### xplr.util.version Get the xplr version details. Type: function() -> { major: number, minor: number, patch: number } Example: ```lua xplr.util.version() -- { major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0 } ``` ### xplr.util.debug Print the given value to the console, and return it as a string. Useful for debugging. Type: function( value ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.debug({ foo = "bar", bar = function() end }) -- { -- ["bar"] = function: 0x55e5cebdeae0, -- ["foo"] = "bar", -- } ``` ### xplr.util.clone Clone/deepcopy a Lua value. Doesn't work with functions. Type: function( value ) -> value Example: ```lua local val = { foo = "bar" } local val_clone = xplr.util.clone(val) val.foo = "baz" print(val_clone.foo) -- "bar" ``` ### xplr.util.exists Check if the given path exists. Type: function( path:string ) -> boolean Example: ```lua xplr.util.exists("/foo/bar") -- true ``` ### xplr.util.is_dir Check if the given path is a directory. Type: function( path:string ) -> boolean Example: ```lua xplr.util.is_dir("/foo/bar") -- true ``` ### xplr.util.is_file Check if the given path is a file. Type: function( path:string ) -> boolean Example: ```lua xplr.util.is_file("/foo/bar") -- true ``` ### xplr.util.is_symlink Check if the given path is a symlink. Type: function( path:string ) -> boolean Example: ```lua xplr.util.is_file("/foo/bar") -- true ``` ### xplr.util.is_absolute Check if the given path is an absolute path. Type: function( path:string ) -> boolean Example: ```lua xplr.util.is_absolute("/foo/bar") -- true ``` ### xplr.util.path_split Split a path into its components. Type: function( path:string ) -> boolean Example: ```lua xplr.util.path_split("/foo/bar") -- { "/", "foo", "bar" } xplr.util.path_split(".././foo") -- { "..", "foo" } ``` ### xplr.util.node Get [Node][5] information of a given path. Doesn't check if the path exists. Returns nil if the path is "/". Errors out if absolute path can't be obtained. Type: function( path:string ) -> [Node][5]|nil Example: ```lua xplr.util.node("./bar") -- { parent = "/pwd", relative_path = "bar", absolute_path = "/pwd/bar", ... } xplr.util.node("/") -- nil ``` ### xplr.util.node_type Get the configured [Node Type][6] of a given [Node][5]. Type: function( [Node][5], [xplr.config.node_types][7]|nil ) -> [Node Type][6] If the second argument is missing, global config `xplr.config.node_types` will be used. Example: ```lua xplr.util.node_type(app.focused_node) -- { style = { fg = "Red", ... }, meta = { icon = "", ... } ... } xplr.util.node_type(xplr.util.node("/foo/bar"), xplr.config.node_types) -- { style = { fg = "Red", ... }, meta = { icon = "", ... } ... } ``` ### xplr.util.dirname Get the directory name of a given path. Type: function( path:string ) -> path:string|nil Example: ```lua xplr.util.dirname("/foo/bar") -- "/foo" ``` ### xplr.util.basename Get the base name of a given path. Type: function( path:string ) -> path:string|nil Example: ```lua xplr.util.basename("/foo/bar") -- "bar" ``` ### xplr.util.absolute Get the absolute path of the given path by prepending $PWD. It doesn't check if the path exists. Type: function( path:string ) -> path:string Example: ```lua xplr.util.absolute("foo/bar") -- "/tmp/foo/bar" ``` ### xplr.util.relative_to Get the relative path based on the given base path or current working dir. Will error if it fails to determine a relative path. Type: function( path:string, options:table|nil ) -> path:string Options type: { base:string|nil, with_prefix_dots:bookean|nil, without_suffix_dots:boolean|nil } - If `base` path is given, the path will be relative to it. - If `with_prefix_dots` is true, the path will always start with dots `..` / `.` - If `without_suffix_dots` is true, the name will be visible instead of dots `..` / `.` Example: ```lua xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working/directory") -- "." xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working/directory/foo") -- "foo" xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working/directory/foo", { with_prefix_dots = true }) -- "./foo" xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working/directory", { without_suffix_dots = true }) -- "../directory" xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working") -- ".." xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working", { without_suffix_dots = true }) -- "../../working" xplr.util.relative_to("/present/working/directory", { base = "/present/foo/bar" }) -- "../../working/directory" ``` ### xplr.util.shorten Shorten the given absolute path using the following rules: - either relative to your home dir if it makes sense - or relative to the current working directory - or absolute path if it makes the most sense Type: Similar to `xplr.util.relative_to` Example: ```lua xplr.util.shorten("/home/username/.config") -- "~/.config" xplr.util.shorten("/present/working/directory") -- "." xplr.util.shorten("/present/working/directory/foo") -- "foo" xplr.util.shorten("/present/working/directory/foo", { with_prefix_dots = true }) -- "./foo" xplr.util.shorten("/present/working/directory", { without_suffix_dots = true }) -- "../directory" xplr.util.shorten("/present/working/directory", { base = "/present/foo/bar" }) -- "../../working/directory" xplr.util.shorten("/tmp") -- "/tmp" ``` ### xplr.util.explore Explore directories with the given explorer config. Type: function( path:string, [ExplorerConfig][1]|nil ) -> { [Node][2], ... } Example: ```lua xplr.util.explore("/tmp") -- { { absolute_path = "/tmp/a", ... }, ... } xplr.util.explore("/tmp", app.explorer_config) -- { { absolute_path = "/tmp/a", ... }, ... } ``` ### xplr.util.shell_execute Execute shell commands safely. Type: function( program:string, args:{ string, ... }|nil ) -> { stdout = string, stderr = string, returncode = number|nil } Example: ```lua xplr.util.shell_execute("pwd") -- { stdout = "/present/working/directory", stderr = "", returncode = 0 } xplr.util.shell_execute("bash", {"-c", "xplr --help"}) -- { stdout = "xplr...", stderr = "", returncode = 0 } ``` ### xplr.util.shell_quote Quote commands and paths safely. Type: function( string ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.shell_quote("a'b\"c") -- 'a'"'"'b"c' ``` ### xplr.util.shell_escape Escape commands and paths safely. Type: function( string ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.shell_escape("a'b\"c") -- "\"a'b\\\"c\"" ``` ### xplr.util.from_json Load JSON string into Lua value. Type: function( string ) -> any Example: ```lua xplr.util.from_json([[{"foo": "bar"}]]) -- { foo = "bar" } ``` ### xplr.util.to_json Dump Lua value into JSON (i.e. also YAML) string. Type: function( value ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.to_json({ foo = "bar" }) -- [[{ "foo": "bar" }]] xplr.util.to_json({ foo = "bar" }, { pretty = true }) -- [[{ -- "foo": "bar" -- }]] ``` ### xplr.util.from_yaml Load YAML (i.e. also JSON) string into Lua value. Type: function( string ) -> value Example: ```lua xplr.util.from_yaml([[{foo: bar}]]) -- { foo = "bar" } ``` ### xplr.util.to_yaml Dump Lua value into YAML string. Type: function( value ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.to_yaml({ foo = "bar" }) -- "foo: bar" ``` ### xplr.util.lscolor Get a [Style][3] object for the given path based on the LS_COLORS environment variable. Type: function( path:string ) -> [Style][3] Example: ```lua xplr.util.lscolor("Desktop") -- { fg = "Red", bg = nil, add_modifiers = {}, sub_modifiers = {} } ``` ### xplr.util.paint Apply style (escape sequence) to string using a given [Style][3] object. Type: function( string, [Style][3]|nil ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.paint("Desktop", { fg = "Red", bg = nil, add_modifiers = {}, sub_modifiers = {} }) -- "\u001b[31mDesktop\u001b[0m" ``` ### xplr.util.style_mix Mix multiple [Style][3] objects into one. Type: function( { [Style][3], [Style][3], ... } ) -> [Style][3] Example: ```lua xplr.util.style_mix({{ fg = "Red" }, { bg = "Blue" }, { add_modifiers = {"Bold"} }}) -- { fg = "Red", bg = "Blue", add_modifiers = { "Bold" }, sub_modifiers = {} } ``` ### xplr.util.textwrap Wrap the given text to fit the specified width. It will try to not split words when possible. Type: function( string, options:number|table ) -> { string, ...} Options type: { width = number, initial_indent = string|nil, subsequent_indent = string|nil, break_words = boolean|nil } Example: ```lua xplr.util.textwrap("this will be cut off", 11) -- { "this will', 'be cut off" } xplr.util.textwrap( "this will be cut off", { width = 12, initial_indent = "", subsequent_indent = " ", break_words = false } ) -- { "this will be", " cut off" } ``` ### xplr.util.layout_replace Find the target layout in the given layout and replace it with the replacement layout, returning a new layout. Type: function( layout:[Layout][4], target:[Layout][4], replacement:[Layout][4] ) -> layout:[Layout][4] Example: ```lua local layout = { Horizontal = { splits = { "Table", -- Target "HelpMenu", }, config = ..., } } xplr.util.layout_replace(layout, "Table", "Selection") -- { -- Horizontal = { -- splits = { -- "Selection", -- Replacement -- "HelpMenu", -- }, -- config = ... -- } -- } ``` ### xplr.util.permissions_rwx Convert [Permission][8] to rwxrwxrwx representation with special bits. Type: function( [Permission][8] ) -> string Example: ```lua xplr.util.permissions_rwx({ user_read = true }) -- "r--------" xplr.util.permissions_rwx(app.focused_node.permission) -- "rwxrwsrwT" ``` ### xplr.util.permissions_octal Convert [Permission][8] to octal representation. Type: function( [Permission][8] ) -> { number, number, number, number } Example: ```lua xplr.util.permissions_octal({ user_read = true }) -- { 0, 4, 0, 0 } xplr.util.permissions_octal(app.focused_node.permission) -- { 0, 7, 5, 4 } ``` [1]: https://xplr.dev/en/lua-function-calls#explorer-config [2]: https://xplr.dev/en/lua-function-calls#node [3]: https://xplr.dev/en/style [4]: https://xplr.dev/en/layout [5]: https://xplr.dev/en/lua-function-calls#node [6]: https://xplr.dev/en/node-type [7]: https://xplr.dev/en/node_types [8]: https://xplr.dev/en/column-renderer#permission