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use proptest::prelude::*;
pub mod ecdsa_fun {
use super::*;
use ::ecdsa_fun::fun::marker::{Mark, NonZero, Normal};
use ::ecdsa_fun::fun::{Point, Scalar, G};
pub fn point() -> impl Strategy<Value = Point> {
scalar().prop_map(|mut scalar| Point::from_scalar_mul(G, &mut scalar).mark::<Normal>())
pub fn scalar() -> impl Strategy<Value = Scalar> {
prop::array::uniform32(0..255u8).prop_filter_map("generated the 0 element", |bytes| {
pub mod bitcoin {
use super::*;
use ::bitcoin::util::bip32::ExtendedPrivKey;
use ::bitcoin::Network;
pub fn extended_priv_key() -> impl Strategy<Value = ExtendedPrivKey> {
prop::array::uniform8(0..255u8).prop_filter_map("invalid secret key generated", |bytes| {
ExtendedPrivKey::new_master(Network::Regtest, &bytes).ok()