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use crate::bitcoin::wallet::Watchable;
use crate::bitcoin::{
verify_encsig, verify_sig, Address, EmptyWitnessStack, EncryptedSignature, NoInputs,
NotThreeWitnesses, PublicKey, SecretKey, TooManyInputs, Transaction, TX_FEE,
use crate::xmr_first_protocol::transactions::btc_lock::BtcLock;
use ::bitcoin::util::bip143::SigHashCache;
use ::bitcoin::{SigHash, SigHashType, Txid};
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use bdk::bitcoin::{OutPoint, Script};
use bitcoin::{PrivateKey, TxIn, TxOut};
use ecdsa_fun::adaptor::{Adaptor, HashTranscript};
use ecdsa_fun::fun::Scalar;
use ecdsa_fun::nonce::Deterministic;
use ecdsa_fun::Signature;
use miniscript::{Descriptor, DescriptorTrait};
use sha2::Sha256;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BtcRedeem {
inner: Transaction,
digest: SigHash,
lock_output_descriptor: Descriptor<::bitcoin::PublicKey>,
watch_script: Script,
impl BtcRedeem {
pub fn new(tx_lock: &BtcLock, redeem_address: &Address) -> Self {
// lock_input is the shared output that is now being used as an input for the
// redeem transaction
let tx_redeem = tx_lock.build_spend_transaction(redeem_address, None);
let digest = SigHashCache::new(&tx_redeem).signature_hash(
0, // Only one input: lock_input (lock transaction)
Self {
inner: tx_redeem,
lock_output_descriptor: tx_lock.output_descriptor.clone(),
watch_script: redeem_address.script_pubkey(),
pub fn txid(&self) -> Txid {
pub fn as_outpoint(&self) -> OutPoint {
// This is fine because a transaction that has that many outputs is not
// realistic
OutPoint::new(self.txid(), self.lock_output_vout() as u32)
/// Retreive the index of the locked output in the transaction outputs
/// vector
fn lock_output_vout(&self) -> usize {
.position(|output| output.script_pubkey == self.output_descriptor.script_pubkey())
.expect("transaction contains lock output")
pub fn digest(&self) -> SigHash {
pub fn encsig(
b: SecretKey,
S_a_bitcoin: PublicKey,
) -> crate::bitcoin::EncryptedSignature {
b.encsign(S_a_bitcoin, self.digest())
pub fn complete(
mut self,
a: SecretKey,
s_a: Scalar,
B: PublicKey,
encrypted_signature: EncryptedSignature,
) -> Result<Transaction> {
.context("Invalid encrypted signature received")?;
let sig_a = a.sign(self.digest());
let adaptor = Adaptor::<HashTranscript<Sha256>, Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
let sig_b = adaptor.decrypt_signature(&s_a, encrypted_signature);
let satisfier = {
let mut satisfier = HashMap::with_capacity(2);
let A = ::bitcoin::PublicKey {
compressed: true,
key: a.public.into(),
let B = ::bitcoin::PublicKey {
compressed: true,
key: B.0.into(),
// The order in which these are inserted doesn't matter
satisfier.insert(A, (sig_a.into(), ::bitcoin::SigHashType::All));
satisfier.insert(B, (sig_b.into(), ::bitcoin::SigHashType::All));
.satisfy(&mut self.inner.input[0], satisfier)
.context("Failed to sign Bitcoin redeem transaction")?;
pub fn extract_signature_by_key(
candidate_transaction: Transaction,
B: PublicKey,
) -> Result<Signature> {
let input = match candidate_transaction.input.as_slice() {
[input] => input,
[] => bail!("no inputs"),
[inputs @ ..] => bail!("too many inputs"),
let sigs = match input
.map(|vec| vec.as_slice())
[sig_1, sig_2, _script] => [sig_1, sig_2]
.map(|sig| {
bitcoin::secp256k1::Signature::from_der(&sig[..sig.len() - 1])
.collect::<std::result::Result<Vec<_>, _>>(),
[] => bail!("empty witness stack"),
[witnesses @ ..] => bail!("not three witnesses"),
let sig = sigs
.find(|sig| verify_sig(&B, &self.digest(), &sig).is_ok())
.context("Neither signature on witness stack verifies against B")?;
// pub fn build_transaction(
// &self,
// a: SecretKey,
// s_a: Scalar,
// B: PublicKey,
// encsig: EncryptedSignature,
// ) -> Transaction {
// let signed_tx_redeem = self.complete(a, s_a, B, encsig)?;
// signed_tx_redeem
// }
pub fn build_take_transaction(
spend_address: &Address,
sequence: Option<u32>,
) -> Transaction {
let previous_output = self.as_outpoint();
let tx_in = TxIn {
script_sig: Default::default(),
sequence: sequence.unwrap_or(0xFFFF_FFFF),
witness: Vec::new(),
let tx_out = TxOut {
value: self.inner.clone().extract_tx().output[self.lock_output_vout()].value - TX_FEE,
script_pubkey: spend_address.script_pubkey(),
Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: vec![tx_in],
output: vec![tx_out],
impl Watchable for BtcRedeem {
fn id(&self) -> Txid {
fn script(&self) -> Script {