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Awesome Integrations
Here's a list of awesome xplr integrations that you might want to check out.
If none of the following integrations work for you, you can create your own and
[let us know][1].
- [Editor][2]
- [Shell][3]
- [Security Tools][4]
- [**vim-floaterm**][6] xplr integrated in vim-floaterm (Neo)vim plugin.
- [**xplr.nvim**][9] Opens xplr inside nvim, and hosts a msgpack client inside xplr.
- [**xplr.vim**][5] Pick files in Vim using xplr.
- [**powerlevel10k**][7] Powerlevel10k prompt for xplr shell.
Security Tools
- [**gpg-tui**][8] Import GPG certificates using xplr.