use crate::asb::{Behaviour, OutEvent, Rate}; use crate::monero::Amount; use crate::network::quote::BidQuote; use crate::network::swap_setup::alice::WalletSnapshot; use crate::network::transfer_proof; use crate::protocol::alice::{AliceState, State3, Swap}; use crate::protocol::{Database, State}; use crate::{bitcoin, env, kraken, monero}; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use futures::future; use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt}; use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}; use libp2p::request_response::{RequestId, ResponseChannel}; use libp2p::swarm::SwarmEvent; use libp2p::{PeerId, Swarm}; use rust_decimal::Decimal; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::{Infallible, TryInto}; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use uuid::Uuid; /// A future that resolves to a tuple of `PeerId`, `transfer_proof::Request` and /// `Responder`. /// /// When this future resolves, the `transfer_proof::Request` shall be sent to /// the peer identified by the `PeerId`. Once the request has been acknowledged /// by the peer, i.e. a `()` response has been received, the `Responder` shall /// be used to let the original sender know about the successful transfer. type OutgoingTransferProof = BoxFuture<'static, Result<(PeerId, transfer_proof::Request, bmrng::Responder<()>)>>; #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] pub struct EventLoop where LR: LatestRate + Send + 'static + Debug + Clone, { swarm: libp2p::Swarm>, env_config: env::Config, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, monero_wallet: Arc, db: Arc, latest_rate: LR, min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, swap_sender: mpsc::Sender, /// Stores incoming [`EncryptedSignature`]s per swap. recv_encrypted_signature: HashMap>, inflight_encrypted_signatures: FuturesUnordered>>, send_transfer_proof: FuturesUnordered, /// Tracks [`transfer_proof::Request`]s which could not yet be sent because /// we are currently disconnected from the peer. buffered_transfer_proofs: HashMap)>>, /// Tracks [`transfer_proof::Request`]s which are currently inflight and /// awaiting an acknowledgement. inflight_transfer_proofs: HashMap>, } impl EventLoop where LR: LatestRate + Send + 'static + Debug + Clone, { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn new( swarm: Swarm>, env_config: env::Config, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, monero_wallet: Arc, db: Arc, latest_rate: LR, min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, ) -> Result<(Self, mpsc::Receiver)> { let swap_channel = MpscChannels::default(); let event_loop = EventLoop { swarm, env_config, bitcoin_wallet, monero_wallet, db, latest_rate, swap_sender: swap_channel.sender, min_buy, max_buy, recv_encrypted_signature: Default::default(), inflight_encrypted_signatures: Default::default(), send_transfer_proof: Default::default(), buffered_transfer_proofs: Default::default(), inflight_transfer_proofs: Default::default(), }; Ok((event_loop, swap_channel.receiver)) } pub fn peer_id(&self) -> PeerId { *Swarm::local_peer_id(&self.swarm) } pub async fn run(mut self) { // ensure that these streams are NEVER empty, otherwise it will // terminate forever. self.send_transfer_proof.push(future::pending().boxed()); self.inflight_encrypted_signatures .push(future::pending().boxed()); let swaps = match self.db.all().await { Ok(swaps) => swaps, Err(e) => { tracing::error!("Failed to load swaps from database: {}", e); return; } }; let unfinished_swaps = swaps .into_iter() .filter(|(_swap_id, state)| !state.swap_finished()) .collect::>(); for (swap_id, state) in unfinished_swaps { let peer_id = match self.db.get_peer_id(swap_id).await { Ok(peer_id) => peer_id, Err(_) => { tracing::warn!(%swap_id, "Resuming swap skipped because no peer-id found for swap in database"); continue; } }; let handle = self.new_handle(peer_id, swap_id); let swap = Swap { event_loop_handle: handle, bitcoin_wallet: self.bitcoin_wallet.clone(), monero_wallet: self.monero_wallet.clone(), env_config: self.env_config, db: self.db.clone(), state: state.try_into().expect("Alice state loaded from db"), swap_id, }; match self.swap_sender.send(swap).await { Ok(_) => tracing::info!(%swap_id, "Resuming swap"), Err(_) => { tracing::warn!(%swap_id, "Failed to resume swap because receiver has been dropped") } } } loop { tokio::select! { swarm_event = self.swarm.select_next_some() => { match swarm_event { SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::SwapSetupInitiated { mut send_wallet_snapshot }) => { let (btc, responder) = match send_wallet_snapshot.recv().await { Ok((btc, responder)) => (btc, responder), Err(error) => { tracing::error!("Swap request will be ignored because of a failure when requesting information for the wallet snapshot: {:#}", error); continue; } }; let wallet_snapshot = match WalletSnapshot::capture(&self.bitcoin_wallet, &self.monero_wallet, btc).await { Ok(wallet_snapshot) => wallet_snapshot, Err(error) => { tracing::error!("Swap request will be ignored because we were unable to create wallet snapshot for swap: {:#}", error); continue; } }; // Ignore result, we should never hit this because the receiver will alive as long as the connection is. let _ = responder.respond(wallet_snapshot); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::SwapSetupCompleted{peer_id, swap_id, state3}) => { self.handle_execution_setup_done(peer_id, swap_id, state3).await; } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::SwapDeclined { peer, error }) => { tracing::warn!(%peer, "Ignoring spot price request: {}", error); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::QuoteRequested { channel, peer }) => { let quote = match self.make_quote(self.min_buy, self.max_buy).await { Ok(quote) => quote, Err(error) => { tracing::warn!(%peer, "Failed to make quote: {:#}", error); continue; } }; if self.swarm.behaviour_mut().quote.send_response(channel, quote).is_err() { tracing::debug!(%peer, "Failed to respond with quote"); } } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::TransferProofAcknowledged { peer, id }) => { tracing::debug!(%peer, "Bob acknowledged transfer proof"); if let Some(responder) = self.inflight_transfer_proofs.remove(&id) { let _ = responder.respond(()); } } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::EncryptedSignatureReceived{ msg, channel, peer }) => { let swap_id = msg.swap_id; let swap_peer = self.db.get_peer_id(swap_id).await; // Ensure that an incoming encrypted signature is sent by the peer-id associated with the swap let swap_peer = match swap_peer { Ok(swap_peer) => swap_peer, Err(_) => { tracing::warn!( unknown_swap_id = %swap_id, from = %peer, "Ignoring encrypted signature for unknown swap"); continue; } }; if swap_peer != peer { tracing::warn!( %swap_id, received_from = %peer, expected_from = %swap_peer, "Ignoring malicious encrypted signature which was not expected from this peer", ); continue; } let sender = match self.recv_encrypted_signature.remove(&swap_id) { Some(sender) => sender, None => { // TODO: Don't just drop encsig if we currently don't have a running swap for it, save in db tracing::warn!(%swap_id, "No sender for encrypted signature, maybe already handled?"); continue; } }; let mut responder = match sender.send(msg.tx_redeem_encsig).await { Ok(responder) => responder, Err(_) => { tracing::warn!(%swap_id, "Failed to relay encrypted signature to swap"); continue; } }; self.inflight_encrypted_signatures.push(async move { let _ = responder.recv().await; channel }.boxed()); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::Rendezvous(libp2p::rendezvous::client::Event::Registered { .. })) => { tracing::info!("Successfully registered with rendezvous node"); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::Rendezvous(libp2p::rendezvous::client::Event::RegisterFailed(error))) => { tracing::error!("Registration with rendezvous node failed: {:?}", error); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::Failure {peer, error}) => { tracing::error!( %peer, "Communication error: {:#}", error); } SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { peer_id: peer, endpoint, .. } => { tracing::debug!(%peer, address = %endpoint.get_remote_address(), "New connection established"); if let Some(transfer_proofs) = self.buffered_transfer_proofs.remove(&peer) { for (transfer_proof, responder) in transfer_proofs { tracing::debug!(%peer, "Found buffered transfer proof for peer"); let id = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().transfer_proof.send_request(&peer, transfer_proof); self.inflight_transfer_proofs.insert(id, responder); } } } SwarmEvent::IncomingConnectionError { send_back_addr: address, error, .. } => { tracing::warn!(%address, "Failed to set up connection with peer: {:#}", error); } SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { peer_id: peer, num_established, endpoint, cause: Some(error) } if num_established == 0 => { tracing::debug!(%peer, address = %endpoint.get_remote_address(), "Lost connection to peer: {:#}", error); } SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { peer_id: peer, num_established, endpoint, cause: None } if num_established == 0 => { tracing::info!(%peer, address = %endpoint.get_remote_address(), "Successfully closed connection"); } SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr{address, ..} => { tracing::info!(%address, "New listen address reported"); } _ => {} } }, next_transfer_proof = => { match next_transfer_proof { Some(Ok((peer, transfer_proof, responder))) => { if !self.swarm.behaviour_mut().transfer_proof.is_connected(&peer) { tracing::warn!(%peer, "No active connection to peer, buffering transfer proof"); self.buffered_transfer_proofs.entry(peer).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push((transfer_proof, responder)); continue; } let id = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().transfer_proof.send_request(&peer, transfer_proof); self.inflight_transfer_proofs.insert(id, responder); }, Some(Err(error)) => { tracing::debug!("A swap stopped without sending a transfer proof: {:#}", error); } None => { unreachable!("stream of transfer proof receivers must never terminate") } } } Some(response_channel) = => { let _ = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().encrypted_signature.send_response(response_channel, ()); } } } } async fn make_quote( &mut self, min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, ) -> Result { let ask_price = self .latest_rate .latest_rate() .context("Failed to get latest rate")? .ask() .context("Failed to compute asking price")?; let balance = self.monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; // use unlocked monero balance for quote let xmr = Amount::from_piconero(balance.unlocked_balance); let max_bitcoin_for_monero = xmr.max_bitcoin_for_price(ask_price).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!("Bitcoin price ({}) x Monero ({}) overflow", ask_price, xmr) })?; tracing::debug!(%ask_price, %xmr, %max_bitcoin_for_monero); if min_buy > max_bitcoin_for_monero { tracing::warn!( "Your Monero balance is too low to initiate a swap, as your minimum swap amount is {}. You could at most swap {}", min_buy, max_bitcoin_for_monero ); return Ok(BidQuote { price: ask_price, min_quantity: bitcoin::Amount::ZERO, max_quantity: bitcoin::Amount::ZERO, }); } if max_buy > max_bitcoin_for_monero { tracing::warn!( "Your Monero balance is too low to initiate a swap with the maximum swap amount {} that you have specified in your config. You can at most swap {}", max_buy, max_bitcoin_for_monero ); return Ok(BidQuote { price: ask_price, min_quantity: min_buy, max_quantity: max_bitcoin_for_monero, }); } Ok(BidQuote { price: ask_price, min_quantity: min_buy, max_quantity: max_buy, }) } async fn handle_execution_setup_done( &mut self, bob_peer_id: PeerId, swap_id: Uuid, state3: State3, ) { let handle = self.new_handle(bob_peer_id, swap_id); let initial_state = AliceState::Started { state3: Box::new(state3), }; let swap = Swap { event_loop_handle: handle, bitcoin_wallet: self.bitcoin_wallet.clone(), monero_wallet: self.monero_wallet.clone(), env_config: self.env_config, db: self.db.clone(), state: initial_state, swap_id, }; // TODO: Consider adding separate components for start/resume of swaps // swaps save peer id so we can resume match self.db.insert_peer_id(swap_id, bob_peer_id).await { Ok(_) => { if let Err(error) = self.swap_sender.send(swap).await { tracing::warn!(%swap_id, "Failed to start swap: {}", error); } } Err(error) => { tracing::warn!(%swap_id, "Unable to save peer-id in database: {}", error); } } } /// Create a new [`EventLoopHandle`] that is scoped for communication with /// the given peer. fn new_handle(&mut self, peer: PeerId, swap_id: Uuid) -> EventLoopHandle { // we deliberately don't put timeouts on these channels because the swap always // races these futures against a timelock let (transfer_proof_sender, mut transfer_proof_receiver) = bmrng::channel(1); let encrypted_signature = bmrng::channel(1); self.recv_encrypted_signature .insert(swap_id, encrypted_signature.0); self.send_transfer_proof.push( async move { let (transfer_proof, responder) = transfer_proof_receiver.recv().await?; let request = transfer_proof::Request { swap_id, tx_lock_proof: transfer_proof, }; Ok((peer, request, responder)) } .boxed(), ); EventLoopHandle { recv_encrypted_signature: Some(encrypted_signature.1), send_transfer_proof: Some(transfer_proof_sender), } } } pub trait LatestRate { type Error: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static; fn latest_rate(&mut self) -> Result; } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct FixedRate(Rate); impl FixedRate { pub const RATE: f64 = 0.01; pub fn value(&self) -> Rate { self.0 } } impl Default for FixedRate { fn default() -> Self { let ask = bitcoin::Amount::from_btc(Self::RATE).expect("Static value should never fail"); let spread = Decimal::from(0u64); Self(Rate::new(ask, spread)) } } impl LatestRate for FixedRate { type Error = Infallible; fn latest_rate(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(self.value()) } } /// Produces [`Rate`]s based on [`PriceUpdate`]s from kraken and a configured /// spread. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct KrakenRate { ask_spread: Decimal, price_updates: kraken::PriceUpdates, } impl KrakenRate { pub fn new(ask_spread: Decimal, price_updates: kraken::PriceUpdates) -> Self { Self { ask_spread, price_updates, } } } impl LatestRate for KrakenRate { type Error = kraken::Error; fn latest_rate(&mut self) -> Result { let update = self.price_updates.latest_update()?; let rate = Rate::new(update.ask, self.ask_spread); Ok(rate) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EventLoopHandle { recv_encrypted_signature: Option>, send_transfer_proof: Option>, } impl EventLoopHandle { pub async fn recv_encrypted_signature(&mut self) -> Result { let (tx_redeem_encsig, responder) = self .recv_encrypted_signature .take() .context("Encrypted signature was already received")? .recv() .await?; responder .respond(()) .context("Failed to acknowledge receipt of encrypted signature")?; Ok(tx_redeem_encsig) } pub async fn send_transfer_proof(&mut self, msg: monero::TransferProof) -> Result<()> { self.send_transfer_proof .take() .context("Transfer proof was already sent")? .send_receive(msg) .await .context("Failed to send transfer proof")?; Ok(()) } } #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] struct MpscChannels { sender: mpsc::Sender, receiver: mpsc::Receiver, } impl Default for MpscChannels { fn default() -> Self { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(100); MpscChannels { sender, receiver } } }