You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2686 lines
68 KiB

---@diagnostic disable
local xplr = xplr -- The globally exposed configuration to be overridden.
---@diagnostic enable
-- This is the built-in configuration file that gets loaded and sets the
-- default values when xplr loads, before loading any other custom
-- configuration file.
-- You can use this file as a reference to create a your custom config file.
-- To create a custom configuration file, you need to define the script version
-- for compatibility checks.
-- See
-- ```lua
-- version = "0.0.0"
-- ```
-- # Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------
-- xplr can be configured using [Lua][1] via a special file named `init.lua`,
-- which can be placed in `~/.config/xplr/` (local to user) or `/etc/xplr/`
-- (global) depending on the use case.
-- When xplr loads, it first executes the [built-in init.lua][2] to set the
-- default values, which is then overwritten by another config file, if found
-- using the following lookup order:
-- 1. `--config /path/to/init.lua`
-- 2. `~/.config/xplr/init.lua`
-- 3. `/etc/xplr/init.lua`
-- The first one found will be loaded by xplr and the lookup will stop.
-- The loaded config can be further extended using the `-C` or `--extra-config`
-- command-line option.
-- [1]:
-- [2]:
-- [3]:
-- ## Config ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The xplr configuration, exposed via `xplr.config` Lua API contains the
-- following sections.
-- See:
-- * [xplr.config.general](
-- * [xplr.config.node_types](
-- * [xplr.config.layouts](
-- * [xplr.config.modes](
-- ### General Configuration --------------------------------------------------
-- The general configuration properties are grouped together in
-- `xplr.config.general`.
-- Set it to `true` if you want to ignore the startup errors. You can still see
-- the errors in the logs.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.disable_debug_error_mode = false
-- Set it to `true` if you want to enable mouse scrolling.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.enable_mouse = false
-- Set it to `true` to show hidden files by default.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.show_hidden = false
-- Set it to `true` to use only a subset of selected operations that forbids
-- executing commands or performing write operations on the file-system.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.read_only = false
-- Set it to `true` if you want to enable a safety feature that will save you
-- from yourself when you type recklessly.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.enable_recover_mode = false
3 years ago
-- Set it to `true` if you want to hide all remaps in the help menu.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.hide_remaps_in_help_menu = false
-- Set it to `true` if you want the cursor to stay in the same position when
-- the focus is on the first path and you navigate to the previous path
-- (by pressing `up`/`k`), or when the focus is on the last path and you
-- navigate to the next path (by pressing `down`/`j`).
-- The default behavior is to rotate from the last/first path.
-- Type: boolean
xplr.config.general.enforce_bounded_index_navigation = false
-- This is the shape of the prompt for the input buffer.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.prompt.format = " "
-- This is the style of the prompt for the input buffer.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- The string to indicate an information in logs.
-- Type: nullable string = "INFO"
-- The style for the informations logs.
-- Type: [Style]( = { fg = "LightBlue" }
-- The string to indicate an success in logs.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.logs.success.format = "SUCCESS"
-- The style for the success logs.
-- Type: [Style]( = { fg = "Green" }
-- The string to indicate an warnings in logs.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.logs.warning.format = "WARNING"
-- The style for the warnings logs.
-- Type: [Style]( = { fg = "Yellow" }
-- The string to indicate an error in logs.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.logs.error.format = "ERROR"
-- The style for the error logs.
-- Type: [Style]( = { fg = "Red" }
-- Columns to display in the table header.
-- Type: nullable list of tables with the following fields:
-- * format: nullable string
-- * style: [Style](
xplr.config.general.table.header.cols = {
{ format = " index", style = {} },
{ format = "╭──── path", style = {} },
{ format = "permissions", style = {} },
{ format = "size", style = {} },
{ format = "modified", style = {} },
-- Style of the table header.
-- Type: [Style](
2 years ago = {}
-- Height of the table header.
-- Type: nullable integer
xplr.config.general.table.header.height = 1
-- Columns to display in each row in the table.
-- Type: nullable list of tables with the following fields:
-- * format: nullable string
-- * style: [Style](
xplr.config.general.table.row.cols = {
format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_0",
style = {},
format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_1",
style = {},
format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_2",
style = {},
format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_3",
style = {},
format = "builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_4",
style = {},
-- Default style of the table.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Height of the table rows.
-- Type: nullable integer
xplr.config.general.table.row.height = 0
-- Default style of the table.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Tree to display in the table.
-- Type: nullable list of tables with the following fields:
-- * format: nullable string
-- * style: [Style](
xplr.config.general.table.tree = {
{ format = "├─", style = {} },
{ format = "├─", style = {} },
{ format = "╰─", style = {} },
-- Spacing between the columns in the table.
-- Type: nullable integer
xplr.config.general.table.col_spacing = 1
-- Constraint for the column widths.
-- Type: nullable list of [Constraint](
xplr.config.general.table.col_widths = {
{ Percentage = 10 },
{ Percentage = 50 },
{ Percentage = 10 },
{ Percentage = 10 },
{ Percentage = 20 },
-- The content that is placed before the item name for each row by default.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.default_ui.prefix = " "
-- The content which is appended to each item name for each row by default.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.default_ui.suffix = ""
-- The default style of each item for each row.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- The string placed before the item name for a focused row.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.focus_ui.prefix = "▸["
-- The string placed after the item name for a focused row.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.focus_ui.suffix = "]"
-- Style for focused item.
-- Type: [Style]( = { add_modifiers = { "Bold" } }
-- The string placed before the item name for a selected row.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.selection_ui.prefix = " {"
-- The string placed after the item name for a selected row.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.selection_ui.suffix = "}"
-- Style for selected rows.
-- Type: [Style]( = {
fg = "LightGreen",
add_modifiers = { "Bold" },
-- The string placed before item name for a selected row that gets the focus.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.focus_selection_ui.prefix = "▸["
-- The string placed after the item name for a selected row that gets the focus.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.focus_selection_ui.suffix = "]"
-- Style for a selected row that gets the focus.
-- Type: [Style]( = {
fg = "LightGreen",
add_modifiers = { "Bold" },
-- The shape of the separator for the Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.separator.format = " "
-- The style of the separator for the Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: [Style]( = {
add_modifiers = { "Dim" },
-- The content of the default identifier in Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.default_identifier.format = nil
-- Style for the default identifier in Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: [Style](
2 years ago = {}
-- The shape of the forward direction indicator for sort identifiers in Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.forward.format =
-- Style of forward direction indicator in Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: [Style]( =
-- The shape of the reverse direction indicator for sort identifiers in Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sort_direction_identifiers.reverse.format =
-- Style of reverse direction indicator in Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: [Style]( =
-- The identifiers used to denote applied sorters in the Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: [Sorter](
-- * value:
-- * format: nullable string
-- * style: [Style](
xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.sorter_identifiers = {
ByExtension = { format = "ext", style = {} },
ByICanonicalAbsolutePath = { format = "[ci]abs", style = {} },
ByIRelativePath = { format = "[i]rel", style = {} },
ByISymlinkAbsolutePath = { format = "[si]abs", style = {} },
ByIsBroken = { format = "", style = {} },
ByIsDir = { format = "dir", style = {} },
ByIsFile = { format = "file", style = {} },
ByIsReadonly = { format = "ro", style = {} },
ByIsSymlink = { format = "sym", style = {} },
ByMimeEssence = { format = "mime", style = {} },
ByRelativePath = { format = "rel", style = {} },
BySize = { format = "size", style = {} },
ByCreated = { format = "created", style = {} },
ByLastModified = { format = "modified", style = {} },
ByCanonicalAbsolutePath = { format = "[c]abs", style = {} },
ByCanonicalExtension = { format = "[c]ext", style = {} },
ByCanonicalIsDir = { format = "[c]dir", style = {} },
ByCanonicalIsFile = { format = "[c]file", style = {} },
ByCanonicalIsReadonly = { format = "[c]ro", style = {} },
ByCanonicalMimeEssence = { format = "[c]mime", style = {} },
ByCanonicalSize = { format = "[c]size", style = {} },
ByCanonicalCreated = { format = "[c]created", style = {} },
ByCanonicalLastModified = { format = "[c]modified", style = {} },
BySymlinkAbsolutePath = { format = "[s]abs", style = {} },
BySymlinkExtension = { format = "[s]ext", style = {} },
BySymlinkIsDir = { format = "[s]dir", style = {} },
BySymlinkIsFile = { format = "[s]file", style = {} },
BySymlinkIsReadonly = { format = "[s]ro", style = {} },
BySymlinkMimeEssence = { format = "[s]mime", style = {} },
BySymlinkSize = { format = "[s]size", style = {} },
BySymlinkCreated = { format = "[s]created", style = {} },
BySymlinkLastModified = { format = "[s]modified", style = {} },
-- The identifiers used to denote applied filters in the Sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: [Filter](
-- * value:
-- * format: nullable string
-- * style: [Style](
xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.filter_identifiers = {
RelativePathDoesContain = { format = "rel=~", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesEndWith = { format = "rel=$", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesNotContain = { format = "rel!~", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "rel!$", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "rel!^", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesStartWith = { format = "rel=^", style = {} },
RelativePathIs = { format = "rel==", style = {} },
RelativePathIsNot = { format = "rel!=", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesMatchRegex = { format = "rel=/", style = {} },
RelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex = { format = "rel!/", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesContain = { format = "[i]rel=~", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesEndWith = { format = "[i]rel=$", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesNotContain = { format = "[i]rel!~", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "[i]rel!$", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "[i]rel!^", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesStartWith = { format = "[i]rel=^", style = {} },
IRelativePathIs = { format = "[i]rel==", style = {} },
IRelativePathIsNot = { format = "[i]rel!=", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesMatchRegex = { format = "[i]rel=/", style = {} },
IRelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex = { format = "[i]rel!/", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesContain = { format = "abs=~", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesEndWith = { format = "abs=$", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesNotContain = { format = "abs!~", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "abs!$", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "abs!^", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesStartWith = { format = "abs=^", style = {} },
AbsolutePathIs = { format = "abs==", style = {} },
AbsolutePathIsNot = { format = "abs!=", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesMatchRegex = { format = "abs=/", style = {} },
AbsolutePathDoesNotMatchRegex = { format = "abs!/", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesContain = { format = "[i]abs=~", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesEndWith = { format = "[i]abs=$", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesNotContain = { format = "[i]abs!~", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesNotEndWith = { format = "[i]abs!$", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesNotStartWith = { format = "[i]abs!^", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesStartWith = { format = "[i]abs=^", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathIs = { format = "[i]abs==", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathIsNot = { format = "[i]abs!=", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesMatchRegex = { format = "[i]abs=/", style = {} },
IAbsolutePathDoesNotMatchRegex = { format = "[i]abs!/", style = {} },
-- The content for panel title by default.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.title.format = nil
-- The style for panel title by default.
-- Type: [Style](
2 years ago = {
fg = "Reset",
add_modifiers = { "Bold" },
-- Style of the panels by default.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Defines where to show borders for the panels by default.
-- Type: nullable list of [Border](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.borders = {
-- Type of the borders by default.
-- Type: nullable [Border Type](
2 years ago
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.border_type = "Rounded"
-- Style of the panel borders by default.
-- Type: [Style](
2 years ago
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.default.border_style = { fg = "DarkGray" }
-- The content for the table panel title.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.title.format = nil
-- Style of the table panel title.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Style of the table panel.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Defines where to show borders for the table panel.
-- Type: nullable list of [Border](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.borders = nil
-- Type of the borders for table panel.
-- Type: nullable [Border Type](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.border_type = nil
-- Style of the table panel borders.
-- Type: [Style](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.table.border_style = {}
-- The content for the help menu panel title.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.title.format = nil
-- Style of the help menu panel title.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Style of the help menu panel.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Defines where to show borders for the help menu panel.
-- Type: nullable list of [Border](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.borders = nil
-- Type of the borders for help menu panel.
-- Type: nullable [Border Type](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.border_type = nil
-- Style of the help menu panel borders.
-- Type: [Style](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.help_menu.border_style = {}
-- The content for the input & logs panel title.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.title.format = nil
-- Style of the input & logs panel title.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Style of the input & logs panel.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Defines where to show borders for the input & logs panel.
-- Type: nullable list of [Border](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.borders = nil
-- Type of the borders for input & logs panel.
-- Type: nullable [Border Type](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.border_type = nil
-- Style of the input & logs panel borders.
-- Type: [Style](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.input_and_logs.border_style = {}
-- The content for the selection panel title.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.title.format = nil
-- Style of the selection panel title.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Style of the selection panel.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Defines where to show borders for the selection panel.
-- Type: nullable list of [Border](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.borders = nil
-- Type of the borders for selection panel.
-- Type: nullable [Border Type](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.border_type = nil
-- Style of the selection panel borders.
-- Type: [Style](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.selection.border_style = {}
-- The content for the sort & filter panel title.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.title.format = nil
-- Style of the sort & filter panel title.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Style of the sort & filter panel.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
-- Defines where to show borders for the sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable list of [Border](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.borders = nil
-- Type of the borders for sort & filter panel.
-- Type: nullable [Border Type](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.border_type = nil
-- Style of the sort & filter panel borders.
-- Type: [Style](
xplr.config.general.panel_ui.sort_and_filter.border_style = {}
-- Initial group if sorters applied to the nodes list in the table.
-- Type: nullable list of [Node Sorter](
xplr.config.general.initial_sorting = {
{ sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir", reverse = true },
{ sorter = "ByIRelativePath", reverse = false },
-- The name of one of the modes to use when xplr loads.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.initial_mode = "default"
-- The name of one of the layouts to use when xplr loads.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.initial_layout = "default"
-- Set it to a file path to start fifo when xplr loads.
-- Generally it is used to integrate with external tools like previewers.
-- Type: nullable string
xplr.config.general.start_fifo = nil
-- ### Node Types -------------------------------------------------------------
-- This section defines how to deal with different kinds of nodes (files,
-- directories, symlinks etc.) based on their properties.
-- One node can fall into multiple categories. For example, a node can have the
-- *extension* `md`, and also be a *file*. In that case, the properties from
-- the more specific category i.e. *extension* will be used.
-- This can be configured using the `xplr.config.node_types` Lua API.
-- The style for the directory nodes
-- Type: [Style](
2 years ago = {
fg = "Cyan",
add_modifiers = { "Bold" },
-- Metadata for the directory nodes.
-- You can set as many metadata as you want.
-- Type: nullable string
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- = "foo"
-- = "bar"
-- ``` = "ð"
-- The style for the file nodes.
-- Type: [Style]( = {}
2 years ago
-- Metadata for the file nodes.
-- You can set as many metadata as you want.
-- Type: nullable string
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- = "foo"
-- = "bar"
2 years ago
-- ```
xplr.config.node_types.file.meta.icon = "ƒ"
-- The style for the symlink nodes.
-- Type: [Style]( = {
fg = "Magenta",
add_modifiers = { "Italic" },
2 years ago
-- Metadata for the symlink nodes.
-- You can set as many metadata as you want.
-- Type: nullable string
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- = "foo"
-- = "bar"
-- ```
xplr.config.node_types.symlink.meta.icon = "§"
-- Metadata and style based on mime types.
-- It is possible to use the wildcard `*` to match all mime sub types. It will
-- be overwritten by the more specific sub types that are defined.
-- Type: mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: string
-- * value:
-- * key: string
2 years ago
-- * value: [Node Type](
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- xplr.config.node_types.mime_essence = {
-- application = {
-- -- application/*
-- ["*"] = { meta = { icon = "a" } }
-- -- application/pdf
-- pdf = { meta = { icon = "" }, style = { fg = "Blue" } },
-- -- application/zip
-- zip = { meta = { icon = ""} },
-- },
-- }
-- ```
xplr.config.node_types.mime_essence = {}
-- Metadata and style based on extension.
-- Type: mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: string
2 years ago
-- * value: [Node Type](
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- = { meta = { icon = "" }, style = { fg = "Blue" } }
-- = { meta = { icon = "🦀" } }
-- ```
xplr.config.node_types.extension = {}
-- Metadata and style based on special file names.
-- Type: mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: string
2 years ago
-- * value: [Node Type](
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- xplr.config.node_types.special["Cargo.toml"] = { meta = { icon = "" } }
-- xplr.config.node_types.special["Downloads"] = { meta = { icon = "" }, style = { fg = "Blue" } }
-- ```
xplr.config.node_types.special = {}
-- ### Layouts ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- xplr layouts define the structure of the UI, i.e. how many panel we see,
-- placement and size of the panels, how they look etc.
-- This is configuration exposed via the `xplr.config.layouts` API.
-- `xplr.config.layouts.builtin` contain some built-in panels which can be
-- overridden, but you can't add or remove panels in it.
-- You can add new panels in `xplr.config.layouts.custom`.
-- ##### Example: Defining Custom Layout
-- ![demo](
-- ```lua
-- xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {
-- Horizontal = {
-- config = {
-- margin = 1,
-- horizontal_margin = 2,
-- vertical_margin = 3,
-- constraints = {
-- { Percentage = 50 },
-- { Percentage = 50 },
-- }
-- },
-- splits = {
-- "Table",
-- "HelpMenu",
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- ```
-- The default layout
-- Type: [Layout](
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.default = {
Horizontal = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Percentage = 70 },
{ Percentage = 30 },
splits = {
Vertical = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Length = 3 },
{ Min = 1 },
{ Length = 3 },
splits = {
Vertical = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Percentage = 50 },
{ Percentage = 50 },
splits = {
-- The layout without help menu
-- Type: [Layout](
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_help = {
Horizontal = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Percentage = 70 },
{ Percentage = 30 },
splits = {
Vertical = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Length = 3 },
{ Min = 1 },
{ Length = 3 },
splits = {
-- The layout without selection panel
-- Type: [Layout](
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_selection = {
Horizontal = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Percentage = 70 },
{ Percentage = 30 },
splits = {
Vertical = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Length = 3 },
{ Min = 1 },
{ Length = 3 },
splits = {
-- The layout without help menu and selection panel
-- Type: [Layout](
xplr.config.layouts.builtin.no_help_no_selection = {
Vertical = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Length = 3 },
{ Min = 1 },
{ Length = 3 },
splits = {
-- This is where you can define custom layouts
-- Type: mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: string
-- * value: [Layout](
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- xplr.config.layouts.custom.example = "Nothing" -- Show a blank screen
-- xplr.config.general.initial_layout = "example" -- Load the example layout
-- ```
xplr.config.layouts.custom = {}
-- ### Modes ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- xplr is a modal file explorer. That means the users switch between different
-- modes, each containing a different set of key bindings to avoid clashes.
-- Users can switch between these modes at run-time.
-- The modes can be configured using the `xplr.config.modes` Lua API.
-- `xplr.config.modes.builtin` contain some built-in modes which can be
-- overridden, but you can't add or remove modes in it.
-- The builtin default mode.
-- Visit the [Default Key Bindings](
-- to see what each mode does.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default = {
name = "default",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["#"] = {
messages = {
["."] = {
help = "show hidden",
messages = {
ToggleNodeFilter = {
filter = "RelativePathDoesNotStartWith",
input = ".",
[":"] = {
help = "action",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "action" },
["?"] = {
help = "global help menu",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
[ -z "$PAGER" ] && PAGER="less -+F"
["G"] = {
help = "go to bottom",
messages = {
["ctrl-a"] = {
help = "select/unselect all",
messages = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
["ctrl-f"] = {
help = "search",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "search" },
{ SetInputPrompt = "/" },
{ SetInputBuffer = "(?i)" },
["ctrl-i"] = {
help = "next visited path",
messages = {
["ctrl-o"] = {
help = "last visited path",
messages = {
["ctrl-r"] = {
help = "refresh screen",
messages = {
["ctrl-u"] = {
help = "clear selection",
messages = {
["ctrl-w"] = {
help = "switch layout",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "switch_layout" },
["d"] = {
help = "delete",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "delete" },
down = {
help = "down",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "quit with result",
messages = {
esc = {
help = nil,
messages = {},
["f"] = {
help = "filter",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "filter" },
["g"] = {
help = "go to",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "go_to" },
left = {
help = "back",
messages = {
["q"] = {
help = "quit",
messages = {
["r"] = {
help = "rename",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "rename" },
BashExecSilently = [===[
echo SetInputBuffer: "'"$(basename "${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH}")"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
["ctrl-d"] = {
help = "duplicate as",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "duplicate_as" },
BashExecSilently = [===[
echo SetInputBuffer: "'"$(basename "${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH}")"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
right = {
help = "enter",
messages = {
["s"] = {
help = "sort",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "sort" },
space = {
help = "toggle selection",
messages = {
up = {
help = "up",
messages = {
["~"] = {
help = "go home",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
echo ChangeDirectory: "'"${HOME:?}"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
on_number = {
help = "input",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "number" },
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["tab"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["v"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["V"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["/"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["h"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["j"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["k"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key["l"] =
-- The builtin debug error mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.debug_error = {
name = "debug error",
layout = {
Vertical = {
config = {
constraints = {
{ Min = 14 },
{ MinLessThanScreenHeight = 14 },
splits = {
CustomContent = {
title = "debug error",
body = {
StaticParagraph = {
render = [[
Some errors occurred during startup.
If you think this is a bug, please report it at:
Press `enter` to open the logs in your $EDITOR.
Press `escape` to ignore the errors and continue with the default config.
To disable this mode, set `xplr.config.general.disable_debug_error_mode`
to `true` in your config file.
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "open logs in editor",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
esc = {
help = "escape",
messages = {
q = {
help = "quit",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {},
-- The builtin recover mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.recover = {
name = "recover",
layout = {
CustomContent = {
title = " recover ",
body = {
StaticParagraph = {
render = [[
You pressed an invalid key and went into "recover" mode.
This mode saves you from performing unwanted actions.
Let's calm down, press `escape`, and try again.
To disable this mode, set `xplr.config.general.enable_recover_mode`
to `false` in your config file.
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "escape",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {},
-- The builtin selection ops mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.selection_ops = {
name = "selection ops",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["c"] = {
help = "copy here",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
(while IFS= read -r line; do
if cp -vr -- "${line:?}" ./; then
echo LogSuccess: $line copied to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo LogError: Failed to copy $line to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo ClearSelection >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
read -p "[enter to continue]"
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
["m"] = {
help = "move here",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
(while IFS= read -r line; do
if mv -v -- "${line:?}" ./; then
echo LogSuccess: $line moved to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo LogError: Failed to move $line to $PWD >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
read -p "[enter to continue]"
["x"] = {
help = "open in gui",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
if [ -z "$OPENER" ]; then
if command -v xdg-open; then
elif command -v open; then
echo 'LogError: $OPENER not found' >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
exit 1
(while IFS= read -r line; do
$OPENER "${line:?}" > /dev/null 2>&1
done < "${XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT:?}")
-- The builtin create mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.create = {
name = "create",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
["d"] = {
help = "create directory",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "create directory" },
{ SetInputBuffer = "" },
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
["f"] = {
help = "create file",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "create file" },
{ SetInputBuffer = "" },
-- The builtin create directory mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.create_directory = {
name = "create directory",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "create directory",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
if [ "${PTH}" ]; then
mkdir -p -- "${PTH:?}" \
&& echo "SetInputBuffer: ''" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo LogSuccess: $PTH created >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo FocusPath: "'"$PTH"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo PopMode >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {
-- The builtin create file mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.create_file = {
name = "create file",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = { "Terminate" },
enter = {
help = "create file",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
if [ "$PTH" ]; then
mkdir -p -- "$(dirname $PTH)" \
&& touch -- "$PTH" \
&& echo "SetInputBuffer: ''" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo LogSuccess: $PTH created >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo FocusPath: "'"$PTH"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo PopMode >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {
-- The builtin number mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.number = {
name = "number",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
down = {
help = "to down",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "to index",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
up = {
help = "to up",
messages = {
on_navigation = {
messages = {
on_number = {
help = "input",
messages = {
xplr.config.modes.builtin.number.key_bindings.on_key["j"] =
xplr.config.modes.builtin.number.key_bindings.on_key["k"] =
-- The builtin go to mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.go_to = {
name = "go to",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
["f"] = {
help = "follow symlink",
messages = {
["g"] = {
help = "top",
messages = {
["x"] = {
help = "open in gui",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
if [ -z "$OPENER" ]; then
if command -v xdg-open; then
elif command -v open; then
echo 'LogError: $OPENER not found' >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
exit 1
$OPENER "${XPLR_FOCUS_PATH:?}" > /dev/null 2>&1
-- The builtin rename mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.rename = {
name = "rename",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "rename",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
if [ -e "${TARGET:?}" ]; then
echo LogError: $TARGET already exists >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
mv -- "${SRC:?}" "${TARGET:?}" \
&& echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo FocusPath: "'"$TARGET"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo LogSuccess: $SRC renamed to $TARGET >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {
-- The builtin duplicate as mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.duplicate_as = {
name = "duplicate as",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "duplicate",
messages = {
BashExecSilently = [===[
if [ -e "${TARGET:?}" ]; then
echo LogError: $TARGET already exists >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
cp -r -- "${SRC:?}" "${TARGET:?}" \
&& echo ExplorePwd >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo FocusPath: "'"$TARGET"'" >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}" \
&& echo LogSuccess: $SRC duplicated as $TARGET >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {
-- The builtin delete mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.delete = {
name = "delete",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["D"] = {
help = "force delete",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
(while IFS= read -r line; do
if rm -rfv -- "${line:?}"; then
echo LogSuccess: $line deleted >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo LogError: Failed to delete $line >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
done < "${XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT:?}")
echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
read -p "[enter to continue]"
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
["d"] = {
help = "delete",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
(while IFS= read -r line; do
if [ -d "$line" ] && [ ! -L "$line" ]; then
if rmdir -v -- "${line:?}"; then
echo LogSuccess: $line deleted >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo LogError: Failed to delete $line >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
if rm -v -- "${line:?}"; then
echo LogSuccess: $line deleted >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
echo LogError: Failed to delete $line >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
done < "${XPLR_PIPE_RESULT_OUT:?}")
echo ExplorePwdAsync >> "${XPLR_PIPE_MSG_IN:?}"
read -p "[enter to continue]"
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
-- The builtin action mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.action = {
name = "action to",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["!"] = {
help = "shell",
messages = {
{ Call = { command = "bash", args = { "-i" } } },
["c"] = {
help = "create",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "create" },
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
["e"] = {
help = "open in editor",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
["l"] = {
help = "logs",
messages = {
BashExec = [===[
[ -z "$PAGER" ] && PAGER="less -+F"
cat -- "${XPLR_PIPE_LOGS_OUT}" | ${PAGER:?}
["s"] = {
help = "selection operations",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "selection_ops" },
["m"] = {
help = "toggle mouse",
messages = {
["q"] = {
help = "quit options",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "quit" },
on_number = {
help = "go to index",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "number" },
-- The builtin quit mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.quit = {
name = "quit",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
enter = {
help = "just quit",
messages = {
p = {
help = "quit printing pwd",
messages = {
f = {
help = "quit printing focus",
messages = {
s = {
help = "quit printing selection",
messages = {
r = {
help = "quit printing result",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
-- The builtin search mode.
-- Type: [Mode]( = {
name = "search",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
down = {
help = "down",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "focus",
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
right = {
help = "enter",
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
{ SetInputBuffer = "(?i)" },
left = {
help = "back",
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
{ SetInputBuffer = "(?i)" },
tab = {
help = "toggle selection",
messages = {
up = {
help = "up",
messages = {
default = {
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
{ AddNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
}["esc"] =["ctrl-n"] =["ctrl-p"] =
-- The builtin filter mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.filter = {
name = "filter",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["r"] = {
help = "relative path does match regex",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "relative_path_does_match_regex" },
SetInputPrompt = xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.filter_identifiers.RelativePathDoesMatchRegex.format,
{ SetInputBuffer = "" },
{ AddNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
["R"] = {
help = "relative path does not match regex",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeBuiltin = "relative_path_does_not_match_regex" },
SetInputPrompt = xplr.config.general.sort_and_filter_ui.filter_identifiers.RelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex.format,
{ SetInputBuffer = "" },
{ AddNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex" },
enter = {
help = "done",
messages = {
backspace = {
help = "remove last filter",
messages = {
["ctrl-r"] = {
help = "reset filters",
messages = {
["ctrl-u"] = {
help = "clear filters",
messages = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
xplr.config.modes.builtin.filter.key_bindings.on_key["esc"] =
-- The builtin relative_path_does_match_regex mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.relative_path_does_match_regex = {
name = "relative path does match regex",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "apply filter",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
default = {
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
{ AddNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesMatchRegex" },
-- The builtin relative_path_does_not_match_regex mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.relative_path_does_not_match_regex = {
name = "relative path does not match regex",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
enter = {
help = "apply filter",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex" },
default = {
messages = {
{ RemoveNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex" },
{ AddNodeFilterFromInput = "RelativePathDoesNotMatchRegex" },
-- The builtin sort mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.sort = {
name = "sort",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["!"] = {
help = "reverse sorters",
messages = {
["E"] = {
help = "by canonical extension reverse",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByCanonicalExtension",
reverse = true,
["M"] = {
help = "by canonical mime essence reverse",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByCanonicalMimeEssence",
reverse = true,
["N"] = {
help = "by node type reverse",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir",
reverse = true,
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByCanonicalIsFile",
reverse = true,
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByIsSymlink",
reverse = true,
["R"] = {
help = "by relative path reverse",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByIRelativePath",
reverse = true,
["S"] = {
help = "by size reverse",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "BySize",
reverse = true,
backspace = {
help = "remove last sorter",
messages = {
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
["ctrl-r"] = {
help = "reset sorters",
messages = {
["ctrl-u"] = {
help = "clear sorters",
messages = {
["e"] = {
help = "by canonical extension",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByCanonicalExtension",
reverse = false,
enter = {
help = "done",
messages = {
["m"] = {
help = "by canonical mime essence",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = {
sorter = "ByCanonicalMimeEssence",
reverse = false,
["n"] = {
help = "by node type",
messages = {
AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsDir", reverse = false },
AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCanonicalIsFile", reverse = false },
AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByIsSymlink", reverse = false },
["r"] = {
help = "by relative path",
messages = {
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByIRelativePath", reverse = false } },
["s"] = {
help = "by size",
messages = {
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "BySize", reverse = false } },
["c"] = {
help = "by created",
messages = {
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCreated", reverse = false } },
["C"] = {
help = "by created reverse",
messages = {
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByCreated", reverse = true } },
["l"] = {
help = "by last modified",
messages = {
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByLastModified", reverse = false } },
["L"] = {
help = "by last modified reverse",
messages = {
{ AddNodeSorter = { sorter = "ByLastModified", reverse = true } },
xplr.config.modes.builtin.sort.key_bindings.on_key["esc"] =
-- The builtin switch layout mode.
-- Type: [Mode](
xplr.config.modes.builtin.switch_layout = {
name = "switch layout",
key_bindings = {
on_key = {
["1"] = {
help = "default",
messages = {
{ SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "default" },
["2"] = {
help = "no help menu",
messages = {
{ SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "no_help" },
["3"] = {
help = "no selection panel",
messages = {
{ SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "no_selection" },
["4"] = {
help = "no help or selection",
messages = {
{ SwitchLayoutBuiltin = "no_help_no_selection" },
["ctrl-c"] = {
help = "terminate",
messages = {
esc = {
help = "cancel",
messages = {
-- This is where you define custom modes.
-- Type: mapping of the following key-value pairs:
-- * key: string
-- * value: [Mode](
-- Example:
-- ```lua
-- xplr.config.modes.custom.example = {
-- name = "example",
-- key_bindings = {
-- on_key = {
-- enter = {
-- help = "default mode",
-- messages = {
-- "PopMode",
-- { SwitchModeBuiltin = "default" },
-- },
-- },
-- },
-- },
-- }
-- xplr.config.general.initial_mode = "example"
-- ```
xplr.config.modes.custom = {}
-- ## Function ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- While `xplr.config` defines all the static parts of the configuration,
-- `xplr.fn` defines all the dynamic parts using functions.
-- See: [Lua Function Calls](
2 years ago
-- As always, `xplr.fn.builtin` is where the built-in functions are defined
-- that can be overwritten.
-- Renders the first column in the table
xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_0 = function(m)
local r = ""
if m.is_before_focus then
r = r .. " -"
r = r .. " "
r = r .. m.relative_index .. "" .. m.index
return r
-- Renders the second column in the table
xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_1 = function(m)
local r = m.tree .. m.prefix
if m.meta.icon == nil then
r = r .. ""
3 years ago
r = r .. m.meta.icon .. " "
r = r .. m.relative_path
if m.is_dir then
r = r .. "/"
r = r .. m.suffix .. " "
if m.is_symlink then
r = r .. "-> "
if m.is_broken then
r = r .. "×"
r = r .. m.symlink.absolute_path
if m.symlink.is_dir then
r = r .. "/"
return r
-- Renders the third column in the table
xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_2 = function(m)
local no_color = os.getenv("NO_COLOR")
local function green(x)
if no_color == nil then
return "\x1b[32m" .. x .. "\x1b[0m"
return x
local function yellow(x)
if no_color == nil then
return "\x1b[33m" .. x .. "\x1b[0m"
return x
local function red(x)
if no_color == nil then
return "\x1b[31m" .. x .. "\x1b[0m"
return x
local function bit(x, color, cond)
if cond then
return color(x)
return color("-")
local p = m.permissions
local r = ""
r = r .. bit("r", green, p.user_read)
r = r .. bit("w", yellow, p.user_write)
if p.user_execute == false and p.setuid == false then
r = r .. bit("-", red, p.user_execute)
elseif p.user_execute == true and p.setuid == false then
r = r .. bit("x", red, p.user_execute)
elseif p.user_execute == false and p.setuid == true then
r = r .. bit("S", red, p.user_execute)
r = r .. bit("s", red, p.user_execute)
r = r .. bit("r", green, p.group_read)
r = r .. bit("w", yellow, p.group_write)
if p.group_execute == false and p.setuid == false then
r = r .. bit("-", red, p.group_execute)
elseif p.group_execute == true and p.setuid == false then
r = r .. bit("x", red, p.group_execute)
elseif p.group_execute == false and p.setuid == true then
r = r .. bit("S", red, p.group_execute)
r = r .. bit("s", red, p.group_execute)
r = r .. bit("r", green, p.other_read)
r = r .. bit("w", yellow, p.other_write)
if p.other_execute == false and p.setuid == false then
r = r .. bit("-", red, p.other_execute)
elseif p.other_execute == true and p.setuid == false then
r = r .. bit("x", red, p.other_execute)
elseif p.other_execute == false and p.setuid == true then
r = r .. bit("T", red, p.other_execute)
r = r .. bit("t", red, p.other_execute)
return r
-- Renders the fourth column in the table
xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_3 = function(m)
if not m.is_dir then
return m.human_size
return ""
-- Renders the fifth column in the table
xplr.fn.builtin.fmt_general_table_row_cols_4 = function(m)
return tostring("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", m.last_modified / 1000000000))
3 years ago
-- This is where the custom functions can be added.
-- There is currently no restriction on what kind of functions can be defined
-- in `xplr.fn.custom`.
-- You can also use nested tables such as
-- `xplr.fn.custom.my_plugin.my_function` to define custom functions.
3 years ago
xplr.fn.custom = {}