# XMR to BTC Atomic Swap This repository hosts an MVP for atomically swapping BTC to XMR. It implements the protocol described in section 3 of [this](https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.12332) paper. More information about the protocol in this [presentation](https://youtu.be/Jj8rd4WOEy0) and this [blog post](https://comit.network/blog/2020/10/06/monero-bitcoin). Currently, swaps are only offered in one direction with the `swap` CLI on the buying side (send BTC, receive XMR). We are working on implementing a protocol where XMR moves first, but are currently blocked by advances on Monero itself. You can read [this blogpost](https://comit.network/blog/2021/07/02/transaction-presigning) for more information. ## Quick Start 1. Download the [latest `swap` binary release](https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/releases/latest) for your operating system. 2. Find a seller to swap with: ```shell ./swap --testnet list-sellers ``` 3. Swap with a seller: ```shell ./swap --testnet buy-xmr --receive-address --change-address --seller ``` For more detailed documentation on the CLI, see [this README](./docs/cli/README.md). ## Becoming a Market Maker Swapping of course needs two parties - and the CLI is only one of them: The taker that occasionally starts a swap with a market maker. If you are interested in becoming a market maker you will want to run the second binary provided in this repository: `asb` - the Automated Swap Backend. Detailed documentation for the `asb` can be found [in this README](./docs/asb/README.md). ## Contact Feel free to reach out to us in the [COMIT-Monero Matrix channel](https://matrix.to/#/#comit-monero:matrix.org).