use crate::asb::LatestRate; use crate::network::swap_setup; use crate::network::swap_setup::{ protocol, BlockchainNetwork, SpotPriceError, SpotPriceRequest, SpotPriceResponse, }; use crate::protocol::alice::{State0, State3}; use crate::protocol::{Message0, Message2, Message4}; use crate::{asb, bitcoin, env, monero}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use futures::future::{BoxFuture, OptionFuture}; use futures::{AsyncWriteExt, FutureExt}; use libp2p::core::connection::ConnectionId; use libp2p::core::upgrade; use libp2p::swarm::{ KeepAlive, NegotiatedSubstream, NetworkBehaviour, NetworkBehaviourAction, PollParameters, ProtocolsHandler, ProtocolsHandlerEvent, ProtocolsHandlerUpgrErr, SubstreamProtocol, }; use libp2p::{Multiaddr, PeerId}; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::task::Poll; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use uuid::Uuid; use void::Void; #[derive(Debug)] #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] pub enum OutEvent { Initiated { send_wallet_snapshot: bmrng::RequestReceiver, }, Completed { peer_id: PeerId, swap_id: Uuid, state3: State3, }, Error { peer_id: PeerId, error: anyhow::Error, }, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WalletSnapshot { balance: monero::Amount, lock_fee: monero::Amount, // TODO: Consider using the same address for punish and redeem (they are mutually exclusive, so // effectively the address will only be used once) redeem_address: bitcoin::Address, punish_address: bitcoin::Address, redeem_fee: bitcoin::Amount, punish_fee: bitcoin::Amount, } impl WalletSnapshot { pub async fn capture( bitcoin_wallet: &bitcoin::Wallet, monero_wallet: &monero::Wallet, transfer_amount: bitcoin::Amount, ) -> Result { let balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; let redeem_address = bitcoin_wallet.new_address().await?; let punish_address = bitcoin_wallet.new_address().await?; let redeem_fee = bitcoin_wallet .estimate_fee(bitcoin::TxRedeem::weight(), transfer_amount) .await?; let punish_fee = bitcoin_wallet .estimate_fee(bitcoin::TxPunish::weight(), transfer_amount) .await?; Ok(Self { balance, lock_fee: monero::MONERO_FEE, redeem_address, punish_address, redeem_fee, punish_fee, }) } } impl From for asb::OutEvent { fn from(event: OutEvent) -> Self { match event { OutEvent::Initiated { send_wallet_snapshot, } => asb::OutEvent::SwapSetupInitiated { send_wallet_snapshot, }, OutEvent::Completed { peer_id: bob_peer_id, swap_id, state3, } => asb::OutEvent::SwapSetupCompleted { peer_id: bob_peer_id, swap_id, state3: Box::new(state3), }, OutEvent::Error { peer_id, error } => asb::OutEvent::Failure { peer: peer_id, error: anyhow!(error), }, } } } #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] pub struct Behaviour { events: VecDeque, min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, env_config: env::Config, latest_rate: LR, resume_only: bool, } impl Behaviour { pub fn new( min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, env_config: env::Config, latest_rate: LR, resume_only: bool, ) -> Self { Self { events: Default::default(), min_buy, max_buy, env_config, latest_rate, resume_only, } } } impl NetworkBehaviour for Behaviour where LR: LatestRate + Send + 'static + Clone, { type ProtocolsHandler = Handler; type OutEvent = OutEvent; fn new_handler(&mut self) -> Self::ProtocolsHandler { Handler::new( self.min_buy, self.max_buy, self.env_config, self.latest_rate.clone(), self.resume_only, ) } fn addresses_of_peer(&mut self, _: &PeerId) -> Vec { Vec::new() } fn inject_connected(&mut self, _: &PeerId) {} fn inject_disconnected(&mut self, _: &PeerId) {} fn inject_event(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId, _: ConnectionId, event: HandlerOutEvent) { match event { HandlerOutEvent::Initiated(send_wallet_snapshot) => { { send_wallet_snapshot, }) } HandlerOutEvent::Completed(Ok((swap_id, state3))) => { { peer_id, swap_id, state3, }) } HandlerOutEvent::Completed(Err(error)) => { { peer_id, error }) } } } fn poll( &mut self, _cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, _params: &mut impl PollParameters, ) -> Poll> { if let Some(event) = { return Poll::Ready(NetworkBehaviourAction::GenerateEvent(event)); } Poll::Pending } } type InboundStream = BoxFuture<'static, Result<(Uuid, State3)>>; pub struct Handler { inbound_stream: OptionFuture, events: VecDeque, min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, env_config: env::Config, latest_rate: LR, resume_only: bool, timeout: Duration, keep_alive: KeepAlive, } impl Handler { fn new( min_buy: bitcoin::Amount, max_buy: bitcoin::Amount, env_config: env::Config, latest_rate: LR, resume_only: bool, ) -> Self { Self { inbound_stream: OptionFuture::from(None), events: Default::default(), min_buy, max_buy, env_config, latest_rate, resume_only, timeout: Duration::from_secs(120), keep_alive: KeepAlive::Until(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(10)), } } } #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] pub enum HandlerOutEvent { Initiated(bmrng::RequestReceiver), Completed(Result<(Uuid, State3)>), } impl ProtocolsHandler for Handler where LR: LatestRate + Send + 'static, { type InEvent = (); type OutEvent = HandlerOutEvent; type Error = Error; type InboundProtocol = protocol::SwapSetup; type OutboundProtocol = upgrade::DeniedUpgrade; type InboundOpenInfo = (); type OutboundOpenInfo = (); fn listen_protocol(&self) -> SubstreamProtocol { SubstreamProtocol::new(protocol::new(), ()) } fn inject_fully_negotiated_inbound( &mut self, mut substream: NegotiatedSubstream, _: Self::InboundOpenInfo, ) { self.keep_alive = KeepAlive::Yes; let (sender, receiver) = bmrng::channel_with_timeout::( 1, Duration::from_secs(5), ); let resume_only = self.resume_only; let min_buy = self.min_buy; let max_buy = self.max_buy; let latest_rate = self.latest_rate.latest_rate(); let env_config = self.env_config; let protocol = tokio::time::timeout(self.timeout, async move { let request = swap_setup::read_cbor_message::(&mut substream) .await .context("Failed to read spot price request")?; let wallet_snapshot = sender .send_receive(request.btc) .await .context("Failed to receive wallet snapshot")?; // wrap all of these into another future so we can `return` from all the // different blocks let validate = async { if resume_only { return Err(Error::ResumeOnlyMode); }; let blockchain_network = BlockchainNetwork { bitcoin: env_config.bitcoin_network, monero: env_config.monero_network, }; if request.blockchain_network != blockchain_network { return Err(Error::BlockchainNetworkMismatch { cli: request.blockchain_network, asb: blockchain_network, }); } let btc = request.btc; if btc < min_buy { return Err(Error::AmountBelowMinimum { min: min_buy, buy: btc, }); } if btc > max_buy { return Err(Error::AmountAboveMaximum { max: max_buy, buy: btc, }); } let rate = latest_rate.map_err(|e| Error::LatestRateFetchFailed(Box::new(e)))?; let xmr = rate .sell_quote(btc) .map_err(Error::SellQuoteCalculationFailed)?; if wallet_snapshot.balance < xmr + wallet_snapshot.lock_fee { return Err(Error::BalanceTooLow { balance: wallet_snapshot.balance, buy: btc, }); } Ok(xmr) }; let result = validate.await; swap_setup::write_cbor_message( &mut substream, SpotPriceResponse::from_result_ref(&result), ) .await .context("Failed to write spot price response")?; let xmr = result?; let state0 = State0::new( request.btc, xmr, env_config, wallet_snapshot.redeem_address, wallet_snapshot.punish_address, wallet_snapshot.redeem_fee, wallet_snapshot.punish_fee, &mut rand::thread_rng(), ); let message0 = swap_setup::read_cbor_message::(&mut substream) .await .context("Failed to read message0")?; let (swap_id, state1) = state0 .receive(message0) .context("Failed to transition state0 -> state1 using message0")?; swap_setup::write_cbor_message(&mut substream, state1.next_message()) .await .context("Failed to send message1")?; let message2 = swap_setup::read_cbor_message::(&mut substream) .await .context("Failed to read message2")?; let state2 = state1 .receive(message2) .context("Failed to transition state1 -> state2 using message2")?; swap_setup::write_cbor_message(&mut substream, state2.next_message()) .await .context("Failed to send message3")?; let message4 = swap_setup::read_cbor_message::(&mut substream) .await .context("Failed to read message4")?; let state3 = state2 .receive(message4) .context("Failed to transition state2 -> state3 using message4")?; substream .flush() .await .context("Failed to flush substream after all messages were sent")?; substream .close() .await .context("Failed to close substream after all messages were sent")?; Ok((swap_id, state3)) }); let max_seconds = self.timeout.as_secs(); self.inbound_stream = OptionFuture::from(Some( async move { protocol.await.with_context(|| { format!("Failed to complete execution setup within {}s", max_seconds) })? } .boxed(), ));; } fn inject_fully_negotiated_outbound(&mut self, _: Void, _: Self::OutboundOpenInfo) { unreachable!("Alice does not support outbound in the handler") } fn inject_event(&mut self, _: Self::InEvent) { unreachable!("Alice does not receive events from the Behaviour in the handler") } fn inject_dial_upgrade_error( &mut self, _: Self::OutboundOpenInfo, _: ProtocolsHandlerUpgrErr, ) { unreachable!("Alice does not dial") } fn connection_keep_alive(&self) -> KeepAlive { self.keep_alive } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn poll( &mut self, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> Poll< ProtocolsHandlerEvent< Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::OutboundOpenInfo, Self::OutEvent, Self::Error, >, > { if let Some(event) = { return Poll::Ready(ProtocolsHandlerEvent::Custom(event)); } if let Some(result) = futures::ready!(self.inbound_stream.poll_unpin(cx)) { self.inbound_stream = OptionFuture::from(None); return Poll::Ready(ProtocolsHandlerEvent::Custom(HandlerOutEvent::Completed( result, ))); } Poll::Pending } } impl SpotPriceResponse { pub fn from_result_ref(result: &Result) -> Self { match result { Ok(amount) => SpotPriceResponse::Xmr(*amount), Err(error) => SpotPriceResponse::Error(error.to_error_response()), } } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum Error { #[error("ASB is running in resume-only mode")] ResumeOnlyMode, #[error("Amount {buy} below minimum {min}")] AmountBelowMinimum { min: bitcoin::Amount, buy: bitcoin::Amount, }, #[error("Amount {buy} above maximum {max}")] AmountAboveMaximum { max: bitcoin::Amount, buy: bitcoin::Amount, }, #[error("Balance {balance} too low to fulfill swapping {buy}")] BalanceTooLow { balance: monero::Amount, buy: bitcoin::Amount, }, #[error("Failed to fetch latest rate")] LatestRateFetchFailed(#[source] Box), #[error("Failed to calculate quote")] SellQuoteCalculationFailed(#[source] anyhow::Error), #[error("Blockchain networks did not match, we are on {asb:?}, but request from {cli:?}")] BlockchainNetworkMismatch { cli: BlockchainNetwork, asb: BlockchainNetwork, }, } impl Error { pub fn to_error_response(&self) -> SpotPriceError { match self { Error::ResumeOnlyMode => SpotPriceError::NoSwapsAccepted, Error::AmountBelowMinimum { min, buy } => SpotPriceError::AmountBelowMinimum { min: *min, buy: *buy, }, Error::AmountAboveMaximum { max, buy } => SpotPriceError::AmountAboveMaximum { max: *max, buy: *buy, }, Error::BalanceTooLow { buy, .. } => SpotPriceError::BalanceTooLow { buy: *buy }, Error::BlockchainNetworkMismatch { cli, asb } => { SpotPriceError::BlockchainNetworkMismatch { cli: *cli, asb: *asb, } } Error::LatestRateFetchFailed(_) | Error::SellQuoteCalculationFailed(_) => { SpotPriceError::Other } } } }