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use anyhow::Result;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use crate::bitcoin::EncryptedSignature;
use crate::monero::{Scalar, TransferProof, TransferRequest};
use crate::monero_ext::ScalarExt;
use crate::xmr_first_protocol::transactions::btc_lock::BtcLock;
use crate::xmr_first_protocol::transactions::btc_redeem::BtcRedeem;
// start
pub struct Alice3 {
pub xmr_swap_amount: crate::monero::Amount,
pub btc_swap_amount: crate::bitcoin::Amount,
// pub adaptor_sig: AdaptorSignature,
// adaptor
// pub r_a: Scalar,
pub a: crate::bitcoin::SecretKey,
pub B: crate::bitcoin::PublicKey,
pub s_a: Scalar,
pub S_b_monero: crate::monero::PublicKey,
pub v_a: crate::monero::PrivateViewKey,
pub redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
// published xmr_lock, watching for btc_lock
pub struct Alice4 {
pub a: crate::bitcoin::SecretKey,
pub B: crate::bitcoin::PublicKey,
// pub r_a: Scalar,
pub s_a: Scalar,
btc_swap_amount: crate::bitcoin::Amount,
pub transfer_proof: TransferProof,
pub redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
// pub adaptor_sig: AdaptorSignature,
// published seen btc_lock, published btc_redeem
pub struct Alice5 {
pub a: crate::bitcoin::SecretKey,
pub B: crate::bitcoin::PublicKey,
// pub r_a: Scalar,
pub s_a: Scalar,
pub redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
btc_swap_amount: crate::bitcoin::Amount,
impl Alice3 {
pub fn new(
S_b_monero: crate::monero::PublicKey,
B: crate::bitcoin::PublicKey,
xmr_swap_amount: crate::monero::Amount,
btc_swap_amount: crate::bitcoin::Amount,
redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
) -> Self {
Self {
// r_a: Default::default(),
a: crate::bitcoin::SecretKey::new_random(&mut OsRng),
s_a: Scalar::random(&mut OsRng),
v_a: crate::monero::PrivateViewKey::new_random(&mut OsRng),
pub async fn publish_xmr_lock(&self, wallet: &crate::monero::Wallet) -> Result<Alice4> {
let S_a = monero::PublicKey::from_private_key(&monero::PrivateKey { scalar: self.s_a });
let public_spend_key = S_a + self.S_b_monero;
let public_view_key = self.v_a.public();
let req = TransferRequest {
amount: self.xmr_swap_amount,
// we may have to send this to Bob
let transfer_proof = wallet.transfer(req).await?;
Ok(Alice4 {
a: self.a.clone(),
B: self.B,
// r_a: Default::default(),
s_a: self.s_a,
btc_swap_amount: self.btc_swap_amount,
// adaptor_sig: self.adaptor_sig.clone(),
redeem_address: self.redeem_address.clone(),
// pub async fn publish_xmr_refund(&self, refund_xmr: XmrRefund) -> Result<()> {
// let sig = refund_xmr.adaptor.adapt(self.r_a);
// todo!("sig");
// Ok(())
// }
impl Alice4 {
pub async fn watch_for_btc_lock(&self, wallet: &crate::bitcoin::Wallet) -> Result<Alice5> {
let btc_lock = BtcLock::new(wallet, self.btc_swap_amount, self.a.public(), self.B).await?;
let btc_lock_watcher = wallet.subscribe_to(btc_lock).await;
Ok(Alice5 {
a: self.a.clone(),
B: self.B,
// r_a: Default::default(),
s_a: self.s_a,
redeem_address: self.redeem_address.clone(),
btc_swap_amount: self.btc_swap_amount,
impl Alice5 {
pub async fn publish_btc_redeem(
wallet: &crate::bitcoin::Wallet,
encsig: EncryptedSignature,
) -> Result<()> {
let tx_lock = BtcLock::new(wallet, self.btc_swap_amount, self.a.public(), self.B).await?;
let tx_redeem = BtcRedeem::new(&tx_lock, &self.redeem_address);
let signed_tx_redeem =
tx_redeem.complete(self.a.clone(), self.s_a.to_secpfun_scalar(), self.B, encsig)?;
let (txid, sub) = wallet.broadcast(signed_tx_redeem, "lock").await?;
let _ = sub.wait_until_confirmed_with(1).await?;