MsgIn::Internal(msg) => self.handle_internal(msg), MsgIn::External(msg) => self.handle_external(msg, task.key), } } else { Ok(self) } } fn handle_internal(self, msg: InternalMsg) -> Result { match msg { InternalMsg::AddDirectory(parent, dir) => self.add_directory(parent, dir), InternalMsg::HandleKey(key) => self.handle_key(key), } } fn handle_external(self, msg: ExternalMsg, key: Option) -> Result { match msg { ExternalMsg::Refresh => self.refresh(), ExternalMsg::ClearScreen => self.clear_screen(), ExternalMsg::FocusFirst => self.focus_first(), ExternalMsg::FocusLast => self.focus_last(), ExternalMsg::FocusPrevious => self.focus_previous(), ExternalMsg::FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex(i) => { self.focus_previous_by_relative_index(i) } ExternalMsg::FocusPreviousByRelativeIndexFromInput => { self.focus_previous_by_relative_index_from_input() } ExternalMsg::FocusNext => self.focus_next(), ExternalMsg::FocusNextByRelativeIndex(i) => self.focus_next_by_relative_index(i), ExternalMsg::FocusNextByRelativeIndexFromInput => { self.focus_next_by_relative_index_from_input() } ExternalMsg::FocusPath(p) => self.focus_path(&p), ExternalMsg::FocusByIndex(i) => self.focus_by_index(i), ExternalMsg::FocusByIndexFromInput => self.focus_by_index_from_input(), ExternalMsg::FocusByFileName(n) => self.focus_by_file_name(&n), ExternalMsg::ChangeDirectory(dir) => self.change_directory(&dir), ExternalMsg::Enter => self.enter(), ExternalMsg::Back => self.back(), ExternalMsg::BufferString(input) => self.buffer_string(&input), ExternalMsg::BufferStringFromKey => self.buffer_string_from_key(key), ExternalMsg::ResetInputBuffer => self.reset_input_buffer(), ExternalMsg::SwitchMode(mode) => self.switch_mode(&mode), ExternalMsg::Call(cmd) =>, ExternalMsg::ToggleSelection => self.toggle_selection(), ExternalMsg::PrintResultAndQuit => self.print_result_and_quit(), ExternalMsg::PrintAppStateAndQuit => self.print_app_state_and_quit(), ExternalMsg::Debug(path) => self.debug(&path), ExternalMsg::Terminate => Err(Error::Terminated), } } fn handle_key(mut self, key: Key) -> Result { let kb = self.mode.key_bindings.clone(); let msgs = kb .on_key .get(&key.to_string()) .map(|a| Some(a.messages.clone())) .unwrap_or_else(|| { if key.is_alphabet() {|a| a.messages) } else if key.is_number() {|a| a.messages) } else if key.is_special_character() {|a| a.messages) } else {|a| a.messages) } }); if let Some(msgs) = msgs.to_owned() { for msg in msgs { self = self.enqueue(Task::new(0, MsgIn::External(msg), Some(key))); } }; Ok(self) } fn refresh(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); Ok(self) } fn clear_screen(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::ClearScreen); Ok(self) } fn focus_first(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = 0; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_last(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = - 1; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_previous(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = dir.focus.max(1) - 1; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_previous_by_relative_index(mut self, index: usize) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = dir.focus.max(index) - index; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_previous_by_relative_index_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(index) = self.input_buffer().and_then(|i| i.parse::().ok()) { self.focus_previous_by_relative_index(index) } else { Ok(self) } } fn focus_next(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = (dir.focus + 1).min( - 1); self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_next_by_relative_index(mut self, index: usize) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = (dir.focus + index).min( - 1); self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_next_by_relative_index_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(index) = self.input_buffer().and_then(|i| i.parse::().ok()) { self.focus_next_by_relative_index(index) } else { Ok(self) } } fn change_directory(mut self, dir: &String) -> Result { if PathBuf::from(dir).is_dir() { self.pwd = dir.to_owned(); self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn enter(self) -> Result { self.focused_node() .map(|n| n.absolute_path.clone()) .map(|p| self.clone().change_directory(&p)) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } fn back(self) -> Result { PathBuf::from(self.pwd()) .parent() .map(|p| { self.clone() .change_directory(&p.to_string_lossy().to_string()) }) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } fn buffer_string(mut self, input: &String) -> Result { if let Some(buf) = self.input_buffer.as_mut() { buf.extend(input.chars()); } else { self.input_buffer = Some(input.to_owned()); }; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); Ok(self) } fn buffer_string_from_key(self, key: Option) -> Result { if let Some(c) = key.and_then(|k| k.to_char()) { self.buffer_string(&c.to_string()) } else { Ok(self) } } fn reset_input_buffer(mut self) -> Result { self.input_buffer = None; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); Ok(self) } fn focus_by_index(mut self, index: usize) -> Result { if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = index.min( - 1); self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn focus_by_index_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(index) = self.input_buffer().and_then(|i| i.parse::().ok()) { self.focus_by_index(index) } else { Ok(self) } } fn focus_by_file_name(mut self, name: &String) -> Result { if let Some(dir_buf) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { if let Some(focus) = dir_buf .clone() .nodes .iter() .enumerate() .find(|(_, n)| &n.relative_path == name) .map(|(i, _)| i) { dir_buf.focus = focus; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; }; Ok(self) } fn focus_path(self, path: &String) -> Result { let pathbuf = PathBuf::from(path); if let Some(parent) = pathbuf.parent() { if let Some(filename) = pathbuf.file_name() { self.change_directory(&parent.to_string_lossy().to_string())? .focus_by_file_name(&filename.to_string_lossy().to_string()) } else { Ok(self) } } else { Ok(self) } } fn switch_mode(mut self, mode: &String) -> Result { if let Some(mode) = self.config.modes.get(mode) { self.mode = mode.to_owned(); self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); }; Ok(self) } fn call(mut self, command: Command) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Call(command)); Ok(self) } fn add_directory(mut self, parent: String, dir: DirectoryBuffer) -> Result { // TODO: Optimize self.directory_buffers.insert(parent, dir); self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); Ok(self) } fn toggle_selection(mut self) -> Result { self.clone() .focused_node() .map(|n| { if self.selection().contains(n) { self.selection = self .clone() .selection .into_iter() .filter(|s| s != n) .collect(); Ok(self.clone()) } else { self.selection.push(n.to_owned()); Ok(self.clone()) } }) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } fn print_result_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintResultAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn print_app_state_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintAppStateAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn debug(mut self, path: &String) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Debug(path.to_owned())); Ok(self) } fn directory_buffer_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut DirectoryBuffer> { self.directory_buffers.get_mut(&self.pwd) } /// Get a reference to the app's pwd. pub fn pwd(&self) -> &String { &self.pwd } /// Get a reference to the app's current directory buffer. pub fn directory_buffer(&self) -> Option<&DirectoryBuffer> { self.directory_buffers.get(&self.pwd) } /// Get a reference to the app's config. pub fn config(&self) -> &Config { &self.config } /// Get a reference to the app's selection. pub fn selection(&self) -> &Vec { &self.selection } pub fn pop_msg_out(&mut self) -> Option { self.msg_out.pop_front() } /// Get a reference to the app's mode. pub fn mode(&self) -> &Mode { &self.mode } /// Get a reference to the app's directory buffers. pub fn directory_buffers(&self) -> &HashMap { &self.directory_buffers } /// Get a reference to the app's input buffer. pub fn input_buffer(&self) -> Option<&String> { self.input_buffer.as_ref() } /// Get a reference to the app's pipes. pub fn pipes(&self) -> &PipesConfig { &self.pipes } /// Get a reference to the app's pid. pub fn pid(&self) -> &u32 { & } /// Get a reference to the app's runtime path. pub fn runtime_path(&self) -> &String { &self.runtime_path } }