# Searching xplr supports searching paths using different algorithm. The search mechanism generally appears between filters and sorters in the `Sort & filter` panel. Example: ``` fzy:foo↓ ``` This line means that the nodes visible on the table are being filtered using the [fuzzy matching][1] algorithm on the input `foo`. The arrow means that ranking based ordering is being applied, i.e. [sorters][2] are being ignored. ## Node Searcher Applicable Node Searcher contains the following fields: - [pattern][3] - [recoverable_focus][4] - [algorithm][5] - [unordered][7] ### pattern The patterns used to search. Type: string ### recoverable_focus Where to focus when search is cancelled. Type: nullable string ### algorithm Search algorithm to use. Defaults to the value set in [xplr.config.general.search.algorithm][8]. It can be one of the following: - Fuzzy - Regex ### unordered Whether to skip ordering the search result by algorithm based ranking. Defaults to the value set in [xplr.config.general.search.unordered][9]. Type: boolean ## Example: ```lua local searcher = { pattern = "pattern to search", recoverable_focus = "/path/to/focus/on/cancel", algorithm = "Fuzzy", unordered = false, } xplr.util.explore({ searcher = searcher }) ``` See [xplr.util.explore][6]. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximate_string_matching [2]: sorting.md [3]: #pattern [4]: #recoverable_focus [5]: #algorithm [6]: xplr.util.md#xplrutilexplore [7]: #unordered [8]: general-config.md#xplrconfiggeneralsearchalgorithm [9]: general-config.md#xplrconfiggeneralsearchunordered