#![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] use crate::app; use crate::app::ExternalMsg; use crate::cli::Cli; use crate::event_reader::EventReader; use crate::explorer; use crate::lua; use crate::pipe; use crate::pwd_watcher; use crate::ui; use crate::yaml; use anyhow::{bail, Error, Result}; use crossterm::event; use crossterm::execute; use crossterm::terminal as term; use mlua::LuaSerdeExt; use mlua::Value; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use std::sync::mpsc; use tui::backend::CrosstermBackend; use tui::Terminal; use tui_input::Input; pub fn get_tty() -> Result { let tty = "/dev/tty"; match fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(tty) { Ok(f) => Ok(f), Err(e) => { bail!(format!("could not open {tty}. {e}")) } } } // In unix system, the std::env::current_dir() calls libc getcwd() that // returns physical path. As a workaround, this function tries to use `PWD` // environment variable that is configured by shell. fn get_current_dir() -> Result { if let Ok(pwd) = std::env::var("PWD") { if pwd.is_empty() { std::env::current_dir() } else { Ok(PathBuf::from(pwd)) } } else { std::env::current_dir() } } fn call_lua_heavy( app: &app::App, lua: &mlua::Lua, func: &str, _silent: bool, ) -> Result>> { let arg = app.to_lua_ctx_heavy(); let arg = lua::serialize(lua, &arg)?; lua::call(lua, func, arg) } fn call( mut app: app::App, cmd: app::Command, silent: bool, terminal: &mut Terminal>, event_reader: &mut EventReader, mouse_enabled: &mut bool, delimiter: char, ) -> Result { if !silent { if *mouse_enabled { execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), event::DisableMouseCapture) .unwrap_or_default(); } event_reader.stop(); terminal.clear()?; terminal.set_cursor(0, 0)?; term::disable_raw_mode()?; terminal.show_cursor()?; } app.write_pipes(delimiter)?; let focus_index = app .directory_buffer .as_ref() .map(|d| d.focus) .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(); let (stdin, stdout, stderr) = if silent { (Stdio::null(), Stdio::null(), Stdio::null()) } else { (get_tty()?.into(), get_tty()?.into(), get_tty()?.into()) }; let input_buffer = app .input .buffer .as_ref() .map(Input::to_string) .unwrap_or_default(); let status = Command::new(cmd.command.clone()) .env("XPLR", &app.bin) .env("XPLR_VROOT", &app.vroot.clone().unwrap_or_default()) .env("XPLR_APP_VERSION", &app.version) .env("XPLR_PID", &app.pid.to_string()) .env("XPLR_INPUT_BUFFER", input_buffer) .env("XPLR_INITIAL_PWD", &app.initial_pwd) .env("XPLR_FOCUS_PATH", app.focused_node_str()) .env("XPLR_FOCUS_INDEX", focus_index) .env("XPLR_SESSION_PATH", &app.session_path) .env("XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN", &app.pipe.msg_in) .env("XPLR_PIPE_SELECTION_OUT", &app.pipe.selection_out) .env("XPLR_PIPE_HISTORY_OUT", &app.pipe.history_out) .env("XPLR_MODE", app.mode_str()) .env("XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT", &app.pipe.result_out) .env( "XPLR_PIPE_GLOBAL_HELP_MENU_OUT", &app.pipe.global_help_menu_out, ) .env( "XPLR_PIPE_DIRECTORY_NODES_OUT", &app.pipe.directory_nodes_out, ) .env("XPLR_PIPE_LOGS_OUT", &app.pipe.logs_out) .stdin(stdin) .stdout(stdout) .stderr(stderr) .args(cmd.args) .status() .map(|s| { if s.success() { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!("process exited with code {s}")) } }) .unwrap_or_else(|e| Err(e.to_string())); match pipe::read_all(&app.pipe.msg_in, delimiter) { Ok(msgs) => { app = app.handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } }; app.cleanup_pipes()?; if let Err(e) = status { app = app.log_error(e)?; }; if !silent { terminal.clear()?; term::enable_raw_mode()?; terminal.hide_cursor()?; event_reader.start(); if *mouse_enabled { match execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), event::EnableMouseCapture) { Ok(_) => { *mouse_enabled = true; } Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(e.to_string())?; } } } } Ok(app) } fn start_fifo(path: &str, focus_path: &str) -> Result { match fs::OpenOptions::new().write(true).open(path) { Ok(mut file) => { writeln!(file, "{focus_path}")?; Ok(file) } Err(e) => Err(e.into()), } } pub struct Runner { bin: String, vroot: Option, pwd: PathBuf, focused_path: Option, config_file: Option, extra_config_files: Vec, on_load: Vec, read_only: bool, print_pwd_as_result: bool, selection: Vec, delimiter: char, } impl Runner { /// Create a new runner object passing the default arguments pub fn new() -> Result { Self::from_cli(Default::default()) } /// Create a new runner object passing the given arguments pub fn from_cli(cli: Cli) -> Result { let currdir = get_current_dir()?; let mut paths = cli.paths.into_iter(); let mut pwd = paths .next() .or_else(|| cli.vroot.clone()) .unwrap_or_else(|| currdir.clone()); let mut focused_path = None; if cli.force_focus || pwd.is_file() { focused_path = pwd.file_name().map(|p| p.into()); pwd = pwd.parent().map(|p| p.into()).unwrap_or(currdir); } Ok(Self { bin: cli.bin, vroot: cli.vroot, pwd, focused_path, config_file: cli.config, extra_config_files: cli.extra_config, on_load: cli.on_load, read_only: cli.read_only, print_pwd_as_result: cli.print_pwd_as_result, selection: paths.collect(), delimiter: if cli.write0 { '\0' } else { '\n' }, }) } /// Run the instance pub fn run(self) -> Result> { // Why unsafe? See https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/issues/309 let lua = unsafe { mlua::Lua::unsafe_new() }; let mut app = app::App::create( self.bin, self.vroot, self.pwd, &lua, self.config_file, self.extra_config_files, )?; app.config.general.read_only = self.read_only; fs::create_dir_all(app.session_path.clone())?; let (tx_msg_in, rx_msg_in) = mpsc::channel(); let (tx_pwd_watcher, rx_pwd_watcher) = mpsc::channel(); app = app.explore_pwd()?; for file in self.selection { app = app.select_path(file.to_string_lossy().to_string())?; } app = if let Some(f) = self .focused_path .clone() .map(|f| f.to_string_lossy().to_string()) { app.focus_by_file_name(&f, true)? } else { app.focus_first(true)? }; explorer::explore_recursive_async( app.explorer_config.clone(), app.pwd.clone().into(), self.focused_path, app.directory_buffer.as_ref().map(|d| d.focus).unwrap_or(0), tx_msg_in.clone(), ); tx_pwd_watcher.send(app.pwd.clone())?; let mut result = Ok(None); let session_path = app.session_path.to_owned(); term::enable_raw_mode()?; // Use a tty to enable piping results let mut stdout = get_tty()?; // let stdout = io::stdout(); // let mut stdout = stdout.lock(); execute!(stdout, term::EnterAlternateScreen)?; let mut fifo: Option = if let Some(path) = app.config.general.start_fifo.clone() { // TODO remove duplicate segment match start_fifo(&path, &app.focused_node_str()) { Ok(file) => Some(file), Err(e) => { app = app .log_error(format!("could not start fifo {path:?}: {e}"))?; None } } } else { None }; let mut last_focus: Option = None; let mut last_pwd = app.pwd.clone(); let mut mouse_enabled = app.config.general.enable_mouse; if mouse_enabled { if let Err(e) = execute!(stdout, event::EnableMouseCapture) { app = app.log_error(format!("could not enable mouse: {e}"))?; } } let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; terminal.hide_cursor()?; terminal.clear()?; // Threads pwd_watcher::keep_watching(app.pwd.as_ref(), tx_msg_in.clone(), rx_pwd_watcher)?; let mut event_reader = EventReader::new(tx_msg_in.clone()); event_reader.start(); // Enqueue on_load messages for msg in app.hooks.on_load.iter().chain(self.on_load.iter()) { tx_msg_in.send(app::Task::new(app::MsgIn::External(msg.clone()), None))?; } // Refresh screen once after loading tx_msg_in.send(app::Task::new( app::MsgIn::External(app::ExternalMsg::Refresh), None, ))?; 'outer: for task in rx_msg_in { match app.handle_task(task) { Ok(a) => { app = a; while let Some(msg) = app.msg_out.pop_front() { use app::MsgOut::*; match msg { Enqueue(task) => { tx_msg_in.send(task)?; } Quit => { result = Ok(None); break 'outer; } PrintPwdAndQuit => { result = Ok(Some(app.pwd_str(self.delimiter))); break 'outer; } PrintFocusPathAndQuit => { result = Ok(app.focused_node().map(|n| { format!("{}{}", n.absolute_path, self.delimiter) })); break 'outer; } PrintSelectionAndQuit => { result = Ok(Some(app.selection_str(self.delimiter))); break 'outer; } PrintResultAndQuit => { result = if self.print_pwd_as_result { Ok(Some(app.pwd_str(self.delimiter))) } else { Ok(Some(app.result_str(self.delimiter))) }; break 'outer; } PrintAppStateAndQuit => { let out = yaml::to_string(&app)?; result = Ok(Some(out)); break 'outer; } Debug(path) => { fs::write(path, yaml::to_string(&app)?)?; } ClearScreen => { terminal.clear()?; } ScrollUp => { app = app.focus_previous_by_relative_index( terminal.size()?.height as usize, )?; } ScrollDown => { app = app.focus_next_by_relative_index( terminal.size()?.height as usize, )?; } ScrollUpHalf => { app = app.focus_next_by_relative_index( terminal.size()?.height as usize / 2, )?; } ScrollDownHalf => { app = app.focus_next_by_relative_index( terminal.size()?.height as usize / 2, )?; } ExplorePwdAsync => { explorer::explore_async( app.explorer_config.clone(), app.pwd.clone().into(), app.focused_node() .map(|n| n.relative_path.clone().into()), app.directory_buffer .as_ref() .map(|d| d.focus) .unwrap_or(0), tx_msg_in.clone(), ); tx_pwd_watcher.send(app.pwd.clone())?; } ExploreParentsAsync => { explorer::explore_recursive_async( app.explorer_config.clone(), app.pwd.clone().into(), app.focused_node() .map(|n| n.relative_path.clone().into()), app.directory_buffer .as_ref() .map(|d| d.focus) .unwrap_or(0), tx_msg_in.clone(), ); tx_pwd_watcher.send(app.pwd.clone())?; } Refresh => { let focus = app.focused_node(); if focus != last_focus.as_ref() { last_focus = focus.cloned(); // Fifo if let Some(ref mut file) = fifo { writeln!(file, "{}", app.focused_node_str())?; }; // Hooks if !app.hooks.on_focus_change.is_empty() { let msgs = app.hooks.on_focus_change.clone(); app = app.handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)? } } if app.pwd != last_pwd { last_pwd = app.pwd.clone(); // $PWD watcher tx_pwd_watcher.send(app.pwd.clone())?; // OSC 7: Change CWD if !(*ui::NO_COLOR) { write!( terminal.backend_mut(), "\x1b]7;file://{}{}\x1b\\", &app.hostname, &app.pwd )?; } // Hooks if !app.hooks.on_directory_change.is_empty() { let msgs = app.hooks.on_directory_change.clone(); app = app.handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)? } } // UI terminal.draw(|f| ui::draw(f, &app, &lua))?; } EnableMouse => { if !mouse_enabled { match execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), event::EnableMouseCapture ) { Ok(_) => { mouse_enabled = true; } Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(format!( "could not enable mouse: {e}" ))?; } } } } ToggleMouse => { let msg = if mouse_enabled { app::ExternalMsg::DisableMouse } else { app::ExternalMsg::EnableMouse }; app = app.handle_task(app::Task::new( app::MsgIn::External(msg), None, ))?; } DisableMouse => { if mouse_enabled { match execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), event::DisableMouseCapture ) { Ok(_) => { mouse_enabled = false; } Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(format!( "could not disable mouse: {e}" ))?; } } } } StartFifo(path) => { fifo = match start_fifo(&path, &app.focused_node_str()) { Ok(file) => Some(file), Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(format!( "could not start fifo {path:?}: {e}" ))?; None } } } StopFifo => { if let Some(file) = fifo { fifo = None; std::mem::drop(file); } } ToggleFifo(path) => { if let Some(file) = fifo { fifo = None; std::mem::drop(file); } else { fifo = match start_fifo(&path, &app.focused_node_str()) { Ok(file) => Some(file), Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(format!( "could not toggle fifo {path:?}: {e}" ))?; None } } } } CallLuaSilently(func) => { match call_lua_heavy(&app, &lua, &func, false) { Ok(Some(msgs)) => { app = app.handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } }; } CallLua(func) => { execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), event::DisableMouseCapture ) .unwrap_or_default(); event_reader.stop(); terminal.clear()?; terminal.set_cursor(0, 0)?; term::disable_raw_mode()?; terminal.show_cursor()?; match call_lua_heavy(&app, &lua, &func, false) { Ok(Some(msgs)) => { app = app.handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } }; terminal.clear()?; term::enable_raw_mode()?; terminal.hide_cursor()?; event_reader.start(); if mouse_enabled { match execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), event::EnableMouseCapture ) { Ok(_) => { mouse_enabled = true; } Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(e.to_string())?; } } } } LuaEval(code) => { execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), event::DisableMouseCapture ) .unwrap_or_default(); event_reader.stop(); terminal.clear()?; terminal.set_cursor(0, 0)?; term::disable_raw_mode()?; terminal.show_cursor()?; let res: Result = lua.load(&code).eval().map_err(Error::from); match res { Ok(Value::Function(f)) => { let arg = app.to_lua_ctx_heavy(); let res: Result>> = lua .to_value(&arg) .and_then(|a| f.call(a)) .and_then(|v| lua.from_value(v)) .map_err(Error::from); match res { Ok(Some(msgs)) => { app = app .handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } } } Ok(v) => { let res: Result>> = lua.from_value(v).map_err(Error::from); match res { Ok(Some(msgs)) => { app = app .handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } } } Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } }; terminal.clear()?; term::enable_raw_mode()?; terminal.hide_cursor()?; event_reader.start(); if mouse_enabled { match execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), event::EnableMouseCapture ) { Ok(_) => { mouse_enabled = true; } Err(e) => { app = app.log_error(e.to_string())?; } } } } LuaEvalSilently(code) => { let res: Result = lua.load(&code).eval().map_err(Error::from); match res { Ok(Value::Function(f)) => { let arg = app.to_lua_ctx_heavy(); let res: Result>> = lua .to_value(&arg) .and_then(|a| f.call(a)) .and_then(|v| lua.from_value(v)) .map_err(Error::from); match res { Ok(Some(msgs)) => { app = app .handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } } } Ok(v) => { let res: Result>> = lua.from_value(v).map_err(Error::from); match res { Ok(Some(msgs)) => { app = app .handle_batch_external_msgs(msgs)?; } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } } } Err(err) => { app = app.log_error(err.to_string())?; } }; } Call(cmd) => { app = call( app, cmd, false, &mut terminal, &mut event_reader, &mut mouse_enabled, '\n', )?; } Call0(cmd) => { app = call( app, cmd, false, &mut terminal, &mut event_reader, &mut mouse_enabled, '\0', )?; } CallSilently(cmd) => { app = call( app, cmd, true, &mut terminal, &mut event_reader, &mut mouse_enabled, '\n', )?; } CallSilently0(cmd) => { app = call( app, cmd, true, &mut terminal, &mut event_reader, &mut mouse_enabled, '\0', )?; } }; } } Err(e) => { result = Err(e); break; } } } terminal.clear()?; terminal.set_cursor(0, 0)?; execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), term::LeaveAlternateScreen)?; execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), event::DisableMouseCapture).unwrap_or_default(); term::disable_raw_mode()?; terminal.show_cursor()?; fs::remove_dir_all(session_path)?; result } } /// Create a new runner object passing the default arguments pub fn runner() -> Result { Runner::new() } /// Create a new runner object passing the given arguments pub fn from_cli(cli: Cli) -> Result { Runner::from_cli(cli) }