use crate::config::Config; use crate::config::Mode; pub use crate::directory_buffer::DirectoryBuffer; use crate::explorer; use crate::input::{InputOperation, Key}; use crate::lua; pub use crate::msg::in_::external::Command; pub use crate::msg::in_::external::ExplorerConfig; pub use crate::msg::in_::external::NodeFilter; pub use crate::msg::in_::external::NodeFilterApplicable; pub use crate::msg::in_::external::NodeSorter; pub use crate::msg::in_::external::NodeSorterApplicable; pub use crate::msg::in_::ExternalMsg; pub use crate::msg::in_::InternalMsg; pub use crate::msg::in_::MsgIn; pub use crate::msg::out::MsgOut; pub use crate::node::Node; pub use crate::node::ResolvedNode; pub use crate::pipe::Pipe; use crate::ui::Layout; use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use chrono::{DateTime, Local}; use indexmap::set::IndexSet; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use tui_input::{Input, InputRequest}; pub const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); pub const TEMPLATE_TABLE_ROW: &str = "TEMPLATE_TABLE_ROW"; pub const UNSUPPORTED_STR: &str = "???"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Task { pub msg: MsgIn, pub key: Option, } impl Task { pub fn new(msg: MsgIn, key: Option) -> Self { Self { msg, key } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "UPPERCASE")] pub enum LogLevel { Info, Warning, Success, Error, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Log { pub level: LogLevel, pub message: String, pub created_at: DateTime, } impl Log { pub fn new(level: LogLevel, message: String) -> Self { Self { level, message, created_at: Local::now(), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Log { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let level_str = match self.level { LogLevel::Info => "INFO ", LogLevel::Warning => "WARNING", LogLevel::Success => "SUCCESS", LogLevel::Error => "ERROR ", }; write!(f, "[{}] {} {}", &self.created_at, level_str, &self.message) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum HelpMenuLine { KeyMap(String, Vec, String), Paragraph(String), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct History { pub loc: usize, pub paths: Vec, } impl History { fn push(mut self, path: String) -> Self { if self.peek() != Some(&path) { self.paths = self.paths.into_iter().take(self.loc + 1).collect(); self.paths.push(path); self.loc = self.paths.len().max(1) - 1; } self } fn visit_last(mut self) -> Self { self.loc = self.loc.max(1) - 1; self } fn visit_next(mut self) -> Self { self.loc = (self.loc + 1).min(self.paths.len().max(1) - 1); self } fn peek(&self) -> Option<&String> { self.paths.get(self.loc) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] pub struct LuaContextHeavy { pub version: String, pub pwd: String, pub focused_node: Option, pub directory_buffer: Option, pub selection: IndexSet, pub mode: Mode, pub layout: Layout, pub input_buffer: Option, pub pid: u32, pub session_path: String, pub explorer_config: ExplorerConfig, pub history: History, pub last_modes: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] pub struct LuaContextLight { pub version: String, pub pwd: String, pub focused_node: Option, pub selection: IndexSet, pub mode: Mode, pub layout: Layout, pub input_buffer: Option, pub pid: u32, pub session_path: String, pub explorer_config: ExplorerConfig, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct App { pub version: String, pub config: Config, pub pwd: String, pub directory_buffer: Option, pub last_focus: HashMap>, pub selection: IndexSet, pub msg_out: VecDeque, pub mode: Mode, pub layout: Layout, pub input: Option, pub pid: u32, pub session_path: String, pub pipe: Pipe, pub explorer_config: ExplorerConfig, pub logs: Vec, pub logs_hidden: bool, pub history: History, pub last_modes: Vec, } impl App { pub fn create( pwd: PathBuf, lua: &mlua::Lua, config_file: Option, extra_config_files: Vec, ) -> Result { let mut config = lua::init(lua)?; let config_file = if let Some(path) = config_file { Some(path) } else if let Some(dir) = dirs::home_dir() { let path = dir.join(".config").join("xplr").join("init.lua"); if path.exists() { Some(path) } else { None } } else { let path = PathBuf::from("/").join("etc").join("xplr").join("init.lua"); if path.exists() { Some(path) } else { None } }; let config_files = config_file .into_iter() .chain(extra_config_files.into_iter()); let mut load_errs = vec![]; for config_file in config_files { match lua::extend(lua, &config_file.to_string_lossy().to_string()) { Ok(c) => { config = c; } Err(e) => { load_errs.push(e.to_string()); } } } let mode = match config.modes.get( &config .general .initial_mode .to_owned() .unwrap_or_else(|| "default".into()), ) { Some(m) => m.clone().sanitized(config.general.read_only), None => { bail!("'default' mode is missing") } }; let layout = match config.layouts.get( &config .general .initial_layout .to_owned() .unwrap_or_else(|| "default".into()), ) { Some(l) => l.clone(), None => { bail!("'default' layout is missing") } }; let pid = std::process::id(); let mut session_path = dirs::runtime_dir() .unwrap_or_else(env::temp_dir) .join("xplr") .join("session") .join(&pid.to_string()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); if fs::create_dir_all(&session_path).is_err() { session_path = env::temp_dir() .join("xplr") .join("session") .join(&pid.to_string()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); fs::create_dir_all(&session_path)?; } let mut explorer_config = ExplorerConfig::default(); if !config.general.show_hidden { explorer_config.filters.replace(NodeFilterApplicable::new( NodeFilter::RelativePathDoesNotStartWith, ".".into(), )); } if let Some(sorters) = &config.general.initial_sorting { explorer_config.sorters = sorters.clone(); }; env::set_current_dir(&pwd)?; let pwd = pwd.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let mut app = Self { version: VERSION.to_string(), config, pwd, directory_buffer: Default::default(), last_focus: Default::default(), selection: Default::default(), msg_out: Default::default(), mode, layout, input: Default::default(), pid, session_path: session_path.clone(), pipe: Pipe::from_session_path(&session_path)?, explorer_config, logs: Default::default(), logs_hidden: Default::default(), history: Default::default(), last_modes: Default::default(), }; let has_errs = !load_errs.is_empty(); for err in load_errs { app = app.log_error(err)? } if has_errs && !app.config.general.disable_debug_error_mode { app = app.switch_mode_builtin("debug_error")?; } Ok(app) } pub fn focused_node(&self) -> Option<&Node> { self.directory_buffer .as_ref() .and_then(|d| d.focused_node()) } pub fn focused_node_str(&self) -> String { self.focused_node() .map(|n| n.absolute_path.clone()) .unwrap_or_default() } fn enqueue(mut self, task: Task) -> Self { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Enque(task)); self } pub fn handle_batch_external_msgs( mut self, msgs: Vec, ) -> Result { for task in msgs .into_iter() .map(|msg| Task::new(MsgIn::External(msg), None)) { self = match task.msg { MsgIn::Internal(msg) => self.handle_internal(msg)?, MsgIn::External(msg) => self.handle_external(msg, task.key)?, }; } self.refresh() } pub fn handle_task(self, task: Task) -> Result { let app = match task.msg { MsgIn::Internal(msg) => self.handle_internal(msg)?, MsgIn::External(msg) => self.handle_external(msg, task.key)?, }; app.refresh() } fn handle_internal(self, msg: InternalMsg) -> Result { match msg { InternalMsg::SetDirectory(dir) => self.set_directory(dir), InternalMsg::AddLastFocus(parent, focus_path) => { self.add_last_focus(parent, focus_path) } InternalMsg::HandleKey(key) => self.handle_key(key), } } fn handle_external( self, msg: ExternalMsg, key: Option, ) -> Result { if self.config.general.read_only && !msg.is_read_only() { self.log_error("Cannot execute code in read-only mode.".into()) } else { use ExternalMsg::*; match msg { ExplorePwd => self.explore_pwd(), ExploreParentsAsync => self.explore_parents_async(), ExplorePwdAsync => self.explore_pwd_async(), Refresh => self.refresh(), ClearScreen => self.clear_screen(), FocusFirst => self.focus_first(true), FocusLast => self.focus_last(), FocusPrevious => self.focus_previous(), FocusPreviousByRelativeIndex(i) => { self.focus_previous_by_relative_index(i) } FocusPreviousByRelativeIndexFromInput => { self.focus_previous_by_relative_index_from_input() } FocusNext => self.focus_next(), FocusNextByRelativeIndex(i) => { self.focus_next_by_relative_index(i) } FocusNextByRelativeIndexFromInput => { self.focus_next_by_relative_index_from_input() } FocusPath(p) => self.focus_path(&p, true), FocusPathFromInput => self.focus_path_from_input(), FocusByIndex(i) => self.focus_by_index(i), FocusByIndexFromInput => self.focus_by_index_from_input(), FocusByFileName(n) => self.focus_by_file_name(&n, true), ChangeDirectory(dir) => self.change_directory(&dir, true), Enter => self.enter(), Back => self.back(), LastVisitedPath => self.last_visited_path(), NextVisitedPath => self.next_visited_path(), FollowSymlink => self.follow_symlink(), UpdateInputBuffer(op) => self.update_input_buffer(op), UpdateInputBufferFromKey => { self.update_input_buffer_from_key(key) } BufferInput(input) => self.buffer_input(&input), BufferInputFromKey => self.buffer_input_from_key(key), SetInputBuffer(input) => self.set_input_buffer(input), RemoveInputBufferLastCharacter => { self.remove_input_buffer_last_character() } RemoveInputBufferLastWord => { self.remove_input_buffer_last_word() } ResetInputBuffer => self.reset_input_buffer(), SwitchMode(mode) => self.switch_mode(&mode), SwitchModeKeepingInputBuffer(mode) => { self.switch_mode_keeping_input_buffer(&mode) } SwitchModeBuiltin(mode) => self.switch_mode_builtin(&mode), SwitchModeBuiltinKeepingInputBuffer(mode) => { self.switch_mode_builtin_keeping_input_buffer(&mode) } SwitchModeCustom(mode) => self.switch_mode_custom(&mode), SwitchModeCustomKeepingInputBuffer(mode) => { self.switch_mode_custom_keeping_input_buffer(&mode) } PopMode => self.pop_mode(), PopModeKeepingInputBuffer => { self.pop_mode_keeping_input_buffer() } SwitchLayout(mode) => self.switch_layout(&mode), SwitchLayoutBuiltin(mode) => self.switch_layout_builtin(&mode), SwitchLayoutCustom(mode) => self.switch_layout_custom(&mode), Call(cmd) =>, CallSilently(cmd) => self.call_silently(cmd), BashExec(cmd) => self.bash_exec(cmd), BashExecSilently(cmd) => self.bash_exec_silently(cmd), CallLua(func) => self.call_lua(func), CallLuaSilently(func) => self.call_lua_silently(func), LuaEval(code) => self.lua_eval(code), LuaEvalSilently(code) => self.lua_eval_silently(code), Select =>, SelectAll => self.select_all(), SelectPath(p) => self.select_path(p), UnSelect => self.un_select(), UnSelectAll => self.un_select_all(), UnSelectPath(p) => self.un_select_path(p), ToggleSelection => self.toggle_selection(), ToggleSelectAll => self.toggle_select_all(), ToggleSelectionByPath(p) => self.toggle_selection_by_path(p), ClearSelection => self.clear_selection(), AddNodeFilter(f) => self.add_node_filter(f), AddNodeFilterFromInput(f) => self.add_node_filter_from_input(f), RemoveNodeFilter(f) => self.remove_node_filter(f), RemoveNodeFilterFromInput(f) => { self.remove_node_filter_from_input(f) } ToggleNodeFilter(f) => self.toggle_node_filter(f), RemoveLastNodeFilter => self.remove_last_node_filter(), ResetNodeFilters => self.reset_node_filters(), ClearNodeFilters => self.clear_node_filters(), AddNodeSorter(f) => self.add_node_sorter(f), RemoveNodeSorter(f) => self.remove_node_sorter(f), ReverseNodeSorter(f) => self.reverse_node_sorter(f), ToggleNodeSorter(f) => self.toggle_node_sorter(f), RemoveLastNodeSorter => self.remove_last_node_sorter(), ReverseNodeSorters => self.reverse_node_sorters(), ResetNodeSorters => self.reset_node_sorters(), ClearNodeSorters => self.clear_node_sorters(), EnableMouse => self.enable_mouse(), DisableMouse => self.disable_mouse(), ToggleMouse => self.toggle_mouse(), StartFifo(f) => self.start_fifo(f), StopFifo => self.stop_fifo(), ToggleFifo(f) => self.toggle_fifo(f), LogInfo(l) => self.log_info(l), LogSuccess(l) => self.log_success(l), LogWarning(l) => self.log_warning(l), LogError(l) => self.log_error(l), Quit => self.quit(), PrintPwdAndQuit => self.print_pwd_and_quit(), PrintFocusPathAndQuit => self.print_focus_path_and_quit(), PrintSelectionAndQuit => self.print_selection_and_quit(), PrintResultAndQuit => self.print_result_and_quit(), PrintAppStateAndQuit => self.print_app_state_and_quit(), Debug(path) => self.debug(path), Terminate => bail!(""), } }? .refresh_selection() } fn handle_key(mut self, key: Key) -> Result { let kb = self.mode.key_bindings.clone(); let key_str = key.to_string(); let msgs = kb .on_key .get(&key_str) .map(|a| a.messages.clone()) .or_else(|| { if key.is_alphabet() { kb.on_alphabet.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else if key.is_number() { kb.on_number.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else if key.is_special_character() { kb.on_special_character.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else if key.is_navigation() { kb.on_navigation.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else if key.is_function() { kb.on_function.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else { None } }) .or_else(|| { if key.is_alphanumeric() { kb.on_alphanumeric.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else { None } }) .or_else(|| { if key.is_character() { kb.on_character.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone()) } else { None } }) .or_else(|| kb.default.as_ref().map(|a| a.messages.clone())) .unwrap_or_else(|| { if self.config.general.enable_recover_mode { vec![ExternalMsg::SwitchModeBuiltin("recover".into())] } else { vec![ExternalMsg::LogWarning("Key map not found.".into())] } }); for msg in msgs { self = self.enqueue(Task::new(MsgIn::External(msg), Some(key))); } Ok(self) } pub fn explore_pwd(mut self) -> Result { let focus = &self.last_focus.get(&self.pwd).cloned().unwrap_or(None); let pwd = self.pwd.clone(); self = self.add_last_focus(pwd, focus.clone())?; let dir = explorer::explore_sync( self.explorer_config.clone(), self.pwd.clone().into(), focus.as_ref().map(PathBuf::from), self.directory_buffer.as_ref().map(|d| d.focus).unwrap_or(0), )?; self.set_directory(dir) } fn explore_pwd_async(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::ExplorePwdAsync); Ok(self) } fn explore_parents_async(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::ExploreParentsAsync); Ok(self) } fn refresh(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Refresh); Ok(self) } fn clear_screen(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::ClearScreen); Ok(self) } pub fn focus_first(mut self, save_history: bool) -> Result { let mut history = self.history.clone(); if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { if save_history { if let Some(n) = dir.focused_node() { history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } } dir.focus = 0; if save_history { if let Some(n) = self.clone().focused_node() { self.history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()) } } }; Ok(self) } fn focus_last(mut self) -> Result { let mut history = self.history.clone(); if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { if let Some(n) = dir.focused_node() { history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } dir.focus = - 1; if let Some(n) = dir.focused_node() { self.history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } }; Ok(self) } fn focus_previous(mut self) -> Result { let bounded = self.config.general.enforce_bounded_index_navigation; if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = if dir.focus == 0 { if bounded { dir.focus } else { - 1 } } else { dir.focus.max(1) - 1 }; }; Ok(self) } fn focus_previous_by_relative_index( mut self, index: usize, ) -> Result { let mut history = self.history.clone(); if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { if let Some(n) = dir.focused_node() { history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } dir.focus = dir.focus.max(index) - index; if let Some(n) = self.focused_node() { self.history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } }; Ok(self) } fn focus_previous_by_relative_index_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(index) = self .input .as_ref() .and_then(|i| i.value().parse::().ok()) { self.focus_previous_by_relative_index(index) } else { Ok(self) } } fn focus_next(mut self) -> Result { let bounded = self.config.general.enforce_bounded_index_navigation; if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = if (dir.focus + 1) == { if bounded { dir.focus } else { 0 } } else { dir.focus + 1 } }; Ok(self) } fn focus_next_by_relative_index(mut self, index: usize) -> Result { let mut history = self.history.clone(); if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { if let Some(n) = dir.focused_node() { history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } dir.focus = (dir.focus + index).min( - 1); if let Some(n) = self.focused_node() { self.history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } }; Ok(self) } fn focus_next_by_relative_index_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(index) = self .input .as_ref() .and_then(|i| i.value().parse::().ok()) { self.focus_next_by_relative_index(index) } else { Ok(self) } } fn follow_symlink(self) -> Result { if let Some(pth) = self .focused_node() .and_then(|n| n.symlink.to_owned().map(|s| s.absolute_path)) { self.focus_path(&pth, true) } else { Ok(self) } } fn change_directory( mut self, dir: &str, save_history: bool, ) -> Result { let mut dir = PathBuf::from(dir); if dir.is_relative() { dir = PathBuf::from(self.pwd.clone()).join(dir); } match env::set_current_dir(&dir) { Ok(()) => { let pwd = self.pwd.clone(); let focus = self.focused_node().map(|n| n.relative_path.clone()); self = self.add_last_focus(pwd, focus)?; self.pwd = dir.to_string_lossy().to_string(); if save_history { self.history = self.history.push(format!("{}/", self.pwd)); } self.explore_pwd() } Err(e) => self.log_error(e.to_string()), } } fn enter(self) -> Result { self.focused_node() .map(|n| n.absolute_path.clone()) .map(|p| self.clone().change_directory(&p, true)) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } fn back(self) -> Result { PathBuf::from(self.pwd.clone()) .parent() .map(|p| { self.clone() .change_directory(&p.to_string_lossy().to_string(), true) }) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } fn last_visited_path(mut self) -> Result { self.history = self.history.visit_last(); if let Some(target) = self.history.peek() { if target.ends_with('/') { target .strip_suffix('/') .map(|s| self.clone().change_directory(s, false)) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } else { self.clone().focus_path(target, false) } } else { Ok(self) } } fn next_visited_path(mut self) -> Result { self.history = self.history.visit_next(); if let Some(target) = self.history.peek() { if target.ends_with('/') { target .strip_suffix('/') .map(|s| self.clone().change_directory(s, false)) .unwrap_or(Ok(self)) } else { self.clone().focus_path(target, false) } } else { Ok(self) } } fn update_input_buffer(mut self, op: InputOperation) -> Result { if let Some(buf) = self.input.as_mut() { buf.handle(op.into()); self.logs_hidden = true; } else { let mut buf = Input::default(); if buf.handle(op.into()).is_some() { self.input = Some(buf); self.logs_hidden = true; }; } Ok(self) } fn update_input_buffer_from_key(self, key: Option) -> Result { if let Some(op) = key.and_then(|k| k.to_input_operation()) { self.update_input_buffer(op) } else { Ok(self) } } fn buffer_input(mut self, input: &str) -> Result { if let Some(buf) = self.input.as_mut() { buf.handle(InputRequest::GoToEnd); for c in input.chars() { buf.handle(InputRequest::InsertChar(c)); } } else { self.input = Some(Input::default().with_value(input.into())); }; self.logs_hidden = true; Ok(self) } fn buffer_input_from_key(self, key: Option) -> Result { if let Some(c) = key.and_then(|k| k.to_char()) { self.buffer_input(&c.to_string()) } else { Ok(self) } } fn set_input_buffer(mut self, string: String) -> Result { self.input = Some(Input::default().with_value(string)); self.logs_hidden = true; Ok(self) } fn remove_input_buffer_last_character(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(buf) = self.input.as_mut() { buf.handle(InputRequest::GoToEnd); buf.handle(InputRequest::DeletePrevChar); self.logs_hidden = true; }; Ok(self) } fn remove_input_buffer_last_word(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(buf) = self.input.as_mut() { buf.handle(InputRequest::GoToEnd); buf.handle(InputRequest::DeletePrevWord); self.logs_hidden = true; }; Ok(self) } fn reset_input_buffer(mut self) -> Result { self.input = None; Ok(self) } fn focus_by_index(mut self, index: usize) -> Result { let history = self.history.clone(); if let Some(dir) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { dir.focus = index.min( - 1); if let Some(n) = self.focused_node() { self.history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } }; Ok(self) } fn focus_by_index_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(index) = self .input .as_ref() .and_then(|i| i.value().parse::().ok()) { self.focus_by_index(index) } else { Ok(self) } } pub fn focus_by_file_name( mut self, name: &str, save_history: bool, ) -> Result { let mut history = self.history.clone(); if let Some(dir_buf) = self.directory_buffer_mut() { if let Some(focus) = dir_buf .clone() .nodes .iter() .enumerate() .find(|(_, n)| n.relative_path == name) .map(|(i, _)| i) { if save_history { if let Some(n) = dir_buf.focused_node() { history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } } dir_buf.focus = focus; if save_history { if let Some(n) = dir_buf.focused_node() { self.history = history.push(n.absolute_path.clone()); } } Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("{} not found in $PWD", name)) } } else { Ok(self) } } pub fn focus_path(self, path: &str, save_history: bool) -> Result { let mut pathbuf = PathBuf::from(path); if pathbuf.is_relative() { pathbuf = PathBuf::from(self.pwd.clone()).join(pathbuf); } if let Some(parent) = pathbuf.parent() { if let Some(filename) = pathbuf.file_name() { self.change_directory( &parent.to_string_lossy().to_string(), false, )? .focus_by_file_name( &filename.to_string_lossy().to_string(), save_history, ) } else { self.log_error(format!("{} not found", path)) } } else { self.log_error(format!("Cannot focus on {}", path)) } } fn focus_path_from_input(self) -> Result { if let Some(p) = self.input.clone() { self.focus_path(p.value(), true) } else { Ok(self) } } fn push_mode(mut self) -> Self { if self.mode != self.config.modes.builtin.recover && self .last_modes .last() .map(|m| m != &self.mode) .unwrap_or(true) { self.last_modes.push(self.mode.clone()) } self } fn pop_mode(self) -> Result { self.pop_mode_keeping_input_buffer().map(|mut a| { a.input = None; a }) } fn pop_mode_keeping_input_buffer(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(mode) = self.last_modes.pop() { self.mode = mode; }; Ok(self) } fn switch_mode(self, mode: &str) -> Result { self.switch_mode_keeping_input_buffer(mode).map(|mut a| { a.input = None; a }) } fn switch_mode_keeping_input_buffer(mut self, mode: &str) -> Result { if let Some(mode) = self.config.modes.get(mode).cloned() { self = self.push_mode(); self.mode = mode.sanitized(self.config.general.read_only); Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("Mode not found: {}", mode)) } } fn switch_mode_builtin(self, mode: &str) -> Result { self.switch_mode_builtin_keeping_input_buffer(mode) .map(|mut a| { a.input = None; a }) } fn switch_mode_builtin_keeping_input_buffer( mut self, mode: &str, ) -> Result { if let Some(mode) = self.config.modes.builtin.get(mode).cloned() { self = self.push_mode(); self.mode = mode.sanitized(self.config.general.read_only); Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("Builtin mode not found: {}", mode)) } } fn switch_mode_custom(self, mode: &str) -> Result { self.switch_mode_custom_keeping_input_buffer(mode) .map(|mut a| { a.input = None; a }) } fn switch_mode_custom_keeping_input_buffer( mut self, mode: &str, ) -> Result { if let Some(mode) = self.config.modes.custom.get(mode).cloned() { self = self.push_mode(); self.mode = mode.sanitized(self.config.general.read_only); Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("Custom mode not found: {}", mode)) } } fn switch_layout(mut self, layout: &str) -> Result { if let Some(l) = self.config.layouts.get(layout) { self.layout = l.to_owned(); Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("Layout not found: {}", layout)) } } fn switch_layout_builtin(mut self, layout: &str) -> Result { if let Some(l) = self.config.layouts.builtin.get(layout) { self.layout = l.to_owned(); Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("Builtin layout not found: {}", layout)) } } fn switch_layout_custom(mut self, layout: &str) -> Result { if let Some(l) = self.config.layouts.get_custom(layout) { self.layout = l.to_owned(); Ok(self) } else { self.log_error(format!("Custom layout not found: {}", layout)) } } fn call(mut self, command: Command) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = true; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Call(command)); Ok(self) } fn call_silently(mut self, command: Command) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = true; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::CallSilently(command)); Ok(self) } fn bash_exec(self, script: String) -> Result { { command: "bash".into(), args: vec!["-c".into(), script], }) } fn bash_exec_silently(self, script: String) -> Result { self.call_silently(Command { command: "bash".into(), args: vec!["-c".into(), script], }) } fn call_lua(mut self, func: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = true; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::CallLua(func)); Ok(self) } fn call_lua_silently(mut self, func: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = true; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::CallLuaSilently(func)); Ok(self) } fn lua_eval(mut self, code: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = true; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::LuaEval(code)); Ok(self) } fn lua_eval_silently(mut self, code: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = true; self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::LuaEvalSilently(code)); Ok(self) } pub fn set_directory(mut self, dir: DirectoryBuffer) -> Result { self = self.add_last_focus( dir.parent.clone(), dir.focused_node().map(|n| n.relative_path.clone()), )?; if dir.parent == self.pwd { self.directory_buffer = Some(dir); } Ok(self) } pub fn add_last_focus( mut self, parent: String, focused_path: Option, ) -> Result { self.last_focus.insert(parent, focused_path); Ok(self) } pub fn select(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(n) = self.focused_node().map(|n| n.to_owned()) { self.selection.insert(n); } Ok(self) } pub fn select_path(mut self, path: String) -> Result { let mut path = PathBuf::from(path); if path.is_relative() { path = PathBuf::from(self.pwd.clone()).join(path); } let parent = path.parent().map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string()); let filename = path.file_name().map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string()); if let (Some(p), Some(n)) = (parent, filename) { self.selection.insert(Node::new(p, n)); } Ok(self) } pub fn select_all(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(d) = self.directory_buffer.as_ref() { d.nodes.clone().into_iter().for_each(|n| { self.selection.insert(n); }); }; Ok(self) } pub fn un_select(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(n) = self.focused_node().map(|n| n.to_owned()) { self.selection.retain(|s| s != &n); } Ok(self) } pub fn un_select_path(mut self, path: String) -> Result { let mut pathbuf = PathBuf::from(path); if pathbuf.is_relative() { pathbuf = PathBuf::from(self.pwd.clone()).join(pathbuf); } self.selection .retain(|n| PathBuf::from(&n.absolute_path) != pathbuf); Ok(self) } pub fn un_select_all(mut self) -> Result { if let Some(d) = self.directory_buffer.as_ref() { d.nodes.clone().into_iter().for_each(|n| { self.selection.retain(|s| s != &n); }); }; Ok(self) } fn toggle_selection(self) -> Result { if let Some(p) = self.focused_node().map(|n| n.absolute_path.clone()) { self.toggle_selection_by_path(p) } else { Ok(self) } } fn toggle_select_all(self) -> Result { if let Some(d) = self.directory_buffer.as_ref() { if d.nodes.iter().all(|n| self.selection.contains(n)) { self.un_select_all() } else { self.select_all() } } else { Ok(self) } } fn toggle_selection_by_path(self, path: String) -> Result { let mut pathbuf = PathBuf::from(&path); if pathbuf.is_relative() { pathbuf = PathBuf::from(self.pwd.clone()).join(pathbuf); } if self .selection .iter() .any(|n| PathBuf::from(&n.absolute_path) == pathbuf) { self.un_select_path(path) } else { self.select_path(path) } } fn clear_selection(mut self) -> Result { self.selection.clear(); Ok(self) } fn add_node_filter(mut self, filter: NodeFilterApplicable) -> Result { self.explorer_config.filters.replace(filter); Ok(self) } fn add_node_filter_from_input( mut self, filter: NodeFilter, ) -> Result { if let Some(input) = self.input.as_ref() { self.explorer_config .filters .insert(NodeFilterApplicable::new( filter, input.value().into(), )); }; Ok(self) } fn remove_node_filter( mut self, filter: NodeFilterApplicable, ) -> Result { self.explorer_config.filters.retain(|f| f != &filter); Ok(self) } fn remove_node_filter_from_input( mut self, filter: NodeFilter, ) -> Result { if let Some(input) = self.input.as_ref() { let nfa = NodeFilterApplicable::new(filter, input.value().into()); self.explorer_config.filters.retain(|f| f != &nfa); }; Ok(self) } fn toggle_node_filter(self, filter: NodeFilterApplicable) -> Result { if self.explorer_config.filters.contains(&filter) { self.remove_node_filter(filter) } else { self.add_node_filter(filter) } } fn remove_last_node_filter(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.filters.pop(); Ok(self) } fn reset_node_filters(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.filters.clear(); if !self.config.general.show_hidden { self.add_node_filter(NodeFilterApplicable::new( NodeFilter::RelativePathDoesNotStartWith, ".".into(), )) } else { Ok(self) } } fn clear_node_filters(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.filters.clear(); Ok(self) } fn add_node_sorter(mut self, sorter: NodeSorterApplicable) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters.replace(sorter); Ok(self) } fn remove_node_sorter(mut self, sorter: NodeSorter) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters.retain(|s| s.sorter != sorter); Ok(self) } fn reverse_node_sorter(mut self, sorter: NodeSorter) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters = self .explorer_config .sorters .into_iter() .map(|s| if s.sorter == sorter { s.reversed() } else { s }) .collect(); Ok(self) } fn toggle_node_sorter(self, sorter: NodeSorterApplicable) -> Result { if self.explorer_config.sorters.contains(&sorter) { self.remove_node_sorter(sorter.sorter) } else { self.add_node_sorter(sorter) } } fn remove_last_node_sorter(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters.pop(); Ok(self) } fn reverse_node_sorters(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters = self .explorer_config .sorters .into_iter() .map(|s| s.reversed()) .collect(); Ok(self) } fn reset_node_sorters(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters = self .config .general .initial_sorting .to_owned() .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(self) } fn clear_node_sorters(mut self) -> Result { self.explorer_config.sorters.clear(); Ok(self) } fn enable_mouse(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::EnableMouse); Ok(self) } fn disable_mouse(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::DisableMouse); Ok(self) } fn toggle_mouse(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::ToggleMouse); Ok(self) } fn start_fifo(mut self, path: String) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::StartFifo(path)); Ok(self) } fn stop_fifo(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::StopFifo); Ok(self) } fn toggle_fifo(mut self, path: String) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::ToggleFifo(path)); Ok(self) } pub fn log_info(mut self, message: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = false; self.logs.push(Log::new(LogLevel::Info, message)); Ok(self) } pub fn log_success(mut self, message: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = false; self.logs.push(Log::new(LogLevel::Success, message)); Ok(self) } pub fn log_warning(mut self, message: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = false; self.logs.push(Log::new(LogLevel::Warning, message)); Ok(self) } pub fn log_error(mut self, message: String) -> Result { self.logs_hidden = false; self.logs.push(Log::new(LogLevel::Error, message)); Ok(self) } fn quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Quit); Ok(self) } fn print_pwd_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintPwdAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn print_focus_path_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintFocusPathAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn print_selection_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintSelectionAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn print_result_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintResultAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn print_app_state_and_quit(mut self) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::PrintAppStateAndQuit); Ok(self) } fn debug(mut self, path: String) -> Result { self.msg_out.push_back(MsgOut::Debug(path)); Ok(self) } fn directory_buffer_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut DirectoryBuffer> { self.directory_buffer.as_mut() } pub fn mode_str(&self) -> String { format!("{}\n", & } fn refresh_selection(mut self) -> Result { // Should be able to select broken symlink self.selection.retain(|n| { PathBuf::from(&n.absolute_path).symlink_metadata().is_ok() }); Ok(self) } pub fn result(&self) -> Vec<&Node> { if self.selection.is_empty() { self.focused_node().map(|n| vec![n]).unwrap_or_default() } else { self.selection.iter().collect() } } pub fn directory_nodes_str(&self) -> String { self.directory_buffer .as_ref() .map(|d| { d.nodes .iter() .map(|n| format!("{}\n", n.absolute_path)) .collect::>() .join("") }) .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn pwd_str(&self) -> String { format!("{}\n", &self.pwd) } pub fn selection_str(&self) -> String { self.selection .iter() .map(|n| format!("{}\n", n.absolute_path)) .collect::>() .join("") } pub fn result_str(&self) -> String { self.result() .into_iter() .map(|n| format!("{}\n", n.absolute_path)) .collect::>() .join("") } pub fn logs_str(&self) -> String { self.logs .iter() .map(|l| format!("{}\n", l)) .collect::>() .join("") } pub fn global_help_menu_str(&self) -> String { let builtin = &self.config.modes.builtin; let custom = &self.config.modes.custom; [ &builtin.default, &builtin.debug_error, &builtin.recover, &builtin.filter, &builtin.number, &builtin.go_to, &, &builtin.selection_ops, &builtin.action, &builtin.create, &builtin.create_file, &builtin.create_directory, &builtin.rename, &builtin.duplicate_as, &builtin.delete, &builtin.sort, &builtin.filter, &builtin.relative_path_does_contain, &builtin.relative_path_does_not_contain, &builtin.switch_layout, ] .iter().map(|m| (&, m.to_owned())) .chain(custom.iter()) .map(|(name, mode)| { let help = mode .help_menu() .iter() .map(|l| match l { HelpMenuLine::Paragraph(p) => format!("\t{}\n", p), HelpMenuLine::KeyMap(k, remaps, h) => { let remaps = remaps.join(", "); format!(" {:15} | {:25} | {}\n", k, remaps, h) } }) .collect::>() .join(""); format!( "### {}\n\n key | remaps | action\n --------------- | ------------------------- | ------\n{}\n", name, help ) }) .collect::>() .join("\n") } pub fn history_str(&self) -> String { self.history .paths .iter() .map(|p| format!("{}\n", &p)) .collect::>() .join("") } pub fn write_pipes(&self) -> Result<()> { fs::create_dir_all(self.pipe.path.clone())?; fs::write(&self.pipe.msg_in, "")?; let selection_str = self.selection_str(); fs::write(&self.pipe.selection_out, selection_str)?; let history_str = self.history_str(); fs::write(&self.pipe.history_out, history_str)?; let directory_nodes_str = self.directory_nodes_str(); fs::write(&self.pipe.directory_nodes_out, directory_nodes_str)?; let logs_str = self.logs_str(); fs::write(&self.pipe.logs_out, logs_str)?; let result_str = self.result_str(); fs::write(&self.pipe.result_out, result_str)?; let global_help_menu_str = self.global_help_menu_str(); fs::write(&self.pipe.global_help_menu_out, global_help_menu_str)?; Ok(()) } pub fn cleanup_pipes(&self) -> Result<()> { while !fs::read_to_string(&self.pipe.msg_in)?.is_empty() { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)); } fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.msg_in)?; fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.selection_out)?; fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.result_out)?; fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.directory_nodes_out)?; fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.global_help_menu_out)?; fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.logs_out)?; fs::remove_file(&self.pipe.history_out)?; fs::remove_dir(&self.pipe.path)?; Ok(()) } pub fn to_lua_ctx_heavy(&self) -> LuaContextHeavy { LuaContextHeavy { version: self.version.clone(), pwd: self.pwd.clone(), focused_node: self.focused_node().cloned(), directory_buffer: self.directory_buffer.clone(), selection: self.selection.clone(), mode: self.mode.clone(), layout: self.layout.clone(), input_buffer: self.input.as_ref().map(|i| i.value().into()), pid:, session_path: self.session_path.clone(), explorer_config: self.explorer_config.clone(), history: self.history.clone(), last_modes: self.last_modes.clone(), } } pub fn to_lua_ctx_light(&self) -> LuaContextLight { LuaContextLight { version: self.version.clone(), pwd: self.pwd.clone(), focused_node: self.focused_node().cloned(), selection: self.selection.clone(), mode: self.mode.clone(), layout: self.layout.clone(), input_buffer: self.input.as_ref().map(|i| i.value().into()), pid:, session_path: self.session_path.clone(), explorer_config: self.explorer_config.clone(), } } }