Install ======= You can install xplr using one of the following ways. Each has their own advantages and limitations. For example, the [Direct Download][1], [From][2], and [Build From Source][3] methods allow the users to install the latest possible version of xplr, but they have one common drawback - the user will need to keep an eye on the releases, and manually upgrade xplr when a new version is available. One way to keep an eye on the releases is to [watch the repository][4]. Community Maintained Repositories --------------------------------- xplr can be installed from one of the following community maintained repositories: [![packaging status][5]][6] ### Arch Linux #### [Official Community Repo][7] ``` sudo pacman -S xplr ``` #### [AUR][8] Binary version: ``` paru -S xplr-bin ``` Git version: ``` paru -S xplr-git ``` ### Void Linux #### [void-templates by shubham][9] ### Nix(OS) #### [Nixpkgs][10] ``` nix-env -f -iA xplr ``` ### macOS #### [MacPorts][11] ``` sudo port selfupdate sudo port install xplr ``` #### [Homebrew][12] Stable branch: ``` brew install xplr ``` HEAD branch: ``` brew install --head xplr ``` ### FreeBSD #### [ports][13] ``` pkg install xplr ``` Or ``` cd /usr/ports/misc/xplr make install clean ``` ### NetBSD #### [pkgsrc][14] ``` pkgin install xplr ``` Or ``` cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/xplr make install ``` Direct Download --------------- One can directly download the standalone binary from the [releases][15]. Currently, the following options are available for direct download: - [Linux][16] - [macOS][17] Command-line instructions: ```bash platform="linux" # or "macos" # Download wget$platform.tar.gz # Extract tar xzvf xplr-$platform.tar.gz # Place in $PATH sudo mv xplr /usr/local/bin/ ``` From [][18] ----------------------------------------------- Prerequisites: - [Rust toolchain][19], - [gcc][20] - [make][21] Command-line instructions: ```bash cargo install --locked --force xplr ``` Build From Source ----------------- Prerequisites: - [git][22] - [Rust toolchain][19] - [gcc][20] - [make][21] Command-line instructions: ```bash # Clone the repository git clone cd xplr # Build cargo build --locked --release --bin xplr # Place in $PATH sudo cp target/release/xplr /usr/local/bin/ ``` Android ------- ### [Termux][23] [![][24]][25] > Please note that xplr isn't heavily tested on Termux, hence things might > need a little tweaking and fixing for a smooth usage experience. - Install build dependencies ```bash pkg install rustc cargo make ``` - Install `xplr` ```bash cargo install --locked --force xplr ``` - Setup storage ```bash termux-setup-storage ``` - Setup config and runtime dir ```bash export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$PWD/storage/.config" export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="$PWD/storage/run" mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ``` - Run ```bash ~/.cargo/bin/xplr ``` [1]:#direct-download [2]:#from-a-hrefhttpscratesiocratesxplrcratesioa [3]:#build-from-source [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: [14]: [15]: [16]: [17]: [18]: [19]: [20]: [21]: [22]: [23]: [24]: [25]: