You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
6.6 KiB

# Default Key Bindings
The default key binding is inspired by [vim][1] and slightly
overlaps with [nnn][2], but it's supposed to be customized as per user
When you press `?` in [default mode][3], you can see the complete list
of [modes][4] and the key mappings for each mode.
[3]: #default
2 years ago
### default
| key | remaps | action |
| ------ | ------ | ------------------- |
| . | | show hidden |
| / | ctrl-f | search |
| : | | action |
| ? | | global help menu |
| G | | go to bottom |
| V | ctrl-a | select/unselect all |
| ctrl-d | | duplicate as |
| ctrl-i | tab | next visited path |
| ctrl-o | | last visited path |
| ctrl-r | | refresh screen |
| ctrl-u | | clear selection |
| ctrl-w | | switch layout |
| d | | delete |
| down | j | down |
| enter | | quit with result |
| f | | filter |
| g | | go to |
| h | left | back |
| k | up | up |
| l | right | enter |
| q | | quit |
| r | | rename |
| s | | sort |
| space | v | toggle selection |
| ~ | | go home |
| [0-9] | | input |
### go_to_path
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------------ |
| enter | | submit |
| tab | | try complete |
2 years ago
### relative_path_does_not_match_regex
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------ |
| enter | | submit |
2 years ago
### number
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | -------- |
| down | j | to down |
| enter | | to index |
| k | up | to up |
| [0-9] | | input |
2 years ago
### selection_ops
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| --- | ------ | ----------- |
| c | | copy here |
| m | | move here |
| x | | open in gui |
2 years ago
### duplicate_as
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------------ |
| enter | | submit |
| tab | | try complete |
2 years ago
### action
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | -------------------- |
| ! | | shell |
| c | | create |
| e | | open in editor |
| l | | logs |
| m | | toggle mouse |
| q | | quit options |
| s | | selection operations |
| [0-9] | | go to index |
### go_to
| key | remaps | action |
| --- | ------ | -------------- |
| f | | follow symlink |
| g | | top |
| p | | path |
| x | | open in gui |
2 years ago
### sort
| key | remaps | action |
| --------- | ------ | --------------------------------- |
| ! | | reverse sorters |
| C | | by created reverse |
| E | | by canonical extension reverse |
| L | | by last modified reverse |
| M | | by canonical mime essence reverse |
| N | | by node type reverse |
| R | | by relative path reverse |
| S | | by size reverse |
| backspace | | remove last sorter |
| c | | by created |
| ctrl-r | | reset sorters |
| ctrl-u | | clear sorters |
| e | | by canonical extension |
| enter | | submit |
2 years ago
| l | | by last modified |
| m | | by canonical mime essence |
| n | | by node type |
| r | | by relative path |
| s | | by size |
### rename
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------------ |
| enter | | submit |
| tab | | try complete |
2 years ago
### debug_error
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------------------- |
| enter | | open logs in editor |
| q | | quit |
2 years ago
### switch_layout
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| --- | ------ | -------------------- |
| 1 | | default |
| 2 | | no help menu |
| 3 | | no selection panel |
| 4 | | no help or selection |
2 years ago
### search
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| ------ | ------ | ---------------- |
| ctrl-n | down | down |
| ctrl-p | up | up |
| enter | | submit |
| esc | | cancel |
| left | | back |
| right | | enter |
| tab | | toggle selection |
2 years ago
### create_file
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------------ |
| enter | | submit |
| tab | | try complete |
### recover
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| --- | ------ | ------ |
2 years ago
### create
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| --- | ------ | ---------------- |
| d | | create directory |
| f | | create file |
2 years ago
### filter
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------- |
| R | | relative path does not match regex |
| backspace | | remove last filter |
| ctrl-r | | reset filters |
| ctrl-u | | clear filters |
| r | | relative path does match regex |
2 years ago
### delete
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| --- | ------ | ------------ |
| D | | force delete |
| d | | delete |
2 years ago
### create_directory
2 years ago
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------------ |
| enter | | submit |
| tab | | try complete |
2 years ago
### quit
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ----------------------- |
| enter | | just quit |
| f | | quit printing focus |
| p | | quit printing pwd |
| r | | quit printing result |
| s | | quit printing selection |
### relative_path_does_match_regex
| key | remaps | action |
| ----- | ------ | ------ |
| enter | | submit |