Typos and documentation fixes

Arijit Basu 3 years ago committed by Arijit Basu
parent c1b667d9f7
commit cb38ca048d

@ -26,34 +26,40 @@ A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
<img src="https://s3.gifyu.com/images/xplr-0.5.0.gif" />
Though [xplr](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr) strives to be fast and minimalist, its speciality is its hackability.
`xplr` is a terminal UI based file explorer that aims to increase our terminal
productivity by being a flexible, interactive orchestrator for the ever growing
awesome command-line utilities that work with the file-system.
Once you read the [documentation](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki), you should be able to configure the key bindings,
different run modes, and also the way it looks by modifying one single configuration file.
To achieve its goal, `xplr` strives to be a fast, minimal and more importantly,
hackable file explorer.
`xplr` is not meant to be a replacement for the standard shell commands or the
GUI file managers. Rather, it aims to integrate them all and expose an
intuitive, scriptable, keyboard controlled, real-time visual interface, also
being an ideal candidate for further integration, enabling the users to achieve
insane terminal productivity.
Table of content
- ### [Quickstart](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Quickstart)
- ### [Features](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Features)
- ### [Plugins](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Plugins)
- ### [Hacks](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Hacks)
- ### [Themes](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Themes)
- ### [TODO](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/TODO)
- ### [Upgrade Guide](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Upgrade-Guide)
- ### [Alternatives](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Alternatives)
- ### [Community](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Community)
- ### [Contribute](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Contribute)
- [Introduction](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/introduction.html)
- [Quickstart](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/quickstart.html)
- [Install](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/install.html)
- [Post Install](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/post-install.html)
- [Configuration](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/configuration.html)
- [General Config](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/general-config.html)
- [Modes](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/modes.html)
- [Message](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/message.html)
- [Layouts](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/layouts.html)
- [Style](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/style.html)
- [Default Key Bindings](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/default-key-bindings.html)
- [TODO](https://arijitbasu.in/xplr/en/todo.html)
- [Hacks](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Hacks)
- [Themes](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/Themes)
- [Alternatives](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/alternatives.html)
- [Upgrade Guide](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/upgrade-guide.html)
- [Community](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/community.html)
- [Contribute](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/wiki/contribute.html)
## Demo

@ -4,3 +4,8 @@ title = "xplr book"
description = "A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer"
src = "src"
language = "en"
site-url = "/xplr/"
git-repository-url = "https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr"
edit-url-template = "https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/edit/main/docs/en/{path}"

@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ that case, both `~/.config/xplr/init.lua` and `/etc/xplr/init.lua` will be
Loading Order
How Config is Loaded
When xplr loads, it first executes the built-in
[init.lua](https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr/blob/main/src/init.lua) to set
the default values. It is then overwritten by another config file, if found
the default values, which is then overwritten by another config file, if found
using the following lookup order:
**--config /path/to/init.lua** > **~/.config/xplr/init.lua** > **/etc/xplr/init.lua**

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ paru -S xplr-bin
Git version:
paru -S xplr-git # git version
paru -S xplr-git
### Void Linux

@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ You can send messages to an xplr session in the following ways:
- Via [key bindings](modes.md#key-bindings)
- Via [Lua function calls](#lua-function-calls)
- Via shell using the [input pipe](#input-pipe)
- Via shell command using the [input pipe](#input-pipe)
To send messages using [key bindings](modes.md#key-bindings) or
[Lua functions calls](#lua-functions-calls), these are represented in
To send messages using the [key bindings](modes.md#key-bindings) or
[Lua functions calls](#lua-functions-calls), messages are represented in
[Lua](https://www.lua.org/) syntax. For example:
- "Quit"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ However, to send messages using the [input pipe](#input-pipe), they need to be
represented using
[YAML](http://yaml.org/) (or [JSON](https://www.json.org)) syntax. For example:
- Foo
- Quit
- FocusPath: "/path/to/file"
- Call: { command: bash, args: ["-c", "read -p test"] }
@ -46,7 +46,32 @@ When called the function receives a [special argument](#calllua-argument) that
contains some useful information. The function can optionally return a list of
messages which will be handled by xplr.
### CallLua Argument
This is a special argument passed to the lua functions when called using the
`CallLua`, `CallLuaSilently` messages.
It contains the following information:
- version
- config
- pwd
- focused_node
- directory_buffer
- selection
- mode
- layout
- input_buffer
- pid
- session_path
- explorer_config
- history
- last_modes
TODO: Document each. For now, refer to the
[rust doc](https://docs.rs/xplr/latest/xplr/app/struct.CallLuaArg.html#fields).
### Example:
-- Define the function
@ -64,7 +89,7 @@ end
-- Map the function to a key (space)
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.space = {
help = "and & greet",
help = "ask name and greet",
messages = {
{ CallLua = "custom.ask_name_and_greet" }
@ -74,31 +99,6 @@ xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.space = {
-- name. Enter your name to receive a nice greeting and to know your location.
### CallLua Argument
This is a special argument passed to the lua functions when called using the
`CallLua`, `CallLuaSilently` messages.
It contains the following information:
- version
- config
- pwd
- focused_node
- directory_buffer
- selection
- mode
- layout
- input_buffer
- pid
- session_path
- explorer_config
- history
- last_modes
TODO: Document each. For now, refer to the
[rust doc](https://docs.rs/xplr/latest/xplr/app/struct.CallLuaArg.html#fields).
Environment Variables and Pipes
@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ XPLR_PIPE_DIRECTORY_NODES_OUT=/run/user/1000/xplr/session/122278/pipe/directory_
The environment variables starting with `XPLR_PIPE_` are the temporary files
called "pipe"s.
### Input pipe
#### Input pipe
Current there is only one input pipe.
- [XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN](#xplr_pipe_msg_in)
### Output pipes
#### Output pipes
`XPLR_PIPE_*_OUT` are the output pipes that contain data which cannot be
exposed directly via environment variables, like multi-line string.
@ -164,33 +164,59 @@ exposed directly via environment variables, like multi-line string.
- [XPLR_PIPE_HISTORY_OUT](#xplr_pipe_history_out)
- [XPLR_PIPE_DIRECTORY_NODES_OUT](#xplr_pipe_directory_nodes_out)
Append new-line delimited messages to this pipe in [YAML](www.yaml.org) (or
[JSON](www.json.org)) syntax. These messages will be read and handled by xplr
after the command execution.
New-line delimited list of selected paths.
The full help menu.
New-line delimited list of logs.
New-line delimited result (selected paths if any, else the focused path)
New-line delimited list of last visited paths (similar to jump list in vim).
New-line delimited list of paths, filtered and sorted as displayed in the
[files table](layouts.md#table).
### Example:
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.space = {
help = "ask name and greet",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
echo "What's your name?"
read name
greeting="Hello $name!"
message="$greeting You are inside $PWD"
echo LogSuccess: '"'$message'"' >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
-- Now, when you press "space" in default mode, you will be prompted for your
-- name. Enter your name to receive a nice greeting and to know your location.

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
xplr is a modal application. That means the users switch between different
modes, each containing a different set to key binding to avoid classes. The
modes can be configured using the `xplr.config.modes` Lua API.
xplr is a modal file explorer. That means the users switch between different
modes, each containing a different set to key bindings to avoid clashes. Users
can switch between these modes at run-time.
The modes can be configured using the `xplr.config.modes` Lua API.
It contains the following fields:
- [builtin](#builtin)
- [custom](#custom)
The users can switch between these modes at run-time.
@ -48,10 +50,9 @@ custom
Type: mapping of string and [Mode](#mode)
This is exposed by the `xplr.config.layouts.custom` API.
It allows the users to define any custom layout.
It allows the users to define custom modes.
