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use crate::app::Task;
use crate::app::{ExternalMsg, InternalMsg, MsgIn};
use crate::input::Key;
3 years ago
use anyhow::Error;
use crossterm::event::{self, Event, MouseEventKind};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use std::thread;
3 years ago
use std::time::Duration;
pub(crate) struct EventReader {
task_sender: Sender<Task>,
stopper: Option<(Sender<bool>, Receiver<()>)>,
impl EventReader {
pub(crate) fn new(task_sender: Sender<Task>) -> Self {
Self {
stopper: None,
pub(crate) fn start(&mut self) {
let sender = self.task_sender.clone();
let (tx_stopper, rx_stopper) = mpsc::channel();
let (tx_ack, rx_ack) = mpsc::channel();
self.stopper = Some((tx_stopper, rx_ack));
thread::spawn(move || {
keep_reading(sender, rx_stopper, tx_ack);
pub(crate) fn stop(&self) {
if let Some((stopper, ack)) = &self.stopper {
3 years ago
stopper.send(true).unwrap_or_default(); // Let's not panic when xplr stops.
fn keep_reading(tx_msg_in: Sender<Task>, rx_stopper: Receiver<bool>, tx_ack: Sender<()>) {
loop {
if rx_stopper.try_recv().unwrap_or(false) {
} else if event::poll(std::time::Duration::from_millis(150)).unwrap_or_default() {
// NOTE: The poll timeout need to stay low, else spawning sub subshell
// and start typing immediately will cause panic.
// To reproduce, press `:`, then press and hold `!`.
3 years ago
let res = match event::read() {
Ok(Event::Key(key)) => {
let key = Key::from_event(key);
let msg = MsgIn::Internal(InternalMsg::HandleKey(key));
3 years ago
.send(Task::new(msg, Some(key)))
Ok(Event::Mouse(evt)) => match evt.kind {
MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => {
let msg = MsgIn::External(ExternalMsg::FocusPrevious);
3 years ago
tx_msg_in.send(Task::new(msg, None)).map_err(Error::new)
MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => {
let msg = MsgIn::External(ExternalMsg::FocusNext);
3 years ago
tx_msg_in.send(Task::new(msg, None)).map_err(Error::new)
3 years ago
_ => Ok(()),
Ok(Event::Resize(_, _)) => {
let msg = MsgIn::External(ExternalMsg::Refresh);
3 years ago
tx_msg_in.send(Task::new(msg, None)).map_err(Error::new)
3 years ago
Err(e) => Err(Error::new(e)),
if let Err(e) = res {
.unwrap_or_default(); // Let's not panic when xplr stops