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use crate::bitcoin::EncryptedSignature;
use crate::network::quote::BidQuote;
use crate::network::{spot_price, transport, TokioExecutor};
use crate::protocol::alice::TransferProof;
use crate::protocol::bob::{Behaviour, OutEvent, State0, State2};
use crate::{bitcoin, monero};
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use futures::FutureExt;
use libp2p::core::Multiaddr;
use libp2p::PeerId;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use tracing::{debug, error, trace};
pub struct Channels<T> {
sender: Sender<T>,
receiver: Receiver<T>,
impl<T> Channels<T> {
pub fn new() -> Channels<T> {
let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(100);
Channels { sender, receiver }
impl<T> Default for Channels<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
pub struct EventLoopHandle {
start_execution_setup: Sender<State0>,
done_execution_setup: Receiver<Result<State2>>,
recv_transfer_proof: Receiver<TransferProof>,
conn_established: Receiver<PeerId>,
dial_alice: Sender<()>,
send_encrypted_signature: Sender<EncryptedSignature>,
request_spot_price: Sender<spot_price::Request>,
recv_spot_price: Receiver<spot_price::Response>,
request_quote: Sender<()>,
recv_quote: Receiver<BidQuote>,
impl EventLoopHandle {
pub async fn execution_setup(&mut self, state0: State0) -> Result<State2> {
let _ = self.start_execution_setup.send(state0).await?;
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to setup execution with Alice"))?
pub async fn recv_transfer_proof(&mut self) -> Result<TransferProof> {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to receive transfer proof from Alice"))
/// Dials other party and wait for the connection to be established.
/// Do nothing if we are already connected
pub async fn dial(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let _ = self.dial_alice.send(()).await?;
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to receive connection established from Alice"))?;
pub async fn request_spot_price(&mut self, btc: bitcoin::Amount) -> Result<monero::Amount> {
let _ = self
.send(spot_price::Request { btc })
let response = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to receive spot price from Alice"))?;
pub async fn request_quote(&mut self) -> Result<BidQuote> {
let _ = self.request_quote.send(()).await?;
let quote = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to receive quote from Alice"))?;
pub async fn send_encrypted_signature(
&mut self,
tx_redeem_encsig: EncryptedSignature,
) -> Result<()> {
pub struct EventLoop {
swarm: libp2p::Swarm<Behaviour>,
bitcoin_wallet: Arc<bitcoin::Wallet>,
alice_peer_id: PeerId,
request_spot_price: Receiver<spot_price::Request>,
recv_spot_price: Sender<spot_price::Response>,
start_execution_setup: Receiver<State0>,
done_execution_setup: Sender<Result<State2>>,
recv_transfer_proof: Sender<TransferProof>,
dial_alice: Receiver<()>,
conn_established: Sender<PeerId>,
send_encrypted_signature: Receiver<EncryptedSignature>,
request_quote: Receiver<()>,
recv_quote: Sender<BidQuote>,
impl EventLoop {
pub fn new(
identity: &libp2p::core::identity::Keypair,
alice_peer_id: PeerId,
alice_addr: Multiaddr,
bitcoin_wallet: Arc<bitcoin::Wallet>,
) -> Result<(Self, EventLoopHandle)> {
let behaviour = Behaviour::default();
let transport = transport::build(identity)?;
let mut swarm = libp2p::swarm::SwarmBuilder::new(
.executor(Box::new(TokioExecutor {
handle: tokio::runtime::Handle::current(),
swarm.add_address(alice_peer_id, alice_addr);
let start_execution_setup = Channels::new();
let done_execution_setup = Channels::new();
let recv_transfer_proof = Channels::new();
let dial_alice = Channels::new();
let conn_established = Channels::new();
let send_encrypted_signature = Channels::new();
let request_spot_price = Channels::new();
let recv_spot_price = Channels::new();
let request_quote = Channels::new();
let recv_quote = Channels::new();
let event_loop = EventLoop {
start_execution_setup: start_execution_setup.receiver,
done_execution_setup: done_execution_setup.sender,
recv_transfer_proof: recv_transfer_proof.sender,
conn_established: conn_established.sender,
dial_alice: dial_alice.receiver,
send_encrypted_signature: send_encrypted_signature.receiver,
request_spot_price: request_spot_price.receiver,
recv_spot_price: recv_spot_price.sender,
request_quote: request_quote.receiver,
recv_quote: recv_quote.sender,
let handle = EventLoopHandle {
start_execution_setup: start_execution_setup.sender,
done_execution_setup: done_execution_setup.receiver,
recv_transfer_proof: recv_transfer_proof.receiver,
conn_established: conn_established.receiver,
dial_alice: dial_alice.sender,
send_encrypted_signature: send_encrypted_signature.sender,
request_spot_price: request_spot_price.sender,
recv_spot_price: recv_spot_price.receiver,
request_quote: request_quote.sender,
recv_quote: recv_quote.receiver,
Ok((event_loop, handle))
pub async fn run(mut self) -> Result<Infallible> {
loop {
tokio::select! {
swarm_event = => {
match swarm_event {
OutEvent::ConnectionEstablished(peer_id) => {
let _ = self.conn_established.send(peer_id).await;
OutEvent::SpotPriceReceived(msg) => {
let _ = self.recv_spot_price.send(msg).await;
OutEvent::QuoteReceived(msg) => {
let _ = self.recv_quote.send(msg).await;
OutEvent::ExecutionSetupDone(res) => {
let _ = self.done_execution_setup.send(|state|*state)).await;
OutEvent::TransferProof{ msg, channel }=> {
let _ = self.recv_transfer_proof.send(*msg).await;
// Send back empty response so that the request/response protocol completes.
if let Err(error) = self.swarm.transfer_proof.send_ack(channel) {
error!("Failed to send Transfer Proof ack: {:?}", error);
OutEvent::EncryptedSignatureAcknowledged => {
debug!("Alice acknowledged encrypted signature");
OutEvent::ResponseSent => {}
OutEvent::CommunicationError(err) => {
bail!("Communication error: {:#}", err)
option = self.dial_alice.recv().fuse() => {
if option.is_some() {
let peer_id = self.alice_peer_id;
if {
trace!("Already connected to Alice at {}", peer_id);
let _ = self.conn_established.send(peer_id).await;
} else {
debug!("Dialing alice at {}", peer_id);
libp2p::Swarm::dial(&mut self.swarm, &peer_id).context("Failed to dial alice")?;
spot_price_request = self.request_spot_price.recv().fuse() => {
if let Some(request) = spot_price_request {
self.swarm.request_spot_price(self.alice_peer_id, request);
quote_request = self.request_quote.recv().fuse() => {
if quote_request.is_some() {
option = self.start_execution_setup.recv().fuse() => {
if let Some(state0) = option {
let _ = self
.start_execution_setup(self.alice_peer_id, state0, self.bitcoin_wallet.clone());
encrypted_signature = self.send_encrypted_signature.recv().fuse() => {
if let Some(tx_redeem_encsig) = encrypted_signature {
self.swarm.send_encrypted_signature(self.alice_peer_id, tx_redeem_encsig);