#![warn( unused_extern_crates, missing_debug_implementations, missing_copy_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::fallible_impl_from, clippy::cast_precision_loss, clippy::cast_possible_wrap, clippy::dbg_macro )] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] use anyhow::Result; use prettytable::{row, Table}; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use std::sync::Arc; use structopt::StructOpt; use swap::{ alice, alice::swap::AliceState, bitcoin, bob, bob::swap::BobState, cli::Options, monero, network::transport::build, storage::Database, trace::init_tracing, SwapAmounts, }; use tracing::{info, log::LevelFilter}; use uuid::Uuid; use xmr_btc::{alice::State0, config::Config, cross_curve_dleq}; #[macro_use] extern crate prettytable; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { init_tracing(LevelFilter::Trace).expect("initialize tracing"); let opt = Options::from_args(); // This currently creates the directory if it's not there in the first place let db = Database::open(std::path::Path::new("./.swap-db/")).unwrap(); let config = Config::mainnet(); match opt { Options::SellXmr { bitcoind_url, bitcoin_wallet_name, monero_wallet_rpc_url, listen_addr, send_monero, receive_bitcoin, } => { info!("running swap node as Alice ..."); let bitcoin_wallet = bitcoin::Wallet::new( bitcoin_wallet_name.as_str(), bitcoind_url, config.bitcoin_network, ) .await .expect("failed to create bitcoin wallet"); let bitcoin_balance = bitcoin_wallet.balance().await?; info!( "Connection to Bitcoin wallet succeeded, balance: {}", bitcoin_balance ); let bitcoin_wallet = Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet); let monero_wallet = monero::Wallet::new(monero_wallet_rpc_url); let monero_balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; info!( "Connection to Monero wallet succeeded, balance: {}", monero_balance ); let monero_wallet = Arc::new(monero_wallet); let amounts = SwapAmounts { btc: receive_bitcoin, xmr: send_monero, }; let (alice_state, alice_behaviour) = { let rng = &mut OsRng; let a = bitcoin::SecretKey::new_random(rng); let s_a = cross_curve_dleq::Scalar::random(rng); let v_a = xmr_btc::monero::PrivateViewKey::new_random(rng); let redeem_address = bitcoin_wallet.as_ref().new_address().await.unwrap(); let punish_address = redeem_address.clone(); let state0 = State0::new( a, s_a, v_a, amounts.btc, amounts.xmr, config.bitcoin_refund_timelock, config.bitcoin_punish_timelock, redeem_address, punish_address, ); ( AliceState::Started { amounts, state0 }, alice::Behaviour::default(), ) }; let alice_peer_id = alice_behaviour.peer_id(); info!( "Alice Peer ID (to be used by Bob to dial her): {}", alice_peer_id ); let alice_transport = build(alice_behaviour.identity())?; let (mut event_loop, handle) = alice::event_loop::EventLoop::new(alice_transport, alice_behaviour, listen_addr)?; let swap_id = Uuid::new_v4(); info!( "Swap sending {} and receiving {} started with ID {}", send_monero, receive_bitcoin, swap_id ); let swap = alice::swap::swap( alice_state, handle, bitcoin_wallet.clone(), monero_wallet.clone(), config, swap_id, db, ); let _event_loop = tokio::spawn(async move { event_loop.run().await }); swap.await?; } Options::BuyXmr { alice_addr, bitcoind_url, bitcoin_wallet_name, monero_wallet_rpc_url, send_bitcoin, receive_monero, } => { info!("running swap node as Bob ..."); let bob_behaviour = bob::Behaviour::default(); let bob_transport = build(bob_behaviour.identity())?; let bitcoin_wallet = bitcoin::Wallet::new( bitcoin_wallet_name.as_str(), bitcoind_url, config.bitcoin_network, ) .await .expect("failed to create bitcoin wallet"); let bitcoin_balance = bitcoin_wallet.balance().await?; info!( "Connection to Bitcoin wallet succeeded, balance: {}", bitcoin_balance ); let bitcoin_wallet = Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet); let monero_wallet = monero::Wallet::new(monero_wallet_rpc_url); let monero_balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; info!( "Connection to Monero wallet succeeded, balance: {}", monero_balance ); let monero_wallet = Arc::new(monero_wallet); let refund_address = bitcoin_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap(); let state0 = xmr_btc::bob::State0::new( &mut OsRng, send_bitcoin, receive_monero, config.bitcoin_refund_timelock, config.bitcoin_punish_timelock, refund_address, ); let amounts = SwapAmounts { btc: send_bitcoin, xmr: receive_monero, }; let bob_state = BobState::Started { state0, amounts, addr: alice_addr, }; let (event_loop, handle) = bob::event_loop::EventLoop::new(bob_transport, bob_behaviour).unwrap(); let swap_id = Uuid::new_v4(); info!( "Swap sending {} and receiving {} started with ID {}", send_bitcoin, receive_monero, swap_id ); let swap = bob::swap::swap( bob_state, handle, db, bitcoin_wallet.clone(), monero_wallet.clone(), OsRng, swap_id, ); let _event_loop = tokio::spawn(async move { event_loop.run().await }); swap.await?; } Options::History => { let mut table = Table::new(); table.add_row(row!["SWAP ID", "STATE"]); for (swap_id, state) in db.all()? { table.add_row(row![swap_id, state]); } // Print the table to stdout table.printstd(); } Options::Resume { .. } => todo!("implement this"), } Ok(()) }