#![warn( unused_extern_crates, missing_copy_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::fallible_impl_from, clippy::cast_precision_loss, clippy::cast_possible_wrap, clippy::dbg_macro )] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use prettytable::{row, Table}; use std::cmp::min; use std::future::Future; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use structopt::StructOpt; use swap::bitcoin::{Amount, TxLock}; use swap::cli::command::{AliceConnectParams, Arguments, Command, Data, MoneroParams}; use swap::database::Database; use swap::env::{Config, GetConfig}; use swap::network::quote::BidQuote; use swap::network::swarm; use swap::protocol::bob; use swap::protocol::bob::{Behaviour, Builder, EventLoop}; use swap::seed::Seed; use swap::{bitcoin, env, monero}; use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn, Level}; use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber; use url::Url; use uuid::Uuid; #[macro_use] extern crate prettytable; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = Arguments::from_args(); let is_terminal = atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr); let base_subscriber = |level| { FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_writer(std::io::stderr) .with_ansi(is_terminal) .with_target(false) .with_env_filter(format!("swap={}", level)) }; if args.debug { let subscriber = base_subscriber(Level::DEBUG) .with_timer(tracing_subscriber::fmt::time::ChronoLocal::with_format( "%F %T".to_owned(), )) .finish(); tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber)?; } else { let subscriber = base_subscriber(Level::INFO) .without_time() .with_level(false) .finish(); tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber)?; } let data: Data = args.data; let data_dir = data.0; let db = Database::open(data_dir.join("database").as_path()).context("Failed to open database")?; let seed = Seed::from_file_or_generate(data_dir.as_path()).context("Failed to read in seed file")?; let env_config = env::Testnet::get_config(); match args.cmd { Command::BuyXmr { connect_params: AliceConnectParams { peer_id: alice_peer_id, multiaddr: alice_addr, }, monero_params: MoneroParams { receive_monero_address, monero_daemon_host, }, electrum_rpc_url, } => { if receive_monero_address.network != env_config.monero_network { bail!( "Given monero address is on network {:?}, expected address on network {:?}", receive_monero_address.network, env_config.monero_network ) } let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(electrum_rpc_url, &seed, data_dir.clone(), env_config).await?; let (monero_wallet, _process) = init_monero_wallet(data_dir, monero_daemon_host, env_config).await?; let bitcoin_wallet = Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet); let mut swarm = swarm::new::(&seed)?; swarm.add_address(alice_peer_id, alice_addr); let (event_loop, mut event_loop_handle) = EventLoop::new(swarm, alice_peer_id, bitcoin_wallet.clone())?; let event_loop = tokio::spawn(event_loop.run()); let send_bitcoin = determine_btc_to_swap( event_loop_handle.request_quote(), bitcoin_wallet.balance(), bitcoin_wallet.new_address(), async { while bitcoin_wallet.balance().await? == Amount::ZERO { bitcoin_wallet.sync().await?; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } bitcoin_wallet.balance().await }, bitcoin_wallet.max_giveable(TxLock::script_size()), ) .await?; let swap = Builder::new( db, Uuid::new_v4(), bitcoin_wallet.clone(), Arc::new(monero_wallet), env_config, event_loop_handle, receive_monero_address, ) .with_init_params(send_bitcoin) .build()?; tokio::select! { result = event_loop => { result .context("EventLoop panicked")? .context("EventLoop failed")?; }, result = bob::run(swap) => { result.context("Failed to complete swap")?; } } } Command::History => { let mut table = Table::new(); table.add_row(row!["SWAP ID", "STATE"]); for (swap_id, state) in db.all()? { table.add_row(row![swap_id, state]); } // Print the table to stdout table.printstd(); } Command::Resume { swap_id, connect_params: AliceConnectParams { peer_id: alice_peer_id, multiaddr: alice_addr, }, monero_params: MoneroParams { receive_monero_address, monero_daemon_host, }, electrum_rpc_url, } => { if receive_monero_address.network != env_config.monero_network { bail!("The given monero address is on network {:?}, expected address of network {:?}.", receive_monero_address.network, env_config.monero_network) } let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(electrum_rpc_url, &seed, data_dir.clone(), env_config).await?; let (monero_wallet, _process) = init_monero_wallet(data_dir, monero_daemon_host, env_config).await?; let bitcoin_wallet = Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet); let mut swarm = swarm::new::(&seed)?; swarm.add_address(alice_peer_id, alice_addr); let (event_loop, event_loop_handle) = EventLoop::new(swarm, alice_peer_id, bitcoin_wallet.clone())?; let handle = tokio::spawn(event_loop.run()); let swap = Builder::new( db, swap_id, bitcoin_wallet.clone(), Arc::new(monero_wallet), env_config, event_loop_handle, receive_monero_address, ) .build()?; tokio::select! { event_loop_result = handle => { event_loop_result??; }, swap_result = bob::run(swap) => { swap_result?; } } } Command::Cancel { swap_id, force, electrum_rpc_url, } => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(electrum_rpc_url, &seed, data_dir, env_config).await?; let resume_state = db.get_state(swap_id)?.try_into_bob()?.into(); let cancel = bob::cancel(swap_id, resume_state, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), db, force).await?; match cancel { Ok((txid, _)) => { debug!("Cancel transaction successfully published with id {}", txid) } Err(bob::cancel::Error::CancelTimelockNotExpiredYet) => error!( "The Cancel Transaction cannot be published yet, \ because the timelock has not expired. Please try again later." ), Err(bob::cancel::Error::CancelTxAlreadyPublished) => { warn!("The Cancel Transaction has already been published.") } } } Command::Refund { swap_id, force, electrum_rpc_url, } => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(electrum_rpc_url, &seed, data_dir, env_config).await?; let resume_state = db.get_state(swap_id)?.try_into_bob()?.into(); bob::refund(swap_id, resume_state, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), db, force).await??; } }; Ok(()) } async fn init_bitcoin_wallet( electrum_rpc_url: Url, seed: &Seed, data_dir: PathBuf, env_config: Config, ) -> Result { let wallet_dir = data_dir.join("wallet"); let wallet = bitcoin::Wallet::new( electrum_rpc_url.clone(), &wallet_dir, seed.derive_extended_private_key(env_config.bitcoin_network)?, env_config, ) .await .context("Failed to initialize Bitcoin wallet")?; wallet.sync().await?; Ok(wallet) } async fn init_monero_wallet( data_dir: PathBuf, monero_daemon_host: String, env_config: Config, ) -> Result<(monero::Wallet, monero::WalletRpcProcess)> { let network = env_config.monero_network; const MONERO_BLOCKCHAIN_MONITORING_WALLET_NAME: &str = "swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet"; let monero_wallet_rpc = monero::WalletRpc::new(data_dir.join("monero")).await?; let monero_wallet_rpc_process = monero_wallet_rpc .run(network, monero_daemon_host.as_str()) .await?; let monero_wallet = monero::Wallet::open_or_create( monero_wallet_rpc_process.endpoint(), MONERO_BLOCKCHAIN_MONITORING_WALLET_NAME.to_string(), env_config, ) .await?; Ok((monero_wallet, monero_wallet_rpc_process)) } async fn determine_btc_to_swap( request_quote: impl Future>, initial_balance: impl Future>, get_new_address: impl Future>, wait_for_deposit: impl Future>, max_giveable: impl Future>, ) -> Result { debug!("Requesting quote"); let bid_quote = request_quote.await?; info!("Received quote: 1 XMR ~ {}", bid_quote.price); // TODO: Also wait for more funds if balance < dust let initial_balance = initial_balance.await?; let balance = if initial_balance == Amount::ZERO { info!( "Please deposit the BTC you want to swap to {} (max {})", get_new_address.await?, bid_quote.max_quantity ); let new_balance = wait_for_deposit .await .context("Failed to wait for Bitcoin deposit")?; info!("Received {}", new_balance); new_balance } else { info!("Found {} in wallet", initial_balance); initial_balance }; let max_giveable = max_giveable .await .context("Failed to compute max 'giveable' Bitcoin amount")?; let fees = balance - max_giveable; let max_accepted = bid_quote.max_quantity; let btc_swap_amount = min(max_giveable, max_accepted); info!("Swapping {} with {} fees", btc_swap_amount, fees); Ok(btc_swap_amount) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::determine_btc_to_swap; use ::bitcoin::Amount; use tracing::subscriber; #[tokio::test] async fn given_no_balance_and_transfers_less_than_max_swaps_max_giveable() { let _guard = subscriber::set_default(tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_test_writer().finish()); let amount = determine_btc_to_swap( async { Ok(quote_with_max(0.01)) }, async { Ok(Amount::ZERO) }, get_dummy_address(), async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.0001)?) }, async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.00009)?) }, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(amount, Amount::from_btc(0.00009).unwrap()) } #[tokio::test] async fn given_no_balance_and_transfers_more_then_swaps_max_quantity_from_quote() { let _guard = subscriber::set_default(tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_test_writer().finish()); let amount = determine_btc_to_swap( async { Ok(quote_with_max(0.01)) }, async { Ok(Amount::ZERO) }, get_dummy_address(), async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.1)?) }, async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.09)?) }, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(amount, Amount::from_btc(0.01).unwrap()) } #[tokio::test] async fn given_initial_balance_below_max_quantity_swaps_max_givable() { let _guard = subscriber::set_default(tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_test_writer().finish()); let amount = determine_btc_to_swap( async { Ok(quote_with_max(0.01)) }, async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.005)?) }, async { panic!("should not request new address when initial balance is > 0") }, async { panic!("should not wait for deposit when initial balance > 0") }, async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.0049)?) }, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(amount, Amount::from_btc(0.0049).unwrap()) } #[tokio::test] async fn given_initial_balance_above_max_quantity_swaps_max_quantity() { let _guard = subscriber::set_default(tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_test_writer().finish()); let amount = determine_btc_to_swap( async { Ok(quote_with_max(0.01)) }, async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.1)?) }, async { panic!("should not request new address when initial balance is > 0") }, async { panic!("should not wait for deposit when initial balance > 0") }, async { Ok(Amount::from_btc(0.09)?) }, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(amount, Amount::from_btc(0.01).unwrap()) } fn quote_with_max(btc: f64) -> BidQuote { BidQuote { price: Amount::from_btc(0.001).unwrap(), max_quantity: Amount::from_btc(btc).unwrap(), } } async fn get_dummy_address() -> Result { Ok("1PdfytjS7C8wwd9Lq5o4x9aXA2YRqaCpH6".parse()?) } }